27. ᴅᴇᴛᴇꜱᴛ & ᴀᴅᴏʀᴇ

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"Assalamualaikum man!" He greets me opening the door, and stands there holding something. I return the greeting, telling him to settle in.

"Guess what?!! Here it is, I'm getting married." He states handing me an invitation, and sitting on the guest sofa. I walk over from my chair to the guest sofa and give him my congratulations.

"Mahn, I'm glad you're finally getting married, Masha Allah." I state smiling at him, and he smiles right back.

"Between, there was something about shuhaib i wanted to talk to, I'm pretty sure you know what it is.." He says making me understand where he is getting to.

"Indeed, I'm well aware of it. I apologize, but I'm afraid I'm unable to do that. He made many inquiries, all i did was reject him and i have my own reason for that." i respond to him as he smile at me stating "Yeah sure, if u say so, it's up to you since it's your business."

I feel bad for turning him down. I won't even give a fuck about Shuhaib, but the fact that Rehan brought it up makes me pity him. Since we have been business partners for more than three years, it goes without saying that I am far closer to Rehan than I am to Riyas. And shuhaib? not to mention how much I detest him, is another thing.

"I can understand it because your his brother, and it's only natural to help him out by talking with me. But I'm really sorry....if you want i'll consider it after i confirm something." Rehan's face brightens with hope as I say this.

"Yes please look out to him, he's stubborn." He states chuckling and i eventually join him. "Ha between, I'm pretty sure my little sister is excited as well as eager to meet you. She asks about you whenever she gets the chance." He says.

"Your sister?...Ha yes i remember, she was just so small when i met her ages ago." I reply to him as he continues, "I guess she really is looking forward to meet our business partner, you rather than my marriage." He says

"Haha dude, don't be. I'm pretty sure she is looking forward to your wedding." I give him a smile and we discuss further about his business, in which he needs my assistance.

I still remember the small girl, I believe she was in first grade and i was in third. The only fact i remember her until now is...she was the only person i fall asleep without the needs for sleeping pills. After losing my sister, i was traumatised staying up the whole night even as a child. My parents would worry about my condition and consulted a lot of psychologist. But all they could offer me was a sleeping pill.

I met his little sister the day I went to Rehan's house as a child, and despite my cold demeanor toward her, she made an effort to lift my spirits, cheering me up. Since rehan's father is my father's business friend, we ended up having a get together that day. Not to mention we had our sleepover at their house. After playing a lot of games with the kids of my father's friend, we children's all slept in one room.

I still remember that night right now, Shuhaib who seemed to be the same age as mine and their little sister and I slept in one bed after playing few games. We all tiredlesly went straight to bed and I wasn't getting any sleep that night just as always. A boy same age as mine rolled off the bed and fell down, I thought it might have hurted him but he was snoring the next moment. And that guy was Shuhaib whom i had only recently learned about.

Shuhaib who rolled off the bed seemed snoring and sleeping on the floor, the little girl was beside me sleeping peacefully. I covered myself with the blanket, i was so sleepy that i eventually fell asleep. When i told my parents about how i got a sleep that night, they just assumed it was because i was tired after playing games with them after a long time.

I asked a psychologist I was seeing in Abu Dhabi about it since I couldn't just ignore it. According to that psychologist they concluded that, it might be because of the sleep patterns by acting as a comfort, emotional support, and source of relaxation. I was only able to draw the conclusion that I actually slept for a long time that night without ever waking up. That night, I was able to sleep at last without taking any pills. As the psychologist suggested, it could be due to the emotional bond formed when the young girl came up to me, cheering me up, offering me lots of chocolate, and including me in their everyday games, also with all the gesture and caring she had for me. Well I'll be able to see the small girl who might have grown to be a lady right now.

I wonder how my Princess is doing right now? Come to think of it, Shuhaib and Shifa are cousins......does that mean she will also be there at the wedding!? Glad, I will be seeing my Princess then. However, i doubt if i can attend the wedding due to my business meeting with foreign countries....


"Yes, I will be taking a few weeks off. If you would like, I can arrange his therapy session with one of my junior....Okay then, after my vacation I'll carry on with your boss's therapy session. Sure." I hang up the phone.

"Who was it?" Nahima inquires, i respond; "It was Arun, Shahid's secretary. He inquired me about the next therapy session, so I told him I'm on leave for a week."

"Oh...but didn't you just wrap up your therapy session with him just now? why so rush for the next session?" She goes on teasing.

"Well, you can't tell he's in a hurry because it was his secretary who called me, not him. Perhaps his secretary is simply inquiring about our session to free up his schedule." I respond, Perhaps it was my justification to stop her from making fun of me, or either it might be true.

Tanisha flings open into my office room with a flower bouquet in her hand. "I found it on the way here." She says handing me the bouquet, i rammage through the flower, and finding the notes. I read aloud the notes to my friends.

"Will see you soon Princess.
~Your Secret Admirer."

Secret admirer?, My Ass. Something's definetly wrong with this guy even after i send him a pic of my arm linked to another man. But the fact he is a secret admirer makes my blood rush to my cheeks. Ughh!! I detest and adore this at the same time.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy." I mutter to myslef as my friends agree with me. Nahima goes on, "But the thing is.......haven't you noticed it.....This stalker guy of yours, he leaves all the flower bouquet on Friday's."

"That's more likely to say that he is a well guy no matter what!! Awww getting a flowers on Friday, the day of Jummah." Nahima awes saying this, a smile forming on my lips and immediately disappearing when tanisha warns us.

"Oh goddd, What's wrong with my friends, Come to your senses girliesss, HE IS A STALKER!!" And then we change the topic.

"Between didn't you say, that family business partner would be attending?." Nahima asks and i reply to them "Yeah it appears he will be attending the wedding."

"Why are you not excited, I can't see any of those, sparkling stars in you eyes sweety." Tanisha says chuckling and nahima keeps giggling as she asks me if I've already lost my feelings for my first crush--first love to be exact. But it was one sided.

"It's understandable why she's not into him right now. Well she has her eyes on Shahid." Nahima states as they begin teasing me again. All i did was give them a disapproving eye roll.


They go on about how they are excited to meet Riyas and Bhabi's kids. Even I'm excited to meet them after a long time. Riyas took bhabi to Abudhabi while he was dealing with his business and after that they settled over there.

"They will be arriving this evening." I state and tanisha asks "How old are they right now?."
"Elder one is 3 years old and he video call's me instead of bhabhi, he's soo cool mahn and the younger is sooo freaking funny with cuteness overloaded not to mention she joins in the video while her brother talks to me."

"Awwww I can't wait to hold them in my handsss!!!" "I know right!!!" They both squeel exclaiming and we continue our conversation as we head home.

~Hehe, support me by voting Famz. Will they meet at the wedding or not? Don't worry I'm coming with a good plot for the next chapter. Stay tuned for the next chapter which features Rehan's wedding.~

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