We then went back and fourth calling family and after a few hours, we just started to talk on the beach and just have a fun time between the both of us. We then was taking a walk on the beach and just talk.

Duke: This is so beautiful.

"Right , I remember once in college we were in class and we would just all talk about what our next destination was in life"

Duke: Fanum said that we would be famous and his words meant it.

"And I also remember how we used to always sit next to each other but the teacher would split our group up but when the teacher goes out to do something, we would all hang around mine and Josh's table"

Duke: I don't know what you saw in that nigga.

"To be very honest with you, I don't know either but we friends now and we you know just wanna be cool"

Duke: Right, anyways you with me so that's an upgrade on your table. But you know what's funny though?


Duke: He's on this trip and when the engagement happened, he was cheering for us which was weird because I thought he was going to be jealous.

"Baby, why did we think the same thing? Everyone in the group was confused. Me and the girls were talking about it earlier on"

Duke: But it was nice to get his support though.

"Yeah i guess so"

It was getting dark so it was time for us to get inside and get warm because Greece has cold nights which sucks but that still doesn't take away the fact that it's one of my favourite countries ever.

Duke: Let's go inside.

"We gon go upstairs?"

Duke: Nah we'll go to the lounge, I don't feel like sleeping anyways.

"Nigga i'm tired and you still wanna chill. It was nice what we did. I really liked it. But we've gotta go to sleep. We've probably got some tasks to do tomorrow"

Duke: Like what? Did you do the work that David told you to do?

"Of course I did, we're doing a tour tomorrow"

Duke: Oh alright, that's fine.

We then walked to the hotel elevator and decided to call this night a night. We loved being in the Islands. We then heard Kai and Skye leaving their hotel room is in the same corridor as us.

Me and Duke looked at each other in the bathroom.

Duke: I wonder what those freaks are getting up too.

"I don't even wanna know"

Duke: Right.

Me and Duke just got unready and wore our pyjamas and snuggled to bed together. Our legs curled up against each other. Our arms around one another and our faces facing each other.

Duke then decided to fix my hair when it was getting in my face. This fiancé thing doesn't hurt after all.

"Imma text Ammi to see how her and Ava are doing"

Duke: That sounds like a great idea.

I then turn to touch my phone and it looks like i've been getting a bunch of notifications especially from Karrah and I know she did something with Josh. And to be honest, I didn't care and this could get him off my back honestly.

I went on Imessages and messaged Ammi saying "Hey hope you're okay and you're handling the baby well i love you". Then I went to Karrah's texts. This girl is talking bout how her and Josh fucked. My eyes opened wide and Duke was on his phone and turned to face me and looked at me face and acted confused.

Duke: What happened?

"Karrah fucked Josh"

Duke: What the fuck?! Since when?

"Since today, and she's been meaning to get with him."

Duke: Type shit.

"That doesn't count as a response Duke."

Duke: What? They having sex and that's odd because Boat be so strict with his artists and what they need to do.

"Right , but that doesn't stop her from seeking love babe"

Duke: You right.

"Anyways, she said for me to meet her at the hotel lobby so imma go and see her then imma come right back up"

Duke: Bring the keys because when you come up I might be knocked off asleep so bring the keys.

"I got you, sleep tight baby"

Duke: Luh you.

"Love you too bookie"

I then go downstairs and meet with Karrahboo downstairs and she is in the hotel lobby. She looks happy but scared at the same time. I then walk fast up to her and see that she's looking scared. I sit opposite her and she then looks at me.

Karrah: Thank God you here.

"What the fuck happened between you two?"

Karrah: I was bored so I put on a little lingurie and knocked at the door of his room. And then I went in. He let me in. I don't even know if he was drunk or something happened to him.

"Then what happened?"

Karrah: I teased him a bit and just got so excited and we just got it on. And we enjoyed it so much and we just talked the whole night and now he's asleep and now i'm coming downstairs to you and talking about this situation. Destinee-

"Girl slow the fuck down, talk slow"

Karrah: I'm sorry i'm just so excited for me. And also Destinee, like I said before you rudely interrupted me.

"Bitch you spoke too fast. What is it?"

Karrah: I wanna be with him.

"Tell him that then, he will not reject you. He needs someone right now and that would be you. Girl you have him your soul"

Karrah: You right so now I own him. Lemme go back to my baby.

Karrah then smakes her ass. She was wearing a coat on top of the lingerie before we'll get kicked out. She then started to laugh so hard because of now she's got Rage in her hands and now she can be Mrs Rage.

She then walks to the stairs and I shake my head and I take a hot chocolate and I drink it whilst checking my phone and then after that, I head upstairs to my fiancé, who's missing me beside him. I then open the door and place the key on the TV counter and took off my crocs and joined my fiancé in bed with my arms cuddled around him. He then faced me and kiss my forehead and I went to sleep.

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