30. ᴀʙꜱᴇɴꜱᴇ

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"Explain in detail what happened yesterday?" As the meeting adjourns , Ishan asks. "But before that...care to tell me in details how shuhaib ended up grabbing your collar? You left early yesterday, so I was unable to ask you." A nervous smile lights up his face as I back a question at him.

"The thing was.." He burst out into laughing as i roll my eyes at him. "That was a funny one that's why lol" He says and finally explains it to me after a while, at which point his laughing stops.

"Shuhaib asked me if he could have me for a minute, i wasn't sure what it might have been but seeing two handsome strong man beside him made me curious so i followed him." *chuckles* "Subsequently, he asked me several questions, including whether i know shifa to which i admitted i know her. I recognized the other two figures next to him, but I wasn't positive who they were. Later Shuhaib asked me what was my intentions towards their sister. I just grinned at him unintentionally because I couldn't take it all in at once and thought it was hilarious. Then he seized my collar, stating "Don't you dare confront her with any ulterior motives. BOOM And that's when Shifa and You showed up."

"Ha" I laugh as Ishan joins in me. "The thing was, only later i knew about the two figure, that they were her brother's, and were your former business partners. Especially about Shuhaib being her last brother and not her cousin." He says laughing as i give him a stern look, he comes back to his usual self and instantly continuing chuckling.

"She has got overprotctive brother's dude, You gotta be careful." He says and  lays his hand on my shoulder continuing; "Don't you dare confront her with any ulterior motives, Shahid" He imitate Shuhaib and I'm done with this guy!!

Later I explain everything how I didn't expect Shuhaib to be Shifa's brother in each and every detail. All he does was laugh his ass out in response.


"Here Mama" I hand over the outfit i picked up for her when i met shifa with her friends at the mall. "Oh My, Are you ok Hayawan? Did your head hit somewhere son?" She says grabbing my head and glancing over at something. Ishan burst into laughing in the corner.

"Mama, that hurt my pride you know, It's not the first time i picked an outfit for you." I declare. "Aww my poor boy, Masha Allah you sure have grown up. Sorry Haywan, Sorry....But still...have you possibly fallen and hit your head while doing gym or while using the restroom?" She goes on teasing me. "Mama!" I say as she chuckle, thanking me for the outfit.

"Did someone perhaps hit him on the head since he overworks his employees?" I could clearly hear her whisper it to Ishan in a low voice. "Mama i can hear you!" I say as they both laugh.

"You know Aunty, It's all thanks to Sh-" I cut Ishan off with a dark scowl. "Who?? Sh??? Who???" Mama goes on. "It's all thanks to the Share I'm having from Shahid, he is treating me well right now even though i have my own organization." Ishan continues giggling.

"Yes, he ought to be!!! You are our precious son even though you aren't our blood" Mama says looking at Ishan and they continues to talk as i pack my belongings to go overseas.


It's been 1 week since i saw Shahid, he hasn't shown up for any of my therapy sessions, and his secretary hasn't even read my texts. Additionally, their contacts were unreachable. I wonder if something happened.. Eyy even if something happened, my brother's would defintely gossip about it.

"Girll!!! I'm pretty sure something is going on between Ishan and Nahimu!!" Tanu says on my phone screen snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? WHAT??" I ask her curiosity raising through both of our eyes. "Okay, so today they met here in the office, I'm not sure how Ishan was in our office, but when i met him we were chatting, and that's when Nahima joined us. As usual we were all talking, especially Nahima and Ishan were fighting for no apparent reason which didn't even make sense to me." She says.

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