Chapter 15

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I hated seeing her hurt

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I hated seeing her hurt. She didn't deserve anything she was to precious for this world. She was even too precious for me. But I couldn't stay away from her.

I told her I'll get Elena to bring her stuff, but I'm not. I'll get her stuff myself. I'll get her everything she needs she was staying with me so I'll get her everything she needs.

I was driving to her house now to get her stuff there was one think I couldn't do that I really wanted to is to kill her father for what he had done to her. I reached the house and walked inside quietly and headed torwards her room.

I went inside and closed and locked the door in case he shows up. I found her luggage in the closet took her clothed that were hanged up and placed them inside then I went into her bathroom got her toiletreis and put them in the luggage as well.

I gatgered some of ger stuff from her bedside table and packed it all up and headed outside quietly and succesfully reached my car. I placed her luggage in the trunk and drove away, it was a 20minute drive and when I reached the penthouse I parked my car and went inside I walked up to the room where she was sleeping, I gently opened the door and walked inside. I placed the luggage next to the door.

I walked torwards her, admired her from afar and gently pulled the blanket over her to keep her warm. She looked so peacefull when sleeping. It was a beautiful sight. She was beautiful. She was everything noone else was. I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and backed away from her and headed out the door. I walked into the kitchen and started making lunch for when she wakes up.

I made some chicken stock soup and left it on the stove and walked to the couch and turned on the tv as low as posibble so I could hear and not to wake up Alice.

After a few hours of sitting on the couch Alice walked in the living room.

She said her voice still groggy from the sleep.

"Hey, there's some soup on the stove if you want some."
I said to her.

"No thanks. I don't feel like eating right now."
She said and walked torwards the couch and sat down leaving some space between us.

We sat in silence for some time and she said
"Did you get a tattoo as well?"

I asked cofused.

"On my birthday. I got a tattoo of your initials, which probably was a mistake. Did you get any tattoo?" She explained.

"I did."
I said.

"What? Where?"
She turned to me with her full body.

"You won't see it untik you see me shirtless."
I said and smirked.

"Well then what kind of tattoo is it?"

"A beautiful one."
I looked at her eyes.

"Well then I have to see it, if it's beautiful."
She said.

"I'll have to do something before you can see it and that won't happed now."
I said.

"But what it if happens right now I'm sure it's not a big deal."
She said and shruged her shoulders clueless.

I smirked and leaned in closer.
"You don't know what I will do sunshine. But I will still need to hear about that dream of yours."

I stod up from the couch as her cheeks turned light pink and I walked into the kitchen and poured some soup for her and walked back to the couch and placed the bowl of soup on the coffee table and said
"Eat up sunshine."

She looked up at me and smiled her cheeks still pink from the blushing I caused. She was going to be the death of me.

She said and picked up the spoon and the bowl.

(Words 656)

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