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"Chi are you sure your feeling better?" Zuko who was meditating near the fire asks for the thousand time.

"Yes Zuko, that herbal tea your uncle provided me did wonders for me! I'm all better now especially since I can do this!" She said jumping from his bed as she gave him a kiss on the cheek causing him to blush.

"Your uhhh.... Your.... Breaking my concentration!" Zuko said blushing harder causing her to giggle.

"Well, you confessed your love to me right?" She asks circling around him with a smile.

"Yeah, I did and you did as well,"

"So that makes us a couple then right Zuko?" She asked causing Zuko to open one eye.

"Ummm.... Uhhh.... Yeah actually, that does make you my girlfriend doesn't it?"

"And that makes you my boyfriend so I have a right to distract you and get to finally do this," she said grabbing him as she placed her lips on him.

Zuko's eyes widened in shock before he kissed her back. The kiss itself was nothing Zuko nor Chi has ever felt before. It was full of fire, sparks flying everywhere as Zuko only pulled her closer. Her arms were wrapped around his neck as she felt like she was on cloud nine.

The kiss was forced to end however when Iroh knocked on the door and let himself in. He screamed at seeing the kids kissing as he placed the map he had over his eyes.

"UNCLE!" Zuko yelled pulling away from Chi as he shielded her. "The only reason you should be interrupting me, is if you have news about the Avatar!" He shouts pointing at him while blushing at being caught.

"Well, there is news, Prince Zuko, but you might not like it. Don't get too upset,"

"Don't worry Iroh! I got him under control if he does get upset!" Chi giggled getting from behind him as she grabbed onto his arm.

"Glad to see your doing much better Chi! And your glowing too does it have to do with a certain nephew of mine?" Iroh asked causing her to blush as she stuffed her head in Zuko's arm as Iroh laughed.

"Enough teasing her uncle, and besides you taught me that keeping a level head is a sign of a great leader. Now, whatever you have to say, I'm sure I can take it,"

"Okay then..... As long as Chi doesn't get hurt," he said before clearing his throat. "We have no idea where he is,"

"WHAT!?" Zuko yells the candles that were lit going up higher.

"Zuko! Calm down please! I'm only human and it's hot!" Chi yells letting go of his arm as she fanned herself.

"You really should open a window in here," Iroh agrees taking a fan out and fanning himself.

Zuko growls looking between his Uncle and his girlfriend.

"Give me the map!" Zuko yells taking the nap from his Uncle and scanning it.

"Well, there have been multiple sightings of the Avatar, but he is impossible to track down," Iroh said as Chi sighed.

"How am I going to find him, Uncle?" He asked as the dots were everywhere on the map. "He is clearly a master of evasive maneuvering,"

"Well why not hire me to track him down Zuko?" Chi asks smiling. "Aang and that boy have a thing for me why not use me as a bait?"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Zuko yelled the flames on the candle growing. "YOUR MY GIRLFRIEND! No Avatar or water tribe boy will even get 10 feet from you!"

"Zuko just calm down, don't yell at the girl she was only trying to help," Iroh says seeing the frightened look in her eyes.

Zuko sighs before relaxing himself looking at his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry for yelling.... I just got worked up,"

"No, it's okay I just.... Well my parents always yelled at me to the point I'm traumatized when someone even raises their voice at me, I can't help it," Chi says tears streaming down her face.

Zuko began panicking before bringing her into his arms.

"No, No, dont cry! It's okay I promise not to yell at you again okay? Come on Chi, you know I hate it when you cry," Zuko says softly causing a smile to form on Iroh's face.

"I forgive you Zuko," Chi said sniffing as she looked up at him.

He smiled before letting her go as he wiped the tears away with his thumbs and bringing her into an apologetic kiss on the lips.

Zero to Hero (Zuko Love story)Where stories live. Discover now