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Chi, Ty Lee, Azula and Mai were outside playing together. Chi smiled watching as her cousin was smiling and laughing with Azula while sitting down cross legged in front of them.

"Oh look it's my mom and Zuzu," Azula said flipping her hair as Chi looked to see he was indeed walking with his mom as a blush made its way to her face and Zuko couldn't help but catch it as a smile was on his face as well.

Azula smiled looking between the two before calling him over.

"Mom!" She called causing the two to stop walking. "Mom, can Zuko play with us please? We need an extra player for the game we're gonna play!"

"No way I'm not playing with a bunch of girls," Zuko sassily says crossing his arms.

Azula smirked at him.

"Chi will be the first player," she sings causing Zuko to uncross his arms as a blush was on his face.

"Alright, fine I'll play,"

"I'll see you later hon and remember have fun," she said kissing Zuko's cheek as he ran to play with them.

"Hey Zuko," Chi said waving and smiling at him.

Zuko couldn't help but smile back and wave.

"Hey Chi," he shyly says as the others giggled.

"Okay for this game Chi you stand here," Azula instructed moving Chi away from Zuko on a tree.

She placed an apple on her head as Azula moved away from her.

"Ummm.... Azula I don't think this is a good idea," Ty Lee said with a frown.

"Nonsense, I'm not going to hurt her," She says before getting in a fighting stance.

"Azula, what are you-" Zuko asks as Chi let out a yelp when fire came at her from Azula.

The apple on her head was on fire, causing Zuko's eyes to widen as he ran towards her arms out as he pushed her into the pond with him on top of her.

Azula and Mai laughed as Ty Lee glared at her before running to her cousin.

"Get off her!" She yelled throwing Zuko as he landed on his butt. "Chi, Chi, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, I'm alright Ty Lee, thanks for worrying and thanks for saving me Zuko," she said looking at Zuko as he was on the ground blushing.

"ZUKO!" His mom called as she gasped looking at how wet he was as Ty Lee helped Chi out of the pond.

"Girls are dumb, Azula did this to me mom!"

"Azula, I'll deal with you later, Zuko your father needs you in his chambers, I came to get you,"

"Dad wants me?" He asks smiling. "He wants both of you to be exact," he says causing him to frown.

"Awww does this mean Chi will go home? I barley had anytime with her,"

She giggled causing Chi and Zuko to blush again.

"Yes I'm afraid so, I'm sure she'll be here tomorrow right Chi?" His mom asks causing the pink haired girl to look over at her.

"Yes, that's correct, we'll see you tomorrow Zuko," she said smiling before Taking Ty Lee's hand as the two ran from the palace.

Zero to Hero (Zuko Love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin