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Zuko, Iroh and Chi were standing near a marketplace. Zuko had his arms crossed along with Chi neither spoke as they followed Iroh around. 

"Something is troubling you both," Iroh pointed out while they were in the next shop. "Please tell me about this fight,"

"Zuko wont let me go anywhere without him, I want to do some shopping of my own, especially since we don't go out in the open alot,"

"She can get captured the moment I lay my eyes off of her, I'm just protecting her but she doesn't understand that," Zuko said as Iroh nodded his head. 

"I see, the problem with you kids is that she wants some freedom and you are over protective of her, Prince Zuko I understand your concern but Chi isn't a little kid anymore who always needed protecting, she can protect herself and she's an excellent fighter if necessary, let her look around and pick out what she wants and we all meet back on the ship within an hour, you have to let her go Prince Zuko in order for your relationship to grow," Iroh explained as he uncrossed his arms and looked to Chi who was looking at him. 

Zuko sighed slumping his shoulders. 

"Alright, but the first sign of trouble run back to the ship," Zuko said causing Chi to smile wide as she clapped and ran to him as she gave him a long kiss on the cheek. 

"I love you!" She calls before running out of the shop. 

"You did the right thing Prince Zuko, don't make her feel like a prisoner," Iroh said as Zuko only grunted in return. 


Chi was happy as she was exploring the merchants. She was finally alone and can do whatever she wishes to do. Chi ended up shopping for clothes that she desperately needed and spent time looking at things that might be needed on the ship. Once she was finished she looked at the next shop which looked like a pirate shop. She smiled widely as she went inside along with several of her bags. 

Once she got in she stared at the monkey with red eyes as she looked at it curiously before a familiar voice perked her ears. 

"This monk, did he have an arrow on his head?" She could hear Zuko ask. 

"ZUKO!" Chi says running to him and Iroh as they turned to face her. 

"Chi! Thank goodness your okay! I was so worried about you!" Zuko said carrying some of her bags for her. "Whats in here?"

She giggles. 

"You'll find out soon," She winks causing him to blush. 

"You know, I'll pay a hefty price for the girl, she's extremely cute, and I'll give you information on the bald monk and the water tribe girl,"

Zuko turned back to face the pirate narrowing his eyes as he checked Chi out with his eyes. 

"Stop staring at my girlfriend, she's not for sale, make another comment like that and I'll burn your face off, now about that monk with the arrows," Zuko said in a dangerous voice causing even Chi herself to shiver in an unpleasant way.


Zuko, Chi, and Iroh along with the pirates were now on a smaller boat into the river. 

"Shouldn't we stop to search the woods?" The Pirate Captain asks looking at Zuko. 

"We don't need to stop. They stole a waterbending scroll, right?" Chi answered turning to face him. 

"Mh-hmm," He responded to the young girl. 

"Then they'll be on the water," She smiles to him before turning back to face the ocean. 

Zuko narrowed his eyes before walking up to her knowing shes in a happy mood. 

"What's got you so excited?" He couldnt help but ask. 

"Well, for one I had a great shopping day, two I get to see Aang again," She said causing Zuko to roll his eyes.

"What is with you and the Avatar?" He quietly whispers so the pirates wont hear. 

"Nothing, I just really want to thank him, he did spare my life a couple of times, I'm grateful to still be alive because of him,"

"I guess so, I always wondered why he treated you differently," 

"Maybe because I'm a girl," She answers not really knowing herself. 

"Yeah a beautiful girl at that," Zuko says turning to her as she blushed as the two got lost into each other's eyes. 

Neither one of them noticed that they were leaning into one another before Chi's lips were placed onto Zuko's. Knowing that the Pirates were watching, Zuko decided to wrap his arms around her waist pulling her in closer to him causing her to wrap her arms around his neck. Zuko was the first to pull away as smiles matched both of their faces. 

"I love you," Zuko says kissing her on the nose causing her to giggle. 

"I love you more my Prince," She giggles as she let out a surprise yelp when he dipped her down and placed another loving kiss to her lips causing the pirates to groan.

Zero to Hero (Zuko Love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon