Law of Equivalent Exchange

Start from the beginning

Nightmare's response was swift and uncompromising. "Send Y/n over first," he commanded, his voice carrying a note of menace that sent a chill racing down my spine. The demand hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over our hopes of a peaceful resolution.

Before anyone could react, I stepped forward, my voice cutting through the tense silence like a blade. "Everyone shut up!" I yelled, the force of my words ringing out with a clarity that demanded attention. "We'll walk over at the same time," I declared, my tone firm and resolute despite the roiling turmoil within me.

"Blue... will you help me cross?" My voice strained with the throbbing pain pulsing through my head. The sensation was overwhelming, like a relentless drumbeat pounding against my skull, threatening to engulf me in a haze of agony.

With a gentle touch, Blue took my hand, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the chaos that surrounded us. Together, we began to traverse the treacherous terrain of the asteroid field, his steady guidance ensuring that each step was sure and steady. "Blue is going to help me since I'm blind," I shouted over to the others, my voice carrying a note of urgency as I pleaded for their cooperation. "Do not attack him!"

Nightmare's begrudging acquiescence hung heavy in the air, a reluctant concession to the delicate balance of power that governed our uneasy truce. "Fine," he spoke, his voice tinged with a hint of resentment. "We'll send Ink first, then when you are here, we'll give Blue Ink's things."

As we pressed forward, my head continued to throb with a persistent ache, the pain threatening to overwhelm my senses with each passing moment. But I refused to let it deter me, my determination driving me forward even as my legs protested with each step.

I listened intently to the rhythm of our footsteps as we walked, each sound a steady cadence that echoed through the desolate expanse of the asteroid field. With Blue's steady guidance, I felt a sense of reassurance wash over

me, his presence a steady anchor amidst the uncertainty of our surroundings.

But as we passed Ink, a palpable tension hung in the air, the weight of impending conflict looming over us like a dark cloud. Blue's hand trembled slightly in mine, a silent testament to the gravity of the situation we found ourselves in.

Suddenly, Blue came to a stop, his grip on my hand tightening slightly before he gently lifted it, guiding it towards Nightmare's waiting grasp. My fingers brushed against the familiar texture of Nightmare's clothing as he pulled me close to his chest, a belt passing between us as a silent exchange took place.

For a moment, we stood locked in a silent tableau, the tension thick in the air as we prepared to turn away. A familiar sound of sand hitting metal, we began to walk once more, the pounding in my head gradually fading into the background as we forged ahead.

As I stepped through the threshold, leaving behind the tension-filled atmosphere of our rendezvous with Nightmare and his crew, a sense of relief washed over me like a cool breeze on a sweltering day. The cacophony of voices faded into the distance, replaced by the gentle symphony of night animals calling out in the darkness.

With each passing moment, the lingering nausea that had plagued me since the outset of our encounter began to dissipate, gradually receding like a retreating tide. The weight that had pressed down on my chest lifted, replaced by a sense of newfound freedom and clarity.

As I savoured the sensation of relief washing over me, I felt Nightmare's hand gently squeeze mine, a silent gesture of understanding and solidarity. Despite the animosity that had simmered between us moments before, his touch was surprisingly reassuring, a tangible reminder that even amidst the chaos of our circumstances, moments of connection and empathy were still possible.

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