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After the training session Iroh gave to Zuko, Chi was standing looking out into the ocean when she spotted two odd looking people.

"ZUKO!" She called out as Zuko opened the door And rushed over to her after hearing her yell.

"Chi, what's wrong?" He asked out of breath as she pointed to where she saw the girl and young boy.

Zuko, who grabbed his telescope and follows every movement the two makes as Aang, still holding Katara, jumps down the side of the ship.

"Chi take a look, he's definitely the last airbender!" Zuko says handing Chi the Telescope.

"Quite agile for his old age. Don't you think Zuko?" She asks as he turns and angrily yells to a soldier behind him.

"Wake my uncle! Tell him Chi and I found the Avatar," Zuko says as he gently grabs the scope and peeks through his telescope again to see that Katara and Aang are running now.

Zuko follows the direction they are running in with his telescope and discovers that they must be headed for the village he spots.

"As well as his hiding place," he said as they got closer to the Southern water tribe. "Chi," he called turning to her as he put the scope away.

"Yes Zuko?" She asks tilting her head innocently as Zuko couldn't help but blush.

She was just so cute to him.

"Your going to stay in your room while we expedite the mission," he said causing her to pout.

"No, Zuko I want to be by your side, I don't want to sit on the sidelines," Chi pouted as Zuko went to grab both her hands a blush on her face at how close they were together.

"Chi, I can't risk the Avatar hurting you, I care about you so much. It'll devastate me if something were to happen to you specifically,"

"But I have you to protect me! Please Zuko don't leave me all alone," She said removing her hand from his as she wrapped them around his waist instead. "I want to go with you Zuko, please," she said holding him tighter.

Zuko's face softened as he wrapped his arms around her waist as he sighed.

"I can't say no to you, alright but promise me you'll stay by my side at all times okay?"

"Okay," she said smiling as she looked up at his face to see a smile on his own face.

The ship landed in the ice where Prince Zuko and Chi emerges from the mist, two guards following close behind them. The villagers huddled together and Sokka, who kneels in the snow in front of them, ready to defend his tribe. Prince Zuko and Chi descends from the ship along with the two guards. Sokka was going to fight but stopped as he sees Chi next to Zuko, his mouth dropped open to how pretty she looked. She had beautiful pink hair that going to her back, big pink doey eyes and beautiful pink lips.

Sokka shakes his head to get over the beauty as he lets out a battle cry and charges at the prince with his club. When he reaches Zuko, the prince merely kicks the club to his left and, without ever resting his leg on the ground, kicks Sokka over to his right, sending him into the snow, where his head becomes trapped. Chi couldn't help but giggle as The warrior desperately tries to free himself as Zuko continues on his way to the village, followed by six more men. Katara covers her mouth in shock upon witnessing her brother's quick defeat.

Zuko, Chi and his men stand before the villagers. As Zuko approaches, he passes to the right when he does not seem to find what he is looking for and stops in front of Katara, who is clutching her grandmother.

"Where are you hiding him?" Zuko yells out angry.

Chi rolled her eyes before putting her hands up in the air.

"Please we mean you no harm were looking for the Avatar,"

Zuko surveys the crowd of villagers, who fall completely silent. Without warning, he extends his arm out into the crowd and grabs the grandma, holding her by the hood of her parka.

"Zuko!" Chi hissed not liking how rough he was being with her but he ignored her.

"He'd be about this age, master of all elements?"

"Zuko put her down she's innocent," Chi said looking up at him as Zuko glanced at her before sighing.

He shoves her forcefully back into the crowd. The elderly woman shudders in fear and embraces Katara, while Katara shoots an angry glare at Zuko. Receiving no response, Zuko swings his arm out and releases an arc of fire that passes just over the heads of the people, causing them to cover their heads and cry out in fear.

"No! Zuko stop!" Chi says placing her arm around his as he twitched his eye.

"Chi, your embarrassing me here,"

"There's another way to do this! Not harming the villagers, Zuko please,"

Zuko groaned as he slumped his shoulders. Katara couldn't help but stare curiously as the girl he was with seems to calm him down. She releases his arm as Zuko crossed them instead.

"We know you're hiding him, just give us what we want and we'll be on our way," Zuko said in a much calmer tone.

"Please we don't want to hurt you at all, we saw The Avatar we just want him," Chi chimes in trying to make peace with the Water Tribe.

Sokka runs over and picks his club up, most of his war paint having come off at this point. He lets out another battle cry as he charges toward the prince. He swiftly turns around just as Sokka approaches. He ducks under Sokka's wide swing and hurls the warrior forward.

Sokka lands on his rear in the snow and is quickly forced to dart from his spot when Zuko fires a blast at him.

He spins to the side and tosses his boomerang towards Chi who yelps as she ducks and barely manages to miss getting hit by the weapon. Zuko growls and glares at Sokka in anger at the near hit how dare he try to go after the woman he loves. He looks back at Sokka in anger. One of the village boys tosses Sokka a spear.

"Show no fear!" He cheers him on.

Sokka handily catches the weapon and charges at Zuko once more. Zuko breaks of pieces of the spear with his forearms, pulls the remains of the weapon out of Sokka's hands and pokes him three times in the head with the blunt end.

Sokka falls to the ground as Zuko snaps the spear in two and tosses the pieces to the ground on both of his sides. Chi couldn't help but giggle at the situation as Sokka stopped rubbing his head and blushed at the sound causing Zuko to become angry, however A sparkle of light shines briefly in the distance and Sokka's boomerang spins into view, unnoticed by Zuko or Chi. The weapon strikes Chi on the back of her head with a loud cling. Both Sokka and Zuko's eyes widened in fear as Chi was down on the ground face buried in the snow.

"CHI!" Zuko yelled causing his voice to echo.

Zero to Hero (Zuko Love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant