chapter 4

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Molly pov

I had the most peaceful night ever, I woke up feeling fresh and happy. I went to work only to be annoyed by Sandy's pregnant scare. She couldn't stop taking about it, I told her to ask for some wolfsbane. It will burn her inside, so I heard.

Sandy- I could die!

Molly- jeah I know, but I over heard elder JoJo saying it was how they got it done back in the days. She was telling Rose.

Wendy- then it works.. we all know how Rose is like.

Sandy- I am scared.

Wendy- drink the damn wolfsbane then. Or ask little miss Rose for tips.

Sandy-  I did, she thought I was trying to make fun of her.

Molly- Ahh well shifting is not allowed when with pup .

Sandy- yes! I will shift regularly.

Molly- then go ask for assignment for warrior duties.

She was happy and took off. I understand why she wants to get it out, she is after all fucking someone's mate. If the find out, she will be kicked out of the main pack to the far end of the pack. Where disowned wolfs go, those who got pregnant by someone who is not willing to care for the child in other words denies being the father or is not your mate and does want to take you as a chosen mate. Single mothers, are sent there.

The day went on, I did my work and again I was sent to deliver the alpha's food. But today he was with the beta and he did not even look at me. He basically waved me off, they both did not acknowledge me at all. I felt hurt by his action, but as I walk out I was reminded by charity.. the alpha's daughter of our allied pack. That I don't matter, that we omegas are nothing.

Charity- get out if my way pest! Arg u don't understand why the let you people up here.

Molly- sorry.

I took my leave, I tried to get the alpha out of my head. I did my job and as always I went home to be all by myself, at first it was hard. I was afraid of my own shadow, now I enjoy the silence. I walk around naked and I can moan a bit louder knowing no one will hear me. I can watch porn without having to lower the volume too low. I eat what I want, dress however I want and I get to go out drinking.

I did not cook today, I picked up fast food and a bottle of wine. I had dinner then took a shower. Wore my panties only and found a movie to watch. I was enjoying my movie when I hear a voice.

Dominic- she doesn't have the right to talk to you like that...

I turned around and found my alpha on my window, looking into the woods.  I don't know why I can't feel him coming or scent him out. I should be able to know someone is coming even if we are not mates. I looked at him and he did not turn around, so I did not reply either.

Dominic- how are you feel?

My body got excited from just him asking how I was. I looked at him, his beautiful body. I wanted to reply but he got up and turned around. Our eyes met and I held eye contact for about 6 second then dropped my head. He walked over to me, closed my laptop and got between my legs.

I held my breath, he come gentle down on me. Kissing my bear cheat. Sucking on my nipples, while squeezing the other breast. I held my moan, I don't know how to react to him. Touch him? I really want to but what if he doesn't want me to. He can have any girl he wants, that the showed me so question is why me ? But then again why not?

Fuck it's confusing. He come up to my lips, breathing on me. But not kissing me, he licked my lips but not really kiss me. He kissed me in my neck, chest and made his way down. He kissed my hip bone, and I moaned. I was sure he will say something but nope.

He pulled my underwear down and I lifted my ass up so he can do it with easy. He took them off and kissed my shaves pussy. He licked my pussy open and started to suck on my clit. He sucked while playing with my nipples and I was struggling to find something to do with my hands.

He sucked on me till I was dripping wet, slipped in a finger and kept sucking and flicking. I moaned out softy, holding on to my sheets. He then switched up on me, he pushed his tongue inside me and I lost control over my moaning. I lifted my ass of the bed and I grabbed his hair.

I moaned and he grunted, then I quickly realised .. I released his hair and my hands went to cover my mouth. But he kept going, working me with his tongue and fingers. The pressure building inside me.. he kept growing, my pussy twitched and I knew it's just the beginning of the feeling I have been waiting for. It twitched again and again, and I was trying my best not to moan.

But he went and pinched my clit and curled his fingers inside me, hitting this spot and I let out a loud moan. My pussy twitching so hard I lost control over my body. I started to ride his fingers and moans out loud, I arched my back and grabbed on to his big arms. All the while he kept going, pinching me even harder.

I don't know how long it lasted but it was good so who cares. Once I was done, once I was off my high. He pulled his fingers and there.. I creamed all over his fingers. He come up to me and he kissed me on my forehead, got up and jumped out of my window.

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