11. ᴜɴɪ ɢᴇᴛ-ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ

870 61 0


I open my eyes as usual early in the morning at 4 but today is quite different from other days. I can't pray because i'm on my periods. I sat on the prayer mat as usual, doing dhikr and getting up from the prayer mat and straight to bed. I fall asleep briefly.

The alarm rang at 6 a.m. as i got out of bed and made my way to the washroom. Getting ready for work. Especially today i have a high-ranking client who will be attending my therapy session through online.

Making my way to Shuhaib's room to wake that stupid, I knock on the door, hoping to wake him up, but it's not gonna work so i keep on knocking on the door, making himself open the door to prove he's awake.

"Got it got it, i'm awake. Alright shawty?" He says in a sleepy voice, still yawning. i added "Oki, consider yourself lucky; otherwise i would've demanded extra money from you".

I walk away knowing he will blurt out something. "I am already paying you for waking me up, but you're gonna ask me for an extra if i was late to wake up?."

I make my way to downstairs hearing him still muttering to himself. I greet Abu and Umma who was sitting in the living room talking to each other.

"Aren't you going to have something before going to work? where are you rushing off to?" asked Umma as i told i have an important client today who would be meeting me through online.

I rushed to where my car was parked and drove to my workplace. Greeting my coworkers and entered my office, where my secretary was already waiting for me.

"Good morning Shifa, i've set everything for you. You can join the meeting right away, and i will order something to eat for you." Geeta says as i reply to her "Thankyou geetu for your assistance."

I let Geeta call me by my name because i don't like being addressed formally by close one's. I attend the meeting with my camera turned off.

A request to join my meeting with a business name as i let them in and joining the meeting. Uhm i hope they won't question me why my camera is off. I dont like to show my face.

But i'm glad the person is not even showing their full face. So i dont have to worry about them being asking me about being my camera off. I could only see his hair and eye.I start the therpay session as i brief the disorder.

The voice spoke up, " I love your voice!.... I haven't been like this before, but hearing your voice kinda reminded me of someone i loved and still i do. I wonder what that person might be doing right now. I apologize if i crossed the line, Ma'am."

Hearing these words with those deep sound, caused my face to heat up for no apparent reason, i guess the atmosphere here is hot. By this time Geeta entered my office with the breakfast.

I ignored him and continued with the therapy session; he let a scoff, rolls his eyes and leaves the online meeting, leaving me speechless.

"Ughhh, what the hell happend just now? HE PRAISED ME ALL OF A SUDDEN AND LEAVES MY ONLINE SESSION??" I complaint to my secretary.

"Oh no, that's bad. Uhm i hope your ok miss? your cheek is kinda...uhm, red!?" She added tilting her head. "Sorry for blurting out, i gotta have breakfast. I'll be right back geetu." i respond as i rush off to the cafeteria section to avoid geetu's questions.

But how is he supposed to do that?? i meant serioslyy? I wanted to change the topic when the so-called client talked those sweet for nothing words. I didn't expect him to leave the meeting just like that.

Even if he is a high-ranking client or whoever he is , it doesn't mean they can do whatever they want. Ughhh i feel like loosing myself. But i gotta control it since i have other patient.

ʜɪꜱ ɴᴏᴏʀ#1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang