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Chi's hands were cuffed and her mouth gagged. She was riding on the back of an ostrich Horse with nothing but her swimwear on. She was feeling uncomfortable as the guy in the back kept staring at her, almost like he's looking through her soul. Chi shook her head as the gag fell off her mouth. 

"Where are you taking me? Do you know who I am?"

"Were taking you to a secluded area where nobody will find you, before taking you to face justice," The solider replied with a smirk on his face. 

"Wait you dont want to do that! Please release me, I'm sorry for spitting on your face please let me go, Zuko is so worried about me I have to go back to him,"

"Shut up whore," The one from beside her said as she glared at him. "This Zuko of yours will never see you again,"

"NO! PLEASE! LET ME GO!" She yells falling off the Ostrich Horse as she attempts to crawl away, but a solider picked her up harshly.

"HEY! Escape again and we won't even bother putting you in prison! We'll just keep you prisoner in one of our sheds and do whatever we want with you," He threatens looking her up and down as she gasps. 

He roughly puts her back on the Horse without knowing Chi had left a shoe behind for Zuko to find. 


"Zuko," Iroh says riding behind the Rhino as it was running fast. 

Zuko didn't slow it down as Iroh began feeling like he was about to slide off. 

"Prince Zuko slow down!" Iroh yelled before letting out a yell when he did end up falling off the Rhino. 

Zuko pulled on the reigns as he huffs  in anger looking back at his uncle who was on the floor. 


"Prince Zuko, I'm an old man, Its hard to keep up with your pace that you are going,"

"THEN GO BACK TO THE SHIP! I'll find her myself!" Zuko shouted annoyed as Iroh got back up. 

"Look I want to find  her just as much as you do, but look ahead of you," He said pointing to a pink shoe that was left behind. 

Zuko ran towards it as he grabbed it in his hand his uncle being right beside him. 

"This is Chi's uncle, I know this shoe anywhere," He said clutching it to his chest. "She must be so frightened,"

"We are getting closer my nephew, I promise you we will get to Chi and bring her back home where she belongs," he said putting a hand on his shoulder. 

"I'm just so worried about her," He said getting up on the rhino helping his Uncle up as well. 

He kicked the Rhino's side as it began running once more. 

"Look, I really need to use the bathroom," Chi said as the Earth soldier rolled his eyes. 

"Were almost to where we want you to be, you can hold it until then," He says annoyed. 

"But I really have to go! Besides you've cuffed me and I cant really escape please let me go use the bathroom, one of you can stand by and watch or something and then tie me right back up, I wont go anywhere I promise, I'm not a bender nor can I fight,"

"Ughhh! Sako! Watch her!" Soldier one said to the one in the back. 

The three stopped the Ostrich Horses as the one in the back grabbed her by the arm. 

"If you try anything I will kill you," He says pushing her forward. 

Once they were away from the other two Chi smiles before putting her leg up as  her foot connected to his chin hard instantly knocking him out. Chi began looking around making sure nobody heard the noise as she began running with her hands still cuffed together. 

She didn't know where she was going but she didn't care at the moment, all that mattered was she getting away from those Earth Benders. Chi jumped over branches and got through Trees with sticks and leaves in her hair until she saw a way out into the open road. 

Once she was out in the open road she gasps as a Rhino was seen charging at her causing her to scream as she closed her eyes. 

"WOAH!" A familiar voice yelled out as Zuko pulled on the reigns. 

The Rhino stopped just before he could touch Chi as Zuko ran off of the rhino. 


"ZUKO!" Chi said running towards him and he to her. 

Chi was crying as her head hit his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. She was shaking as she was crying.

"Zuko! I'm so glad I found you!"

"Are you hurt? Did those low life's do anything to you?"

"Just threatened to take me where no one can find me and to keep me as their prisoner,"

"Chi! I am so glad your safe," Iroh says getting off the Rhino as he went over to hug Chi.

"HEY!" Chi heard the men hell as she gasps.

"They found me," she says eyes wide in fear.

"Their dead!" Zuko says moving Chi behind him as him and Iroh got into a fighting stance.

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