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Three Years Later

"Ummm.... I don't know about this General Iroh, it's too hard," Chi said pouting as Iroh let out a laugh.

"Okay, okay we take 5, it'll help clear your head," he grins as Chi gets up and stretches as she saw Zuko pacing back in forth.

"Zuko! Is everything okay?" Chi asks cartwheeling over to him.

"No everything is not okay, I don't have the Avatar, I don't have my honor, I don't have a home! We've been on this journey three years now!" He said as Chi gasped when fire began to come out of his fists.

His eyes widened before looking down as his fists stop showing fire in them.

"I'm sorry..... I didn't mean to snap at you,"

"No it's okay..... I.... It's just-"

"I know, and I'm sorry my father shouldn't have burned you because you stood up for me," Zuko said before placing a hand on her shoulder moving her shirt to the side to see a giant burn mark on her shoulder.

Chi gulped as Zuko went to touch it running his hand over the burn.

"Does it hurt?" He softly asks looking up at her in the eyes.

"No, not anymore and Zuko, I don't regret my choice I care about you," she smiles lightly at him.

He smiled back at her.

"I know, I care about you too," he said causing her to blush.

"CHI! FIVE MINUTES ARE UP!" Iroh yelled from his game with a smile as she sighed.

"We'll find the Avatar eventually Zuko," she says pulling her shirt back up before leaving to sit with Iroh again.

"Now, I hoped you cleared your mind while over there with my nephew,"

"Yes, yes I did, ready for my turn," she said before moving her piece in the game.

The two went at it for awhile as Zuko stood next to Chi watching her play with his uncle in deep thought.

"This is boring," Zuko said flaring his arms earning a shush from Chi.

He pouted as he turned away from her, however as he did a beam of light shot from the sky causing his eyes to widened.

"CHI! UNCLE! LOOK!" Zuko pointed out excitedly as they looked at the light and Chi had a look of awe on her face. "Do you two know what this means?!"

"The Avatar has returned," Chi said with a smile on her face. "ZUKO! THE AVATAR HAS RETURNED!" Chi yelled excitedly getting up from her chair, as her and Zuko hugged each other smiling with Zuko grabbing her waist and spinning her around as she laughed.

"Does this mean we won't get to finish our game?" Iroh asked slumping on the chair.

"It means our search is about to come to an end," Zuko said putting Chi down as he wrapped an arm around her waist as the two stares at the light.

"Iroh, That light came from an incredibly powerful source," Chi pointed out as the light dwindles and disappeared.

"It has to be him!" Zuko explained as they both turned back to Iroh.

"Or it's just the celestial lights. We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko and Chi,  I don't want you both to get too excited over nothing," Iroh finishes inspecting a tile in his hand. "Please, sit. Chi, why don't we finish our game? And Prince Zuko why don't you enjoy a cup of calming Jasmine tea?" Iroh asked causing Chi to sigh as she slumped her shoulders however Zuko grabbed her uninjured shoulder before speaking to Iroh.

"Chi is bored of playing your game and I don't need any calming tea! I need to capture the Avatar! Helmsman, head a course for the light!" Zuko instructed as the Helmsman nodded his head.


As they were nearing the Southern Water Tribe Chi couldn't help but shiver as she got cold the closer they got.

"Chi, are you cold?" Zuko asked walking to her with a jacket in his hands.

"Yeah, sometimes it sucks being normal," She said as he chuckles when he wrapped the jacket around her.

"Thank you Zuko,"

"Do you miss home? Do you miss Ty Lee?" Zuko suddenly asks looking out into the ocean.

"Sometimes, but I made the decision to interfere with the Angi Kai, I just couldn't stand by and let you get hurt,"

"But in the process dad burned you when he shouldn't have! That memory haunts me everyday hearing you scream and cry..... And dad he just smiled at seeing your pain before burning my face, I blame myself,"

"Zuko, don't blame yourself," Chi said placing her hands on his face. "none of this was your fault you were speaking good for the fire nation, your dad should have accepted your apologies instead of doing this to you, to us, I miss home but I'd miss you more if I was there," she said causing Zuko to smile as his forehead rested on hers.

"What would I do without you?"

"Go insane I bet," she giggles causing Zuko to let out a soft smile.

Zero to Hero (Zuko Love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora