Drinks, Tears And Kisses

Start from the beginning

Though the Blood Devil's request to see their Collared Leader tiger transformation brought up a interesting topic idea for Himeno, as after taking another swing of her drink, asked her team what was their favorite monster form was, as well as sharing her own, which was "Mothra", much to Higashiyama surprise.

"I like her Mummy one, her wraps feel like warm blankets and it's how we first met!~"

And the Deviltrix host continues to be surprised when her group starts saying their favorite alien, with Denji picking "Mirra" as the one he liked the most.

"I guess her tiger transformation feels the most useful I suppose."

Even Aki named which transformation he liked, which just made his Collared Leader blush brightly in embarrassment.


Though Hayakawa picking "Kurutta" made Power very upset, as she demanded him to change his answer, though he just promptly ignored her and ate his food without a care in the world, which only made her growl in anger.

"I like her dog form."

Though before anyone can stop the horned blonde from causing more trouble, as well as continuing to make Higashiyama all shy and embarrassed when they talked about her and her transformation, a certain someone not only interrupted the commotion, but also shared their own personal favorite transformation.

"It reminds me of a few of my pets~..."

This made the entire Division group turn to face the voice and see that it was Makima herself, both entering their V.I.P room and sharing the monster she liked from the Deviltrix host, that being "Hakken", the Werewolf.

"M-Miss Makima! W-What a surprise, I d-didn't expect you to come here!"

Kobeni suddenly got all nervous and panicked, clearly wasn't prepared to see her Boss here of all places and didn't know how to handle the situation.

"No need to be so worried Kobeni, all I wanted was to come over and thank you all personally for how you handled your recent job, I hope I'm not interrupting your celebration."

Makima tries to calm down her Collared Employee, as she only wishes to express gratitude and praise the entire team for a job well done.

"N-Not at all, in fact, would you like to join us?"

Though Kobeni not only accepted the praise but also offered her boss to join in the celebration with them, which interested her and let out a thoughtful hum. Her swirly eyes took a glance at the Chainsaw Man, who continued to eat his food without a care in the world.

"Is that alright with all of you?"

Though Makima didn't make it obvious who she was really after, looking at the entire group and continued with her polite personality as she asked permission from them.

"The more the merrier!~"

Himeno seemed more eager to have another drinking buddy with them.

"I don't mind it."

Aki also accepted the Control Devil joining them, even asking their personal waiter to prepare something for her.


Power just barely noticed the Manipulative Devil, her face was currently stuffed with lots of food.

"Sure, whatever."

However Denji didn't seem to acknowledge the Devil of Domination at all, more focused on his food, drinks and Higashiyama, which made the swirly eyes twitch a bit at him dismissing her, though she didn't let that bother her, in fact, she confidently put herself in between him and the Deviltrix host, which annoyed him greatly to have her sit next to him and get in his way, but he knew he couldn't say or do anything about it, so he just grumbled and ate his food with a pout, much to the redhead satisfaction, as she then grab her mug of beer that was ordered for her and just enjoy the celebration with everyone.

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