Ships Have Sailed

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Are you ready for another chapter? No? Too bad. It's here. 

From here on out, there's just going to be a general warning: BEWARE THE SPICE FACTOR MAY BE PRESENT IN ANY CHAPTER. There, now that we've settled that....

Special ShoutOut: JoonDaddy'sLeftTiddy, thank you for all your help, it is very much appreciated!

First off: I do not own BTS this is purely fictional, only thing I own is the story and it's plot!
Second: There will some gore, violence/abuse, emotional damage; so please be prepared when you read.
Third: I haven't written anything for a while, so please be patient and understanding if it sucks!
Fourth: I will try to keep this story updated best I can; but I am a grad student; so please bare with me!
Lastly: Just a few notes: Anything in italics is usually inner monologue/thoughts of a character. ***If an entire section is written in italics with asterisks; it's a memory.***
Anything written normal text is details/character interactions/dialogue. If you see anything in bold It's just extra or 4th wall effects. Asterisks in a set of three (***) is basically a page/section break.

Enjoy the chapter~ 


Y/N squealed as Yoongi swerved the back end of his bike coming to a stop. They were in front of her work building since he had promised to drop her off. "Yoongi!" She lightly slapped his shoulder. "You did that on purpose to spook me, didn't you?"

A hearty laugh came from the dark haired man. "And so what if I did?" He glanced back at her. "I got a cute reaction out of you." 

"You're so annoying!" She ranted at him while getting off the bike and putting the helmet into a side bag. "Don't be going crazy on the roads, okay?" 

"Yeah, I might be..." He pulled her over to him by her hips. "But you like it." 

The blood rushed to Y/N's face. "You're going to make me late."

Yoongi rose a questioning brow. "How is that?"

"Because I just want to kiss you." She leaned in and pecked his lips. 

"Mm, that'd be nice~"  The words came out as a low purr. He pulled her back to steal a lewd kiss from her. "I'll take a rain check for later on that remark though. I'll pick you up for dinner, how's that?"

Y/N giggled with a nod in response. "See you later." She watched as Yoongi zoomed off down the road on his motorcycle. He's fucking sexy... She then turned to walk into the building, a large smile plastered on her face. 

Jimin was just inside the building, having arrived himself not that long ago for work. He was going to message Y/N to see when she'd get there but something rather interesting caught his eye. Well, well, well. What do we have here. Holy shit! Is that the guy from the coffee,! Like a puppy excited to see it's owner return home, Jimin was waiting to pounce on his best friend as soon as she entered the building. 

"Gah! Jiminie!" The blond jumped out at her out of nowhere just as she entered through the doors. 

"Oh my god, Y/N! I saw who dropped you off!" Jimin's eyes had that notorious twinkle of curiosity they got whenever he discovered something. "If he dropped you were with him last night! Fucking spill the tea, bitch!" 

Y/N couldn't hide the smile on her face and her rosy cheeks. "Jiminie! Okay, okay! Be quiet! Not here..." She looked around seeing other employees in the building starting to turn and see what the commotion was. Jimin happened to be so loud and his voice rang through the lobby. 

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