Dominic- can you get out ?

Molly- huh?

Dominic- can you get out, I want to see you.

Molly- yes.. I can, I just need to bath first.

Dominic- alright, link me when you're out.

While standing there talking, I heard Dolly coming over to my room. There was not enough time for the alpha to jump out, so I pushed him into my closet.

Dolly- hey molly-.. why are you naked?

Molly- what the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you knock?

Dolly- we are all girls! And your single so I know you don't.. wait I heard you talking who were you talking to ?

Molly- I talk to myself.. to figure shit out, like why are you still here and not back with you MATE!?

Dolly- fuck you!

She got pissed and left, I quickly locked my door and the alpha stepped out. He come over to give me a hug to calm my nerves. It felt good to be in his arms. I told him she will be back so he took off, I went to shower.  When I got back, I did not even get the chance to close my door and  Dolly come in. I am starting to hate her, she is always in my face. I honestly want to shout at her but it will only make matters worse and I might end up with her following me around.

Dolly- let's go out for dinner.

Molly- sorry I already have plans.  And why do you keep barging in? It's my room .. knock!

Dolly- with who? Wendy is not here and sandy left today but you already know that .

Molly- I recall saying "I" not "we" have plans. I want to be alone thank you.

She wanted to talk but held her tongue. As she saw walking out she sniffed the air and looked at me funny. I wonder what's that about. I finished getting ready and took off, without saying goodbye. Mother would have made me take Dolly and I have  seen enough of her to last me a life time. I linked the alpha and he told me to met him in the training grounds. I got there and he was already waiting, he took my hand and we walked deeper into the woods.

Molly- how far?

Dominic- a bit longer.. tired?

Molly- uhmm no no it's alright.

He stopped, took off his cloths and handed them to me. Wow! I mean I have been sleeping with him but I have never really took time to look at his body. He was beautiful, fuck his well built. His thighs,ass, chest and dick.. hmm his good looking.

He shifted, my mouth was wide open. He is huge! His one big ass wolf. He come and brushed up against me, I brushed his soft fur. He lowered himself so I can get on.. then took off.

He took me to this beautiful Clif, I would see the forest cleanly.. it was breath taking. He had a picnic type of setting, we took our seats and he got me a blanket.

Dominic- it tends to be a bit chilly up here.

Molly- you come here a lot?

Dominic- yes.. it's peaceful and it's the only place I know Lucas won't come looking for me... His a little bitch about high places and Cliff's.

I laughed, we talked for a while. He asked about Dolly and I was honest about our relationship. We made out a lot , I had fruits.. I love fruit this days and he was drinking wine. It was a beautiful night, later around 2 in the morning.. I was starting to dozz off, so he took me home.

He kissed me goodnight and I wished he did more than just kiss me. I went home, thinking to myself what will he say if I told him I was horny? I am, I am and his to blame really.

I was talking to myself and laughing, smiling like a crazy person. I was happy til I walked in the house. My mother Dolly was waiting for me. She was even sitting in the dark like what the fuck is wrong with this girl.

Dolly- where have you been!

Molly- I am old enough that I don't have to answer to you!

Dolly- oh jeah? Your stupid school called...

I froze, I lied about what I was studying. And the tuition fees, I was paying the other half myself and I think I missed the last two payments.

Dolly- clerk? I thought you said it was cooking class

Molly- I hate cooking for myself, why would I want to cook for an entire pack?

Dolly- clerk is more expensive... Who is paying? It can't be mother because she too did not know.

Molly- I was paying for myself.

Dolly- you have no scent on you... But from your body language and the twig in your hair you were in the wood. Are you fucking that Married human again?

Molly- oh my goodness! Dolly.. fuck off. It's not your business.

Dolly- your a fucken homewrecker!

Molly- his divorce Dolly! And no I was not with him... I do not have to explain anything to you.

I took off before she started talking even more. I went to my room feeling pissed, the alpha linked me to check on me. I told him what was happening and he asked if I wanted to be removed from my family home. I thought about it but I love my family, as horrible as they can be... they are still family.

MY ALPHA'S BREEDER Where stories live. Discover now