Chapter 2 - The 2 Years

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The wedding went on just like a normal business day. No solemn ceremony, no vows, no loving atmosphere. It went on exactly like a business venture, with Nyla as the collateral. She has 2 years to make him fall in love or else, divorce awaits along with the possible disownment of both families.

As she entered the driveway of James' mansion, she felt a certain sense of estrangement with the place. This is her first time here. Her husband did not bother to accompany her during the move nor even arrange somebody to assist her. Well anyway, she only has two luggages so it's fine.

She knocked on the door. A woman in her 50s with a soft smile opened the door.

"Ms. Burnes I presume? Please come in. Oh, you call me Gertrude. I have been at the service of the young master since he was born. Don't hesitate to ask me for anything."

Nyla entered the wide living room bringing in her luggage. A well-built man in his 20s suddenly appeared and humbly asked her.

"Hello ma'am I am Hank. I am an all-around household helper so please let me know if you need anything fixed or lifting heavy things. I will be bringing your luggage to your room on the second floor."

"Oh hello. Thank you so much." With that, Hank left.

"He is my son," Gertrude said, catching Nyla's attention back.

"He is mostly here during weekends and during the afternoons. He is one of the recipients of the Johnson Scholarship Program and he chose to study engineering ... oh I forgot what it exactly is oh my." Ms. Gertrude softly chuckled.

"Wow, that's amazing. I can see that you are proud of him." Nyla then proceeded to walk towards the staircase.

"Ms. Gertrude, may I rest for a while in my room? The drive was a bit exhausting."

"Oh of course, of course. Come let me show you your room".

There's one thing she is thankful for. The mansion is about 10 minutes away from the kindergarten center where she works.

James went home that night. He took a shower. With only a towel, he sat on the bed and looked at a few text messages from the hospital.

It's my wedding night. I should get the most out of this damned marriage...

He went to Nyla's room and went inside without knocking. He lay on the bed and waited for her.

Nyla got out of the shower in her pajamas. She gasped when she saw James in her bed.

"Get on the bed. You're an adult. You should have expected this."

That night James took her innocence without regard for her feelings nor care for her body.


2 years...

Nyla liked James. Even if she was treated unfairly. She actually hates herself for being weak towards handsome and dominating men. However, she believes that she can love him. Well, she developed feelings for him later on. Maybe some kind of Stockholm syndrome. Or maybe she's just a masochist. Maybe daddy issues? It's better for her that he mocks her, uses her or shouts at her than him not coming home or not talking to her at all.

Since her wedding day, her body was used in reckless abandon as well. There mornings when she felt so sore she had to take painkillers. But James also made sure she won't get pregnant. He uses condoms aside from her monthly supply of contraceptive pills. He's a doctor after all. That's fine with her. As long as he still looks at her as a woman who can provide for his needs.

He never hit her. At least for that she's thankful. Maybe because of his profession. Maybe because of his image. They have family dinners from time to time so he may not want to leave a mark which could reveal the real marriage status to their parents.

He also had her work household chores which Gertrude is responsible for. He had Gertrude work in his father's mansion every other month leaving Nyla to take care of the house before and after her work at the kindergarten center for a whole month. It's tiring but she never complained.

Her 2 years are almost up. She can feel that James is also getting excited. A month before their second anniversary James started being upfront with his dates with his real girlfriend. She is aware of the calls and text messages which are no longer hidden to her.


2nd Anniversary

On the day of their anniversary, Nyla prepared an expensive watch. Hoping it passes James' taste. She left it on his bedside table behind the lamp. She left a little note:

"Have a great life James. Thank you."

She knows it's the end of the line for her. But she's doing everything she can until the last day. To make him feel loved. That she sincerely loved him as her husband.

No regrets... no regrets...

James got home a little later than usual. Well not a little. It's past midnight. It's way past their anniversary.

He saw her drinking coffee on the kitchen counter.

"Go to my study in half an hour." James commanded and left without waiting for her response.

Here it comes...

She knocked on his door. When she heard his voice, she came in.

James is sitting at his desk looking at the monitor of his desktop. She sat in the chair in front like an employee called by HR.

James threw divorce papers to the table in front of her.

"Sign. Your time is up. Leave with your belongings within 3 days. My lawyer will contact you if there's anything else. I hope you remember that I am not giving you any of my assets, investment or money. You still have shame after all, right?"

She finished signing the documents. Afterwhich, she excused herself and muttered a soft "Thank you, goodbye." She kept her head down like a fired employee. She was never hoping for any compensation after the divorce, but to hear him put it into words...

Hahhh... that fucking hurts... oh well. 2 years really ended just like that huh...

She went to her room. She removed her ring and put it in a velvet box and slipped it inside her luggage. She pulled her two luggages out her bedroom door. Hank saw her and took them from her. Ms. Gertrude hugged her as she passed by her working some salad in the kitchen.

They didn't speak. They know this is her last night... errr day? She already said her goodbyes to them days before when she was preparing for this day. They were good to her. She just doesn't belong in this mansion.

Hank loaded her luggages at the trunk of her old reliable car. She prepared to drive.

Once out of the mansion's view, she parked on a nearby shoulder and let her tears fall. Her chest has been heavy the whole day. She opened the windows and breathed the cold evening air.

One thing that James doesn't know is that this is also the end of her being William Burnes' daughter. 2 years ago her father said these words:

"If James divorces you, you can forget that I am your father."

She sent a message to her father:

"I'm sorry for being a disappointment, Father. James asked for divorce. I have no face to show you. Thank you for everything. I love you very much."

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