Feeling Unsteady - Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

I hear a muffled crash, not realising that the crash has come from my body collapsing to the floor.


My vision turns blurry as my eyes slowly draw to a close, completely blacked out. The hands of my panicking friends pinching and shaking my body, yelling in my face to try and relieve me from my frozen state being completely unknown to me; I could no longer move.

I was finally where I wanted to be, completely numb.


Applejack's POV

I run up to the ER front desk as quickly as I can, the late night now turning into early morning, 4:37am to be specific.

"Hi, yeah, I'm lookin for Rainbow Dash? I-I'm a visitor, a. . .f-friend of hers." I frantically spit out.

"Just a second. . ." The lady as the desk starts typing on her computer. I look down and see my foot tapping up and down in an anxious fidget, vibrating almost as to help release the tension I felt from getting a phone call from Spitfire about half an hour ago, letting me know what was going on.

I was so scared this would happen. . .I knew it, I knew I shouldn't have stormed off when I did. I feel so silly. I mean, I could've at least stayed at the party right? Rather than storming off like I did. We shouldn't've even been at the goddamn party in the first place. . .

"Bed 2 in Room 10. Down the hall, third door on your left." The lady says.

I quickly thank the lady before I immediately look to navigate my way to the aforementioned room where Rainbow was, the whole time thinking of what condition I'd be seeing her in.

I follow the ladies directions,

'Down the hall, third door on the left. . .down the hall, third door on the left. . .'

I finally reach the set of doors with a 'Room 10' sign to the right of them, after a deep breath I walk through them and see the bedridden girl to my right.

Our eyes immediately meet and widen. I stay standing by the double doors as I let out an exhale, relieved that Dash looks in relatively okay condition, but  still stunned at the situation. Dash's eyes suddenly dart to her left, almost in an ashamed way. I walk up to her, taking my time as to see if her eyes would meet mine once again, which they don't. Instead, small pockets of tears start to appear at her lower eyelids, her expression unchanging.

I take a seat at the chair next to her bed, sitting with Dash in the silence. The only sounds in the entire ward being muffled scattered chatter from outside and the occasional beep from the heart monitor that stood on the other side of the girl's bed which she was hooked up to, along with an IV drip.

The silence is not so much awkward, just overwhelming. I don't quite know what to feel. . .or say. Her face still looked away from me, not completely out of my sight, but clearly tilted in a way where she wanted to hide her expression, or lack thereof. She looks so incredibly guilty, a guilt that she shouldn't be feeling at all. I was the one who made her go to the party in the first place, and I was the one who left when things fell out of hand. I 'm the one who should have a face like that, not her.

All of a sudden, her dam breaks, letting a few teardrops run freely down her cheeks. Dash tries to hide her sniffles as she weeps.

I look at the crying girl, helplessly layed on the bed. Witnessing her pain made me want to cry too, but I've always been one to cry on the inside rather than out. Instead, I raise my arm onto the bed and take Dash's hand in mine. Our fingers interlock immediately as I felt Dash's strong grip squeeze my hand tight. Even with the tubes and wires hooked up to her arm, her grip was stronger than it had ever been before.

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