Chapter 19 - The Engagement

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"Yes, Dad, what is it?"

Callum asked his father upon closing the door of the study. He left Nyla enjoying the morning sun and fresh air in the gardens when his father told him they needed to talk.

Neil, sitting on the sofa, put down his coffee cup on the center table.

"Son, has Nyla ever talked about her mother?  Her name perhaps... or what happened as to why she's not around her all this time?"

"She only mentioned she left when she was 10 years old.  She also looked like her."

"Hmmm... Son," Neil sent Callum a picture to his cellphone, "look at the woman beside me in that picture.  That was taken a year ago at a Christmas party I attended with business associates."

Callum's eyes widened a bit and looked at her father questioningly.

"That's Anyssa Klein, the jeweler I told you about.  I just remembered, that when I mentioned her to you, I realized she looks a lot like Nyla.  Their name's also hmm kinda close I guess but I can't be sure.  So I searched for that picture we took together with her husband."

"If this is her mother... I need to feel Nyla's emotional state before I proceed with the engagement ring... if I will commission her for that..." Callum is now wondering.

"Yes... Honestly, I don't know how William will also take it considering he has this long-standing hatred for his ex-wife.  That is why you need to handle this carefully.  Who would have thought the mother and daughter would end up living closer than they thought?  I mean they can bump into each other anytime.  I love reunions but this is a bit complicated."

"Yes, I agree, I will talk to her.  Thank you, Dad."  Callum left the study room and went to Nyla.

"Hey baby, I'm back."

"Hi, you're done talking.  You alright?"

"Yeah of course. Listen, I realized I hadn't apologized for this yet when you were reunited with your father unexpectedly. I'm sorry you must be shocked."

"Huh, my first thought was your father had good intentions and there's no way he would have known because it's not like you would tell him my story.  I understood then that it's just inevitable.  So it's not anybody's fault."

"Baby, can you tell me your feelings if it was your mother? The reunion I mean."

"Haaaa... hmmm..." Nyla pondered over the thought.

"The memories I had with her were when I was 10 years old.  Do I miss her? Not anymore. She's part of the past and chose to forget about us.  No matter what the reason. She's unimportant now."

"I have a question," Callum held her hand, "is your mother's name Anyssa?"

"Yes.  Why?"

"She's a jeweler now. Jewel designer to be exact.  Her husband is the owner of the Jewel Emporium.  Here she is with my father from a year ago." He showed her the picture he got from his father.

"Huh, I really look like her eh?  Jewelry... Did you get this from her?" She touched her diamond necklace.

"No no, I bought that from another Jeweller from the north when I visited last month."

"You were already thinking of a proposal last month?"

"Huh? Do you mean when I said to James that that was your engagement promise from me?  No. I just said that because it irritated me when he claimed you as his wife."

"So we're not engaged?"  She teased.

"I want to propose to you properly.  That on your neck is just me expressing my affection. So expect more in the future.  I love you so much.  I dote on you if you may have not noticed.  But you deserve a proper proposal and engagement ring, my baby."

"So again, we're not engaged?"

Callum stared at her, trying to read her.  Then, a light bulb turned on and he asked her directly.

"Nyla, do you accept that necklace as your engagement to me?"

Nyla sat on Callum's lap, not caring if they were in the gardens where the helpers and possibly Neil could see them.  She whispered.

"Ask me... Ask me now." 

Callum stared at her, adoring her innocent face.  He touched her cheek, rubbed it gently with his thumb, and pulled her close for a passionate kiss.

"Will you marry me, Nyla Burnes?"

"Yes Callum Humphrey, I will marry you."

They embraced tightly.

"You stubborn man, you secured my feelings enough.  Ring or no ring, I will stay with you until you throw me away.  I feel your love.  I know you want me. I will stay as long as you want me to.  Don't worry too much.

As for my mother... I don't want to meet her.  I mean, not for me to initiate the reunion. She's a stranger. She hurt my family.  No.  She broke it.  I don't hate her but I don't want anything to do with her either.  She chose a life without us.  I will help her keep that choice.  But I will talk to my father about it. One way or another, there will be a day when they will meet again."

Nyla stood up and sat on the chair beside Callum. 

"You're the most important person to me. I owe you my happiness, Callum."

"Then stay with me. I'll be your happiness.  I'll bring you happiness."

Callum held her hand and kissed it.

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