Chapter 30 - SetUp

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As usual, Hank Xavier, with a colleague this time, got to the office earlier than the appointed time.  He approached the receptionist's desk.

"Hello, Mr. Xavier." Heidi smiled at the two gentlemen.

"Hello, Ms. Heidi.  I'm here with my colleague, Gie Hayes, for the 1 pm appointment.  We're just a bit early." He casually introduced the tall man beside him.

Heidi mentally took note of the name in the ID of the newly introduced person but responded immediately to Hank.  She'll log it on the computer later.

"Oh hello, this is Mr. Percy Mill, my soon-to-be replacement in a month.  Please have a seat in the lounge or you can also have a quick coffee in the pantry."

The four people did a quick handshake.

"Okay, we'll just rest in the lounge."  Hank guided Gie to the nearby couch and they sat comfortably.

Heidi informed Callum that the representatives from Fortune Fixtures had arrived.

"Alright, have them come in at 12:55.  We'll be ready by then."  Callum put down the office phone.

"Come and sit with me on the sofa.  They are in in a moment."

In less than five minutes, the visitors came in and introduced themselves and they sat on the sofa for the meeting.

"Mr. Gie Hayes is currently in the immersion stage and this time he is accompanying me to learn the process from my department," Hank explained.

The conversation went smoothly.  The renovation is fairly easy to schedule since the team is on standby.  They can start in three days. There are a few obstructions as well because the whole floor is for the President alone.

In the end, the plan for the office for Nyla and Heidi was spacious enough. They even included a small rest area with a twin-sized bed cleverly hidden with hanging wall decor/divider.  All other needed furniture was selected meticulously by Nyla while considering inputs from Hank and Gie from a designer and engineer perspectives.

"So that's about it.  Any other concerns, you can speak with Nyla directly." Callum said as he leaned on the couch and pressed his palm on Nyla's back.

She felt the warmth of his touch and said nothing.

"Also, if you're not in a hurry, Nyla and Hank can chat for a while."

Nyla and Hank were a bit confused.  However, Nyla noticed that Callum seemed to want to talk with Gie.

"Mr. Hayes, may I have a quick word with you?"

"Of course, Sir."  Gie seems to know what it's about and agrees humbly.

"Alright, Hank let's go.  Let's chat with Heidi and Percy outside."

Nyla stepped a bit closer to Hank and whispered, "It's an opportunity", then smiled and went to the door to leave.

Hank followed embarrassingly.

"Hayes.. Any relevance to Mr. Joaquin Hayes of Ali Creators Corporation?"  Callum straightforwardly asked as they both sat down on the couch.

"Yes, Sir. He is my father. I just got back from abroad and was tasked to learn this side of the business. Though, right now, I am not introduced as the son of the big boss. I don't want to be known as just that either. So I am a probationary; a new blood. Just here to learn, fresh from the university."

"So Hank doesn't know either?" Callum unconsciously tapped his finger.

"Yes. Since I am with him during the immersion program only and will move to another department in a month."

"I can understand your father's vision on this.  Even though your surname surely rings a bell, since you were from abroad, not many will think of the relation because you were a male version of your mother."

"And I'm very thankful for that too. Dad is not." He chuckled then continued, "He asked how come the only thing I got from him was his gender and surname only. However, my younger sister is a spitting image of him.  If you put us together, we don't look like siblings."

"Is that so?  I can foresee the misunderstandings as you grow older."

"We have had a taste of it in high school.  It sure was funny and awkward."

"Must be.  Also, your name, Gie, you set it up for everyone to remember easily?" Callum also remembered that "Gie" should not be his full name and was just using a nickname for everyone's comfort.

"Yes, I cannot listen the whole day to people murdering my given name" Gie agreed and chuckled.

"Anyway, say hello to your father for me.  Hope to see him soon too. I hope you enjoy this experience as you learn and explore your career." Callum stood up and extended his hand for a shake.

"Thank you, Sir." Gie graciously accepted the handshake and he went towards the door to leave.

Callum went back to his chair.

When Gie got out, he saw Hank, Nyla, Heidi, and Percy laughing on the couch.

"You're back." Hank greeted Gie.

Gie nodded and sat beside Hank.

"Hey, it should be around your break time soon, right? Can we invite you for coffee? Or milk tea? People nowadays like those." Hank slipped an invite.

"That's wonderful! However, I cannot go. So I would trouble you to bring me my favorite drink when you get back." Nyla was saying this to Heidi before Heidi even got to answer.

Percy, on the other hand, has his rounded eyes questioning what's happening.

'Eh? Can we go out leisurely as of this time?' Percy's confused look is evident and Nyla comforted him.

"There's just one more visitor in half an hour. I can take care of him. Go on. I will tell your boss you went out for a short break. The shop is just a block away." She stood up and talked to Hank.

"Hank, get my babies back here in an hour." She looked at Gie and said, "Mr. Hayes it was nice meeting you. I'll trouble you to take care of them."

"Will do, Ma'am."

"Go, go!"

The four went.

Nyla picked up the phone called the lobby and informed the receptionist to direct calls for the President to the President's local number in the next two hours.

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