The Detective's Date

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Yall are still interested in this story? Well, good. Because it's not over. Guess that last chapter was full of  Fake Love, don't you think?

Special ShoutOut: JoonDaddy'sLeftTiddy, thank you for all your help, it is very much appreciated!

First off: I do not own BTS this is purely fictional, only thing I own is the story and it's plot!
Second: There will some gore, violence/abuse, emotional damage; so please be prepared when you read.
Third: I haven't written anything for a while, so please be patient and understanding if it sucks!
Fourth: I will try to keep this story updated best I can; but I am a grad student; so please bare with me!
Lastly: Just a few notes: Anything in italics is usually inner monologue/thoughts of a character. ***If an entire section is written in italics with asterisks; it's a memory.***
Anything written normal text is details/character interactions/dialogue. If you see anything in bold It's just extra or 4th wall effects. Asterisks in a set of three (***) is basically a page/section break.

Here, have the story!


Yoongi sat at his desk with his head in his hands. God dammit. Now I have to act like I'm interested in this girl. A groan erupted from the detective as he threw his head back, causing his chair to squeak as his whole body moved back too. He glanced at his clock. An hour before I have to go pick her up. 

Jin knocked on the doorframe to his office. "Someone looks like they're having an internal struggle that they need to tell me about!" 

Yoongi opened an eye to look at his hyung. "Don't you have somewhere to be rather than worrying about what I'm doing, hyung?" 

"Mm, I'm getting picked up soon. Don't you worry your little self about it." He winked at Yoongi. "Now, mind telling me why you've been in such a sour mood since you answered that phone call?"

"Nope, I'd rather not. Don't worry about it." He crossed his arms and placed his feet atop his desk. "Just go on your date with your mystery flower man and let me take a nap." 

Jin clicked his tongue at Yoongi. "Come on! Why can't you tell me! I'm going to find out one way or another and you know it." The only response he got was a grunt from the younger. "You are impossible, you know that? No wonder you can't snag anybody special." He stuck his tongue out.

"If I wanted to, I could. Now get lost. You're taking away precious seconds from my sleep." Yoongi slightly waved his hand at Jin. "So damn noisy."

"I cannot wait until you fall for someone. I'm going to tease the shit out of you." Jin huffed before continuing his teasing, his phone went off. "Just you wait, Yoongi. Just you wait. But right now, I've got an important meeting to get to." Jin's face seemed to glow as he literally skipped out of the office to meet his flower man. 

Finally, some peace and quiet. He set an alarm on his phone before passing out. 


Jin ran into his office to grab his keys and phone. He glanced down at it and saw a message, "Waiting for you outside, princess." He rolled his eyes but was giggling like an idiot seeing the little nickname in the message. Well, at least he knows I'm royalty. And with that, Jin headed outside to meet his man. 

"How's my princess doing?" A deep voice asked as Jin got into the car. Before any of you say anything. Yes, Namjoon is driving. Yes he has his license in the story. And yes, it is still worrisome.

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