Ch 3

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Chapter 3

Jassin from the sand kingdom of Akkar rode his speckled color horse to the gates of the forest castle. The soldiers opened up the large gate and allowed entrance to the cloaked prince. The male elf rode to the main door of the castle and dismounted his horse. Jassin then handed the reins to the servant with a smile.

"Take good care of him." His blue eyes sparkled with kindness and warmth. The servant bowed and took the horse from Jassin to put in the stable.

Jassin was the son of Grad the elven king of Akkar. King Grad and King Orlee, Llyra's father, were close friends growing up. The two fought side by side in the last war and to join the two houses they decided to marry their children to each other. This would not only strengthen their alliance but their friendship as well. Jassin knew it was his duty to further his kingdom's well-being, so being the good son he was, he agreed to marry this princess he had never met. All his life he strove to be the great elf his father was. He knew one day he would have to take his place and rule his people, so he took great care and pride in learning and doing as his father told him.

Jassin made his way quickly to the throne room of King Orlee. When he entered, he removed his cloak hood revealing his face to the others. A few of the ladies in waiting oohed at his handsome features. The desert elves were darker with golden to often dark brown skin compared to the pale elves of the forest. Jassin's warm golden skin along with his crystal blue eyes made him a rare beauty to the court. His hair was shaved on the sides but a long black mohawk of dreads trailed along his shoulders, draping on his golden armor breastplate. Jassin bowed before the king and queen.

"Welcome Jassin, son of Grad of the Akkar kingdom. I am glad you have arrived on such short notice. Orlee stood from his throne shooing away his consultants. The consulars held scrolls of paper and ink, eagerly, waiting for the king's approval on matters of the realm .Orlee had white hair much like his daughter, but it had a few gray strips mixed in it. He was older and lines along with wrinkles stretched across his stern face. His wife, Aure sat on her throne smiling down at them both. She herself were going over the ledgers with her daughter. She was as regal as her husband but her face glowed with a smile. Aure's long white hair cascaded down her shoulders and sat upon a golden dress.

"I think I will leave you two to speak business. I have my own meeting to attend to." The queen exits and Jassin bowed to her.

"I am afraid I have some bad news." Orlee breaks the silence. Jassin turned his attention to the king and lifted a single brow. He then glanced at the queen who left and then to her side where her middle daughter followed. She was pale skinned with long black hair. She looked like the queen mother but younger. It must have been the middle sibling jalin. Jassin remembered the royal family consisted of the king, queen, and three children. Llyra, jalin, and a son named bem. Llyra was rumored to take the throne due to customs but it seemed she didn't want the job. Most elf's next in line would stay close to the king or queen to learn how to rule, and the only one by their side was jalin.

Orlee waited for his wife, daughter, and their servants to leave before he continued to speak to Jassin. He walked closer towards the younger elf and smiled.

"How have you and your family been?" He asked.

"We are well. My father has begun a campaign to dig wells in the outskirts of our kingdom to help the human dwellers."

"Your father was always one for compassion. I just pray they do not take advantage of him." Orlee paused before continuing.

"Any word on the pit? Does zonder still reside in his prison or has he escaped?"Orlee askes as the pit lay far beneath the desert kingdom, guarded by Jassin's family. Jassin's younger brothers were tasked with the assignment while his older brother was next in line for the throne. Jassin was to marry Orlee's daughter to strengthen the alliance between the forest elves and the desert dwellers.

Before God created Humans on the sixth day, he crafted the angels, the stars in the heavens, as well as those creatures upon the earth. Now a Day to the Lord is as if a thousand years, and a thousand years a day. So around the year five thousand five hundred, he created the elves, gnomes, and dwarves. Year six thousand forty, the land-dwelling angel-like creatures began to build cities and cultures of their own, unique to each kind. Of course, eventually, disputes broke out and the first battles were fought across the lands. Each race disputed with each other, but it was the great war that brought everyone into conflict. Zinder, or Halael as he was known in heaven, opposed God's word. He wished to raise himself above his creator and to become God himself. For this sin, He was banished from heaven and tossed into the second heaven among the stars. He soon set his sight on the earth that the lord had created. If he could not get to God, he would corrupt what God held love for.

While treaties were built and alliances formed on the earth, The separation between the good and evil of the world split because of Zinder, causing great division. It was said this was when half of the elves turned into Vampires, one-third of gnomes turned into goblins, and one-third of the dwarves turned into Trolls. The powerful dark dragon named Zinder the Insane, The fallen angel gathered his army and laid waste to the lands and races throughout the world. High elf lord Orlee of the forest folk as well as many others fought against them, but they too were outmatched. It wasn't until Cyrdor the Protector was allowed to leave the heavens and assist did the war came to an end. The white seraphim dragon was sent from the throne of God to deal with the chaos the fallen ones caused. a few other lower-class angels such as cherubim and archangels fought alongside the armies of light and drove Zinder to the center of the world. There they chained the great evil and bound him so he could never rise again.

A hundred years passed and Rumors began to circulate about the evil races plotting to come together once more. A tale spread throughout the lands That Samael and Dimael, a half-dragon half-vampire known as a serpent were born. They were twins,the Sons of Zinder and they were to raise an army for their father. Their mission was to free their father, But these were only Rumors at the time. Dimael entered the garden and tempered the humans. They ate the fruit and released the curse. One of those curses was death, but Dimael himself was cursed by god. It was up to Samael to successfully release his father. But there were Only stories the elves and Dwarves whispered in the dark. Whispers of Samael reaching the pit were all around. Many said the pit had been opened and Zinder was freed while others had hope that the evil dragon was still trapped.

"We have been having issues with the vampires coming closer to our borders. Last week he had to fight off a hoard of them." Jassin explained.

"Does your father need reinforcements?" Orlee asked.

"As of now, no. But who knows what the future holds. Some of the gnome spies say Zonder has in fact escaped and is planning on taking down the elf kings first."

"I will write to the others letting them know. We all must prepare to fight if it comes to that. Speaking of the future, I have bad news. My daughter Llyra and your future bride have run away. I need you to track her and bring her back. If me or any of my men try, she would no doubt see us and flee farther away. She doesn't know what you look like,so you would be the best fit for the job. Plus I trust you to find her and bring her back safely."

"I will do all I can sir. Do you have a painting of what she looks like? I don't even know who I am looking for." Jassin smiled.

"Ah yes...of course. Follow me."


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