Chapter 28 - Percy the Lamb

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A few days later, Nyla sat beside Heidi at the reception table just outside Callum's office.

"Hello, Ma'am." Heidi greeted Nyla.

"Ugh, I can't get used to being called that." Nyla leaned forward and rested her hand on her chin.

"It's the law of the corporate world." Heidi chuckled.

She faced Nyla and asked, "Do you have anything for me to do? Tell me."

"No, just to remind you that Hank will be here at 2 pm."

"Ah yes, Sir has only 2 appointments in the afternoon. He's the first one after lunch."

A moment of silence befell them.

"What is it?" Heidi asked.

"Hmm, you are single right?" Nyla asked.

Heidi is used to this question. She knows where it's leading to.

"Do you want to ask me what I think about Hank?"

"Hahaha! You're a bright girl. So? Do you have other suitors? Do you have someone you like? Is Hank your type?" Nyla lazily swayed on the office chair.

"One at a time. Suitors. None. I have no other life aside from office and home. No, I do not have someone I like. I think I'm a late bloomer. I even discovered crush only in 5th grade. As for Hank, objectively, he's an eye candy, yes. As for if I will like him, I can't say. I met him just once."

"My dear sister from another mother... your innocence is so refreshing. How about this, can you let things happen and see how it is with Hank? In any case, another friend is fine, right?" Nyla expected a very logical answer from Heidi. She decided not to push too much.

"Ahmm, did Hank tell you anything?" Heidi lowered her voice.

"No... ah yes hahaha! I mean. He just expressed interest in you. But he did not ask me to help or anything. I just feel like if you can be an item in the future, that would be great. Hank is a great person. But being friends is fine too. Relationships should be mutual all the way so don't feel pressured."

"Nyla." A deep magnetic voice called and both ladies looked at Callum who just got out of his office.

Just then, the elevator dinged. A staff from HR and a cute timid boy, looking like in his late teens, both got out and approached them.

"Good morning sir."  A smart young lady in an office uniform approached them together with the young man.

"Yes, Ms. Sicily, right?" He looked over at the person beside her. "Is this the new trainee for Heidi?"

"Yes sir. I came here to introduce him to everyone."  He gently pulled the cute boy a bit and introduced everyone.

"Mr. President, Madam Burnes, and Ms. Heidi.  This is Percy Mill.  He just graduated from Living Stone University.  He will be trained by Heidi starting today.

"Mr. Mill, this is Mr. Callum Humphrey, our President, our boss, our God here."  Ms. Sicily added a bit of humor.  Callum smiled while the two ladies chuckled.

"Now our beautiful Ms. Nyla Burnes here is our Chief Operations Specialist. Then Ms. Heidi Wright, your Senior, will be her analyst."

The cute boy is just 20 years old. Fresh from the university. He is a young man with bright hazel eyes, plump lips, a cute straight nose, cheeks with baby fat, and a slim build. His voice is soft but loud enough and he greeted everyone with a refreshing smile, causing his eyes to form half moons.

"Hello sir, hello Ma'am, hello Senior. Please take care of me." He immediately took Callum's stretched hand for a handshake and shook it three times. Then waved at the other two. He is very adorable.

"Well then. You will learn from the best. Don't pressure yourself too much. Learn according to your own pace but do not be complacent. I will leave you with Heidi." He then looked at Heidi and gave his instructions.

"That's it for now. I will go out with Ms. Burnes and visit the newest shopping mall in the city center. We will have our lunch outside. Don't worry we will be back before my appointment with Mr. Xavier.

They left and the two receptionists began their light introduction to work.

The personnel movement will happen in a month. The time between the renovation and the start of their new department is enough to train the replacement for Heidi.

"I like him. He is so cute!"  Nyla exclaimed while looking outside the car window.

Callum is steadily driving and stopped in the red light.  He looked over at Nyla.

"You like him, you said?"

Nyla hurriedly looked at him and corrected her words.

"No, I mean he is personable, sunny and very cute.  I just hope he doesn't get eaten up.  Although, he will be under you so he has a certain power."

Callum drove when the green light hit.  He stayed silent for a few minutes before speaking.

"You're right.  He is charming.  I like his demeanor too.  I believe Heidi will give him all the tricks and needed information when it comes to dealing with people at the office.  I do see he is like an innocent lamb though. One you unconsciously want to protect.  How shall I call it... a twink...?"

The last sentence surprised Nyla.

"Oh wow! You know that? How did you know that word?!"  She exclaimed.

"What do you mean? In our times now, diversity and inclusion are a must.  Didn't you include training on this topic for next year's schedule?  Besides, I am not wary of these things.  One of my best buddies who's currently in Melbourne is gay. One high school friend in Baltimore, as I remember, a pansexual. Some of these terms I learned from them. Others, as far as I know, are straight. But it doesn't matter.  As long as we respect each other's preferences, we are all decent human beings."

"I love you more..."  Nyla looked at him with open admiration.

Callum just chuckled and held her hand and squeezed it.

"Hey, but we can never be sure of his preference. But I guess, we'll know soon enough." Nyla still held some thoughts.

"Yeah, but I think I'm right on this one. Also, Even Percy's name is cute. Don't you think?  Don't worry about him.  There's power in being that cute and weak-looking.  The only ones who would want to bully him probably are the ones who will be interested in him, romantically and sexually."

"Huh, why do you say that? Isn't that bad?"  Nyla asked with worry.

"Heh... I think you of all people should know what I mean when it comes to wanting to be bullied in bed."

"Huh?" Nyla fell into contemplation before finally realizing it.


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