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"Sailing into Fire Nation waters ... Of all the foolish things you've done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish!" Iroh yelled as Zuko and Chi were up on deck with Chi standing beside Zuko. 

"I have no choice, Uncle," He says turning away from him. 

"Have you completely forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you? Both of you actually?! What if you're both caught? Chi do I need to remind you about your shoulder?!" 

"No Iroh, I am fully aware on what will happen, but its Zuko's decision and I stand by his side,"

"And besides were chasing the Avatar, my father will understand why we  are returning home!"

"You give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type!"

"IROH! Please..... Let Zuko do this," Chi pleaded grabbing onto his arm. "He needs this Iroh, please," Chi begged giving the most puppy dog eyes ever. 

Iroh looked away from her in shame as he shook his head. Chi's eyes widened as she went back to stand Next to Zuko. 

"There they are. Helmsman! Full steam ahead!" Zuko yelled as Chi looked up to see Aang's gang in mid flight. 

The ship went faster as a Fire Nation catapult is raised to the deck of Zuko's ship. It is loaded with a steaming projectile.

"Uh, really Prince Zuko, couldn't you shoot them down with something more fragrant?" Iroh asked waving his fan. 

Zuko went to light the stinky fireball having Chi cover her nose of the stench. 

"On my mark! Fire!" Zuko yells out. 

A guard beside him slices the rope holding back the catapult. The flaming projectile races toward Appa. Chi looked on silently hoping the group gets away. Aang and Sokka are nice boys who really likes her, she wishes nothing bad upon them. Soon enough, Chi can see Aang deflecting the fireball causing her to let out a sigh of relief. 

However a gasp left her lips as she saw a blockade forming on either side of them. She turns to her boyfriend.

"ZUKO A BLOCKADE!" Chi yelled as Zuko's eyes widened in horror. 

Two-row line of Fire Nation ships stretching across the ocean as far as the eye can see. They were all getting ready to fire. Zuko raced towards Chi as he wrapped his arms around hers. 

"I'll protect you, don't you worry," He whispers in her ear as she nodded as her face buried in his chest. 

"Technically you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now and they cannot arrest you both," Iroh says stroking his beard. 

Zuko looked up to see the Avatar not turning around.

"He's not turning around!" Zuko yelled as Chi buries her face deeper in his chest. 

She was worried, really worried if they don't turn back now she may never see Zuko again, but she did promise to stand by him no matter what happens. 

"Zuko maybe your uncle is right.... We can turn around and capture the Avatar another day, Please, Zuko! If the Fire Nation captures us I cant see you anymore," Chi says tears gathering in her eyes. 

"Chi please understand that I have to do this, you wont get taken away from me, I promise," 

"Zuko," Chi says fully crying into his chest as he couldn't help but sigh. 

"Please Prince Zuko, if you wont listen to me than listen to Chi, If the Fire Nation captures you both there is nothing I can do,"

"I'm sorry Uncle, I'm sorry Chi," He says with sorrow filled in his voice. 

"RUN THE BLOCKADE!" He yelled holding onto Chi with one hand and thrusting his hand forward.

Chi began screaming out of fear as fireballs were launched everywhere. She lets go of Zuko and runs to the corner of the deck kneeling down with her ears covered. 

"CHI!" Zuko yells as the ship is narrowly missing many falling fireballs. 

Sheets of ocean water crash over the ship, and crew members run for safety. A single fireball explodes on the aft side of the vessel.

"Prince Zuko! The engines are damaged! We need to stop and make repairs!" An engineer yelled out. 

"Do not stop this ship," Zuko commanded before running over to Chi as he crouched down to her level. 

"Chi, are you okay?" He asked as Chi looks to him with tears in her eyes. 

"I dont want to die, Zuko,"

"Your not going to die, I wont allow that,"


"Chi, listen to me, I know its scary now but I promise you that we will make it out of this,"

"Are you sure Zuko?"

"Yes, now take my hand Chi, I'll protect you,"

Chi smiled and nodded as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand before taking Zuko's hand. 

"We're on a collision course!" Iroh shouted causing Chi to gasp out loud as Zuko only held onto her hand tighter for reassurance. 

"We can make it!" Zuko yelled letting Chi's hand go as he wraps an arm around her shoulder instead. 

Each ship in the blockade halts, allowing Zuko's ship to glide by beneath their deck, untouched. Zhao stands high, sharing an interlocked gaze with Zuko below and sends an uncomfortable smile to Chi, like he's up to something. Zuko, Chi and Iroh look behind them in silence as they sail safely through. Iroh strokes his gray beard curiously. The smile never leaving Zhao's face as he and Chi made eye contact one last time.


With everything calmed now Chi was by the railing next to Zuko looking out into the sky as Zuko tightens knuckles on ship's railing. Smoke billows behind his ship. 

"What's he up to, Uncle? Why didn't Commander Zhao arrest me and Chi? Why was he smiling at Chi like that? What does he want with her?" Zuko asks turning to his Uncle for guidance. 

"Because he wants to follow you. He knows you'll lead him to the prize the three of you are after: the Avatar,"

"Actually make that the both of them I'm not after him I just follow Zuko," Chi said causing Zuko to roll his eyes. 

"Your aiding me on capturing him which means your helping too," 

"But I dont have anything against Aang though,"

"Oh, so now you and the Avatar on on first name basis now?" Zuko asked getting jealous. 

"What's the issue? The Avatar has a name and his name is Aang,"

"Why not have Aang be your boyfriend then?" Zuko asks crossing his arms turning away from Chi. 

"Zuko are you serious right now? Get over yourself we don't have time to argue over this, I say if a trail of Smoke Zhao wants to follow, that's exactly what we'll let him do," Chi said as Zuko glances over at her. 

"I knew you'd be a lot smarter than you look, you'd make a fine Queen of the Fire nation some day," Iroh said smiling patting her on her uninjured shoulder. 

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