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After being evaluated by the medic, Chi ran out deck to see Aang up in the air with his glider. She sighs before running after him as she leaps up in the air and grabs onto his ankle. Aang turns to her.

"Oh hey there Chi, are you riding with us?"

"No! I'm capturing you!" She said as Aang begins losing his balance as Chi held onto him tighter.

"CHI!" Zuko yells busting out the door.

The two plummet down to the lower deck of the ship and land with a crash. They bounce a few times before coming to a halt. Aang's glider closes again to a staff.

Both lie on the deck for a moment.  Chi began rising just as Zuko caught up to them.

"Are you alright Chi?" Zuko asked as she was in his arms.

"I'm okay Zuko," she responds before standing up as Zuko sent an angry glare at Aang as he lets go of Chi and got in a fighting stance.

Aang begins to rise and assumes a fighting stance, looking very unsure of himself. Before the fight could begin, Appa's growl distracts all three of them. Aang averts his gaze and catches sight of Appa heading toward the ship.

"What is that?" Chi asked eyes wide as she's never seen that before.

"It's Appa my flying Bison, maybe I can give you a ride on it someday,"

"She's not going anywhere," Zuko growls as Aang turns around to face Zuko and manages to deflect a firebending attack by spinning his glider around like a baton.

However, he propels himself by accident into the air and lands on the ledge of the deck. He leans precariously over the side, unsteadily balancing himself, but manages to regain his balance only for Zuko to fire another blast at him.

He twirls his glider again to deflect the attack. Two more blasts are fired his way before he loses his grip on his glider and the object spins away.

The staff falls several feet away. Aang ducks, spins and leaps out of the way of blasts and lands on the very ledge where Chi was standing next to it debating if she should help him or not since he was struggling to keep his balance. Zuko hurls more fire blasts his way.

Aang holds up his hands in defense, but the last blast seemingly knocks him out cold and he falls backward off the ship into the water, and Chi was close enough to where he was and grabbed her along with him as her facial expression becomes shocked as she was now floating in the air.

"ZUKO!" Chi desperately yells before she plummets to the icy water below her.

"CHI! AANG!" Both Zuko and Katara yelled out terrified as Zuko ran to the edge of the boat. "CHI! CHI NO!" Zuko yells as he begins to take off his clothes throwing his shirt to the side.

"Prince Zuko! Don't go!" One of the guards yelled holding him back.


"AANG! AANG! AANG!"  Katara yelled from above.

Chi was unconscious in the water along with Aang. She could feel her life slipping away and she never even got to tell Zuko how she felt. The water was freezing and she was cold but she somehow ended up feeling peaceful.

However that peaceful moment was ruined as she felt someone grab onto her as she was risen above the water.

"CHI!" She heard Zuko's horrified voice yell out but couldn't open her eyes to tell him she was alright.

Her lungs felt like they were on fire as her body had hit the deck of the ship with even more water crashing down on them.

Chi remains on the ground with her eyes closed and not seemingly breathing. She heard footsteps running towards her.

"Chi, Chi are you okay?" The voice of the water tribe boy asked shaking her.

"Sokka! We have to go!" Katara yelled.

Sokka began to place his lips on hers as Katara's eyes widened in horror, after a minute or so Sokka released her lips as she began coughing up water causing him to cradle her in his arms.

"Hey, your okay," Sokka says as Chi opened her eyes to face the water tribe boy.

She screams as she rolls away from him confused as to what's going on.

"HOLD ON CHI IM COMING!" Zuko yelled as he was trying to pull himself up.

"Hey, it's me Sokka, remember? I just saved your life,"

"BY KISSING ME?!" She yelled eyes widened in horror.

"No, No, No I was-"

"YOU PUT YOUR FILTHY LIPS ON CHI?!" Zuko yelled finally back up on the deck furiously.

"I was only trying to save her I- AHHH!" Sokka yelled as Zuko ran at him and sent a fire blast his way.

Sokka ducked and rolled over noticing Aang's glider right beside him as Sokka grabbed it in time before another blast can hit him.

"YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG!" he yelled dodging another blast as he tossed Aang the glider.

He hid behind his sister as she was water bending and ended up freezing Zuko's feet to the ground. Aang Katara and Sokka began to run.

"SHOOT FIIREBLASTS AT THEM!" Zuko ordered once he freed himself as they were now on Appa.

A fireball came at them as Aang jumped to the front as he aired it away using his airbending as it hit an icebeg.

Before another shot could be fired, Katara lifted up a huge wave of water and shot it at the guards as they flew away.

Zuko growled before sighing in defeat. His eyes widened turning around as he went towards Chi who was huddled up and shivering.

"Chi! Chi hold on I'll get you some warm blankets, hot soup, and warm tea, let's get you out of these clothes!" Zuko says holding Chi in his arms as she couldn't help but sneeze.

Zero to Hero (Zuko Love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ