As my thoughts spiraled, a sense of anticipation coursed through my veins, causing my body to tremble with excitement. I struggled to steady my breathing, feeling a primal urge awakening within me. Despite the unease, a sinister notion began to take root: perhaps this encounter could work to my advantage. She was young, innocent, and undeniably enticing—a tempting morsel ripe for the taking.

This chick will be an excellent catalyst to bring corruption through the world. I grinned as I turned and started to leave, ideas flooded my mind on how to use the girl. My 'teammates' watched me as I left, a confused look on their faces, as I tried to keep myself from laughing. Time to meet my little puppet~

This human, this delicious thing that was just here, ripe for the taking... I didn't know much about the laws of humanity, but if I decided to take her, what would happen? Would anyone stop me? Would they punish me? Was it something that one human could do to another human? It was just so different from my society, but I had to try. I stepped closer, not saying a word...waiting to see if the human would notice me...

Y/n P.O.V.

The rain poured relentlessly, its heavy drops pummeling the forest floor with a relentless intensity. Every step I took felt like a perilous journey, my toes sinking into the mud as though it were quicksand. The rain assaulted me, each droplet a sharp sting against my skin, leaving behind a trail of searing pain reminiscent of the scars etched into my flesh by my mother's abuse.

As I navigated through the dense foliage, my senses were on high alert, every sound and sensation amplified by the storm raging around me. Suddenly, my foot encountered something smooth and slippery, sending me tumbling down a slope. Thin cuts opened on my skin as I collided with the unforgiving terrain, each impact sending shockwaves of agony coursing through my battered body.

Gasping for air, I struggled to breathe as though my throat had been constricted by an invisible force. The pain was unbearable, a relentless onslaught that left me gasping for air and clawing desperately at the ground for support. Finally, I found myself leaning against a tree, the rough bark providing a precarious sense of stability in the midst of the chaos.

My movements were slow and laborious as I limped forward, every step a Herculean effort as I fought against the weight of my own exhaustion. With outstretched hands, I reached out into the darkness, hoping to find some semblance of safety in the unforgiving wilderness. The sensation of grass tickling my palm and wood grazing my fingertips offered a fleeting sense of reassurance amidst the turmoil of the storm.

As I leaned against the tree, the full weight of my emotions threatened to overwhelm me. Anger, fear, and sadness swirled together in a tempest of raw emotion, tears mingling with the rain as they streamed down my cheeks. In that moment of solitude, I found solace in the knowledge that no one could hear the anguish that echoed through the silent forest.

My eyelids grew heavy with exhaustion, the rhythmic patter of rain lulling me into a fitful slumber. It was only when the rain ceased that I became aware of a presence beside me, strong arms lifting me gently from the damp earth. The texture of their jacket and the unique sensation of their hands against my skin hinted at their otherworldly nature, but in my weariness, I found comfort in their embrace as I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Nightmare P.O.V.

When the human failed to react to me, I thought that this would be easy. I could just scoop her up and do with her as I pleased. No one would realize what was happening, and they would never know. But then I saw how scared she was, and how she couldn't move...And something changed. Something about her made me feel a strange, feeling. Protectiveness? I had never before experienced something like this, not to mention, how strong it pulsed inside me. It was confusing and it made me hesitate, unsure of what I should do now. I don't want to hurt her...

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!? I stood looking at her, why did I pick her up? Why did I bring her here?! Stop. Breathe. This girl is going to be the catalyst of doom for her world, if she is going to live, I need to do something about her wounds. She'll owe me. Her scent was intoxicating and it was making me want to move even closer to her, to hold her down and do what I wanted...

My heart races as I look at her eyes. The thought of winning her affection is both exhilarating and terrifying. I take a deep breath to steady myself, knowing that this journey will be fraught with danger and uncertainty. My bitch brother will no doubt recognize she is my pawn, then he'll come to rescue her … I need a way to keep her here… With me… FOREVER.

The thought of taking her away and holding her close to my heart crossed my mind as I watched her. The thought of sweeping her away into a dark embrace fills my heart with fire. My body yearns to hold her close and to never let go. My soul knows no happiness without her in my arms. Our bodies and our souls are as one. I WILL MAKE YOU INFATUATED WITH ME! IT WILL DRIVE YOU TO INSANITY TO BE AWAY!!

I chuckle softly, my eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. I take a sip of his wine before setting the goblet down on a nearby table. I approached her slowly, my steps were measured and deliberate. As I get closer, I can feel the heat emanating from her body, making my heart race and my skin tingle.

I lean in close to your ear, my warm breath, and her smell sending shivers down my spine.

I have a feeling that she has a beautiful voice, my dear Everest Mountain. Perhaps, after we have finished our business here, you could sing for me? I run my fingers lightly down her cheek, tracing the outline of her jaw before moving to gently tug on one of her earrings. My eyes lock onto hers, deep in sleep, my desire for her clear in my gaze.

I become aware of the fact that I am staring at her. Her youth, her beauty - all of it has left me reeling. I am struck by the memory of my home, it is as if her image has replaced that of my first memories of love.

"You won't defeat me, brother! I fight for love!" My pissant brother's voice echoed in my mind. That was what he said last time we fought ……… Love. If love is so powerful, then I will use this girl to harness its power, then nothing will stop me

I smile down at her and try to suppress the feeling of tenderness and care that has evoked me. My eyes lingered for a moment on her lips. I am tempted to kiss her, to awaken her with a soothing touch and blissful lies, my sweet nothings will haunt your dreams. It is my responsibility to protect my "guest" from the denizens of my land. There is no need for her to thank me. She'll make it up to me.

My eyes follow the movement of her hands as she leans toward me in her sleep. I feel as if I am drowning in the scent of her beauty. Still, I cannot deny that her gentle touch strikes me as something I have not felt in a long time.

I am surprised to find that this young girl has stirred in me the very feelings that I have long been denied. Why do I feel such tenderness and care when she touches me? My heart is racing, and my very being is engulfed in her nearness.

~~~ be sure to comment your thoughts ~~~

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