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Chi woke up to the sound of loud snoring ringing her ears. She lightly gasped as memories of the night before in the shower rang through her mind. Did that really happen? Did her and Zuko really have sex last night? Did she just take her virginity away to Zuko last night? Was it the right thing to do? 

"Stop over thinking," Zuko sleepily said while opening one eye as he had an arm wrapped around her waist and brought her in closer to his chest. "I don't regret a thing, last night was one of the best nights of my life," Zuko said placing kisses on her shoulder blades. 

"I don't regret anything Zuko.... I just.... its just-" A large blush coated her cheeks causing him to chuckle as he kissed her cheek. 

"I know its your first time, and I loved every minute of it, I'm glad I was the one to take your purity away,"

"Zuko.... Can we stay just like this? Together naked under the sheets?"

"I'd love that more than anything, but we have to resume your training,"

She whined before giving in with a sigh. 

"Alright, Alright Mr. Bossy," She said getting up but she yelped as Zuko placed her right back down. 

"I didn't say now," He said causing her to giggle as he rolled on top of her and gave her a much needed kiss on the lips.


It was noon when they finally made it to the docks, and when they did everyone stared at the two, some had knowing looks on their faces while others had disgusted looks on their faces. Chi can be pretty loud in the bedroom. 

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT?! IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! SAY IT TO MY FACE!" Zuko screeched causing them to look away and go back  to their duties. 

"Chi! Prince Zuko! A word with you two please," Iroh waved over from the table as the two looked at each other before walking over to Iroh. 

"Please sit down," Iroh said as the two sat down and he began pouring some tea. 

"What's this about Uncle?" Zuko asked raising his eyebrow as Iroh placed the Tea pot back where it went. 

"Well, I understand both of you are a couple now, and I also understand couples explore each others bodies from time to time to release stress and tension, but I just want to know if you are using some sort of protection to not get Chi Pregnant? She's a young girl and both of you guys have full lives ahead of you,"

"UNCLE!" Zuko shouted as blushes appeared on both faces as he slammed his hands on the table. "Uncle, I am not having sex talk with you!" 

"Calm down Prince Zuko, I'm just-"

"What me and Chi do in our bedroom is none of your business! And for the record I know what I'm doing Pregnancy wont come until after I am appointed as fire lord and she becomes my wife!"

"Wife?" Chi asked with a biggest smile on her face. "You consider me as wife material?"

"Well.... Yeah of course, did you really think we weren't going to get married someday?"

"EEP! ZUKO I'M SO HAPPY!" Chi said jumping up and pouncing on Zuko causing the two to crash to the floor. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I CANT WAIT TO BE YOUR WIFE!" She said kissing him on the lips to which Zuko replied back to but was interrupted when a coughing sound was heard.

"Oh, sorry Iroh," Chi said scratching the back of her head as a blush appeared on her face. 


The next couple of days resulted in training and more sex for Zuko and Chi. Chi was becoming a pro at her fighting skills and can take down anyone who gets in her way. Zuko clapped as Chi just took down her sparring partner who collapsed out of exhaustion. 

"Great job Chi, that's my girl! You've been training very hard the past week,"

"Yeah I just wish Ty Lee was here to see how strong I've become she'd be so proud!"

"That, and I'm proud of you," Zuko says wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek causing her to giggle. 

"Chi, would you join me on a nice walk?" Iroh said as the ship docked in the forest. 

"Yeah, I could use a break, I'll be back Zuko," Chi said kissing his cheek as he blushed. 

"DONT BE LONG! PROTECT HER WITH YOUR LIFE UNCLE!" Zuko called out as he watched them walk away with a smile. 

"So, what did you want to talk about Iroh?" Chi asked after walking sometime in silence.

"Please, Call me Uncle Iroh, you will be my niece in law very soon, I wanted to talk about you and my Nephew,"

"What is it Uncle?"

"Well, I see your changing him, he's less angry, he's stress free, not worried about the avatar, he only cares about you and I can see the good in him returning from when he was a young boy, and its all thanks to you Chi,"

"Oh, I didn't do anything Uncle, I've always loved Zuko since we met so long ago," 

"And he's always loved you as well, which is why if you and Zuko are to be married, its time we practice you to becoming the Fire Queen," 

"Practice? Fire Queen?"

"Yes, we shall start by going into merchant stores and buying you the finest clothing a Queen would wear, and practicing your walking and stance at being a Queen, and last leadership, its alot of responsibility, Zuko has been ready to become the fire lord, the question is are you ready to be the Queen of the Fire Nation?"

"Yes, more than anything Uncle, I want to be with Zuko forever," she said with a smile. 

"Good, good, I brought you out here because there is a hot spring that I figured you might like," 

She smiled as he pulled a branch apart and there was a hot spring in the area as she ran towards it. 

"WOW! Uncle this is just what I needed relaxation time!" 

"Yes I figured you would," He says laughing before he started heating up the water. "I shall continue my walk alone while you relax and enjoy yourself,"

"Wont Zuko get worried if I'm gone for a long time?" Chi asked as Iroh turned around as she was undressing. "No worries about my Nephew, I'll let him know you need quality time to yourself," He said before walking away as Chi sighed as she got in the hot tub Iroh heated for her. 

"Ah, this is just what I needed, thank you Uncle Iroh," Chi said closing her eyes as she began to drift off into a peaceful sleep. 

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