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Chapter 7
   An endless sea of emerald life stretched across the landscape, dotted with small groves and large lakes on both ends of this vista. Amids the verdant backdrop, blossoms of every color bloomed for entire bee queendoms and intrepid dragonflies. Above and around them birds soared high and far while birds of prey hovered vigilantly in wait for an opportune moment.
The peaceful scene swaying in a gentle breeze accentuated by the warmth of a late spring's sun, out of reach of any and all clouds, offered a gentle respite to any weary traveler in need of a break. Llyra led the horse the king gave her as Neem sat upon it. The two slowly made their way into the meadow before them.  She let the reins of the horse go, allowing him to graze on the sweet grass.
"Isn't this beautiful?" Llyra asked as she bent down to smell a large flower.
"At this rate, we are never going to reach the mountains. The king said it was a four day ride and if we keep walking at this pace, we will never get there." Neem grumbled.
"Why are you so grumpy? I am only trying to admire the beauty of this land. I would like to take my time and enjoy my adventure." She chuckled as she took a seat in the grass. Neem climbed down off the horse and walked towards Llyra.
"I don't like being out in the wild like this. At least in that castle we didn't have to worry about getting mauled by a bear or held up by thieves." He huffed.
"Do you ever just relax?" She asked
"Yes, back home, but you had to leave and cause me all this stress and headache !" He exclaimed loudly. Llyra took a small piece of bread from her bag and threw it at Neem.
"Here. Take a food break. Let's just eat lunch and then we can ride towards the dwarves mountain. Neem took the bread and bit into it, the whole time he eyed Llyra as well as the surrounding areas. Llyra ate her piece of bread as she laid down in the tall grass and wildflowers. She watched the bees and a few tiny fairies fly overhead. They were busy tending to the beautiful meadow, pollinating and tending to the flowers.
  Had it been an hour or two? Llyra didn't know. Her and neem had finished their lunch and fell asleep in the peaceful grass. She sat up and yawned a bit before standing up. She used her foot to tap Neem awake.
"Hey, let's get going." Neem jumped awake and snorted.
"Finally." He stood up and brushed the grass and dirt off of him. Llyra rolled her eyes as she whistled for the horse. The black steed walked over towards Llyra and stood still, waiting for her to mount his saddle. Llyra placed neem on the horse first before hopping up on herself. She then took the reins and clicked for the horse to ride forward. The horse walked forward out of the meadow and towards the forest that lined it. As they entered the dense wooded forest, Neem began to worry. This forest was dark and had a bad energy about it. It was questionable due to the lack of birds and noises. A chill went up his spine as he looked up at Llyra.
"This place feels cursed. It is not like our home. Our forest is bright and teeming with life. This place seems dark, cold, and void of life." For once Llyra agrees with Neem.
"For once Neem, I have to agree with you." She spoke in almost a whisper. The horse's ears went back and he winnied in distress.
"Something is watching us." Neem whispers. The horse stopped and pawed at the ground, refusing to go any further. The elf scanned the forest looking for any movement. There was something stalking them, not only could the horse feel it, but she could as well. The air stood still and fell silent. All she could hear was the pounding of her heart in her chest. Suddenly from the brush below the trees hundreds of Gnomes rushed out screaming. They used tiny bow and arrows as well as spears to throw at the horse. The horse reared up and Llyra rolled off hitting the ground. Neem fell on top of her and the two scrambled to get up. The wild gnomes continued to run towards them. Llyra didn't have any weapons, only her bag which she swung wildly at them.
"Neem! Tell them to stop!" She yelled. Neem spoke in all the languages of gnome to them but it was no use.
"No use!" He yelled as he picked up a spear that they three and he chunks it back at them.
"They are wild and savage like this cursed forest!!" Just before the gnomes would overtake them, Jassin rode up on his spotted steed. He hopped off his horse and used his sword to slash at the gnomes at their feet. Llyra got behind Jassin and used her bag to swat away the remaining gnomes. The wild gnomes finally gave up and ran back into the forest. Jassin turned to see Llyra and neem. He noticed neem was a gnome and he went to stab him but Llyra jumped in the way.
"No! He is with me." Llyra yelled. Jassin lowered his sword and took a step back.
"What are you doing in these woods?" He asked as he removed his hood. Llyra noticed he was a fellow elf. His dark features let her know he was from the desert kingdom.
"We are on the way to the mountains to visit the dwarves. The king, Ensol, told us it was a four day ride west."
"Everyone knows to go around the cursed woods of sutmiota. It is cursed by the angels. Anything that enters her eventually either dies or goes mad like those Gnomes." Jassin replaced his sword in its sheath as he reached out for his horse's reign.
"Lets get your horse and get out of here." Jassin whitled for the other horse.
"Wait, why should I go with you?" Llyra asked.
"Don't ask Llyra, let's just go!" Neem yelled as he ran towards the black horse. Llyra side eyes the elf as she hopped up on her horse. The three of them turn around and ride back to the meadow.

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