chapter 7

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Molly pov

We walked out, he was ahead but he was talking to me... through the link. He told me I was going to be reassigned to a less stressful work environment.. whatever that means. He took off and I went home. I walked in and found my sister's looking modified. At first I thought maybe it's the alpha scent on me but I passed so many  people they did not look at me weirdly or anything. So it can't be about him.

Dolly- the fuck Molly!

Molly- what?

Sally- the house! It's a fucken mass.

I went in, looking around and it looked like some trashed it. I have a pretty damn good idea who but why? It's not like I told the alpha she had the silver. But I was relieved it has  nothing  to do with me fucking my alpha. My sisters helped clean up And i told them about the phone and the silver. Dolly told me to stay away from Beauty, she made it seem like it was my fault that she was fucking my boyfriend.

Dolly is your perfect annoying sister who makes sure you know your under her. She would body shame me each time I brought a skin tight dress or called me a nerd for studying and wearing glasses. Like it's my fault I can't see clearly.. most of the time anyways.

It's not a everyday thing, I only wear them when my eyes start to hurt. I did not reply because if I do mother will be calling me to shout at me for being "disrespectful".  Sally called me aside to ask what was really going on and I couldn't hold it anymore. Dolly did a number on me this time, I told Sally everything.

Sally- damn Molly, I said have fun not ruin your life. Although technically he come to you.. wait is it not rape? I mean did you say yes? Did he ask .. fuck now I am confused.

Molly- it's not rape if I did not say no and.. I don't know... I wanted it?

Sally- you sound happy and yet very confused. 

Molly-no shit! He is very difficult to read. Anyway what's your advice?

Sally- don't tell anyone shit... And have fun? I mean it's dangerous but if he is willing to protect you and the beta seem to be doing the same.. why not? Besides you can always leave the pack and go live in town.... Uhmm your still on the pill right?

Molly- yes.

Sally put me on the pill when I started having sex. Mother was and is against it so we kept it between us. Sally is crazy, she even laughed at me saying dick will kill me. But did not try and talk me out of it, just told me to be safe. They left after and I went on with my life with the alpha.

Two weeks down the line, I am better with training but the masking of my scent is still very difficult. For some reason the beta and alpha seem a little on edge this days. They tell me not to let anyone regardless of rank push me around. To always fight back, that's not me and I try to tell them but the are hell bent on making me a warrior.

Today It was Friday, I just finished my work at the library. The alpha said he doesn't want me picking up heavy things or running around doing laundry. Funny enough he has no problem with me training. I went home to get ready for my time with the alpha when I heard my mother's voice from inside the house. I freaked out, what is she doing home..

I walked in and I just stood there, Dolly showed up behind her and I knew she was the one who called mother back.

Gloria- well? Are you going to stand there or give your mother a hug?

I walked over annoyed and yet happy to see her. I missed her but I did not want her back here, she is massing up my plans.

Gloria- oh my, Dolly is right... You lost weight. And the hospital thing? Were you going to inform me ?

Molly- no.. because I knew your twin here will tell you either way.

Dolly- she is your mother! She had to know.

Molly- yes... She! Not you...

Mother slapped me, I took off to my room. I held my check and looked at her, she looked very very pissed do just a simple comment. It's not the first time I said that to Dolly but she was very anger this time around. I dropped my head and walked to my room, I locked the door behind me. You would think I was being rude but I was not. Dolly doesn't care about privacy, she finds out anything about you she tells mother. I took a shower and locked myself in my room, for sure Dolly is sleeping here to night. Knowing her she will be watching my room like a fucken dog.

I don't have a phone nor the alpha's phone number. You would think for someone who has been fucking me for almost 2 months now I would have his number but no. I waited for him to show up but he did not, so I slept.

Half slept, i was drifting in and out of sleep.  Some time around 3 in the morning, a hand covered my mouth. This has become normal to me so I did not freak out, I opened my eyes to met that of my Alpha. He whispered " don't scream" and in my head I was like " fuck me good and I might just do that"

I nodded just because, but I was not sure I could. Even with my mother in the house, my room is soundproof so the won't hear me. He got on top of me, he did not undress me or him. He did not eve touch me down there, this is new. While still confused, I felt his teeth piecing my skin and I  screamed but my mouth was covered so the sound was muffed.

I felt great pain that slowly turned into pleasure. He held on for a while then pulled out, licked the wound then kissed me.

Dominic- now try it.. pull in all your smell and hold it.

I did as he told me and it was simple, I could even hold it longer now. He looked at me and went down to  kissed my stomach.

Dominic- never drop it, unless I tell you too. Keep him safe for me already... My little spy.

Wait what now? Keep who? Is he talking to.. Wait no it can't be. I pushed him light and he got off me, I went to the draw pulled out my pills and checked them. I took one each day never missed a day what is he talking about?

Dominic- I am sorry little spy.. we switched them. I know right now you won't understand but I promise I will explain when I can.

He got out of the window and I was left standing there having mixed feelings. He marked me, I am Luna now. He fucked me and I love it.. now I am pregnant. He doesn't tell me anything but he wants me to understand.. why don't I hate him still? He basically played me, he made sure to mark me before telling me he got me pregnant.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream but each time I thought of him.. I would smiled ... fucked!!! I am  fucked

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