45. ᴍɪʀʀᴏʀ

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"You need few lessons to stop approaching my girl?" I ask him the moment shifa close the car door making herself in.

"I know you fell for her attractiveness and her body man." He chuckles saying this but i control myself since shifa was staring at us.

"A person becomes ten times more attractive, not by their looks but by their acts of kindness, respect, honesty and the loyalty they show." I state and he looks stunned hearing my response.

"Cat got your tongue?" I voice out snapping him. "Just you wait until she comes back to me. You will regret this. She still has feelings for me man. She doesn't completely love you. She will come back to me at the end." He says.

"You truly are delulu, but in another level dude." I scoff as he snarls. "Shut the fuck up if you don't want me to destroy your girl."

I take a step closer to him as he backs off a bit "Dare say that again? Remember you have innocent siblings at your house. You sure don't want them to be hurt." I state and he retreats.

"Fucking moron" I murmer giving him a death-stare. I could hear a door closing and i notice Shifa approaching us.

"Suit yourself. Be delusional assuming she likes you man." He says storming out. "Don't you dare show your face again!" Shifa shouts at him.

But...why did his words made my heart clench. Bodyguards drove my car to me right after mansoor left.


They brought Shahid's car and he told to leave my car behind. I plopped myself in his dodge. The way back home was super silent as if something was on his mind.

After we reached, he told he would be going straight to his office room beside our room and not to disturb him. No one was present at our house. Nahima and Aunty went at cousin's since they invited them.


After my bath and prayer, i wait for shahid after making dinner. I made orotti and mutton curry. I waited for him until he finished his work.

My wait for him only got worse as time struck 11 p.m. He haven't left his office room. I couldn't handle his silent treatment anymore as i made my way to his office room.

I don't know why but i feel as if he has something on his mind weighing him after mansoor's encounter.

I swing open the office room, his eyes met mine and averted immediately. Did i do something? Am i at the fault he is acting strangely?

"I-is something distrubing you?" I inquire but he just stares at me. Going closer to him i drag a near chair and sit beside him.

His eyes were all tired as if he wanted to ask something, but he can't. What might it have been making my boy in this state?

I sigh as he gives me a silent treatment again. Getting up from the chair i plop myself on his lap just the same position as yesterday's.

"I-Is something really bothering you? You can tell me. I'm here." I say brushing his forehead with mine.

"A-Amira" He says his voice kinda cracked. "Will you lose your feelings for me? Will you go back to that bastard? Do you still have feelings for him?" He asks tears welling up his eyes.

I freeze seeing and hearing these stupid words. "Is this what have been weighing you?" I ask.

"W-Why don't you answer me.....Does that mean you..will leave me?" He asks tears spilling on his cheeks as i brush it off.

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