Ch 12

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Chapter 12

The next day Llyra exited the captain's quarters and made her way to the top of the ship. Jassin, Neem, and Durlan were all in a heated discussion, what it was about Llyra didn't know nor did she care.
"Excuse me but I have decided that I need to return home to Ryaendell." Llyra spoke loudly with authority.
"Excuse me?" Durlan lifted a brow as he did not appreciate having demands spoke to him on his own ship.
"Please captain." Llrya eased her voice as she directed herself at the captain now.
"I would like for you to take me and my BETROTHED home to Ryaendell. My father will pay you handsomely for your troubles." Out of the corner of her eyes Llyra could see Jassin's astonished face. As much as she wished to lay into Jassin and give him a piece of her mind, she remained focused on Durlan.
"It will take us a little over a week, your highness." Durlan could feel the animosity in the air and he rather enjoyed it.
"Llyra, you do not have to return due to me." Neem spoke up.
"You are right. I do not, but you fear a war would arise due to my absence as well as the fact that I ran away from my duties." Llyra eyes Jassin angrily.

"Llyra, I fail to tell you the truth about who I was, I apologize but I do have a reason why

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"Llyra, I fail to tell you the truth about who I was, I apologize but I do have a reason why." Jassin finally spoke.
"I can care less at this point, Jassin." Llyra continued to keep her posture facing Durlan.
"What say you captain? Will you sail us home for a reward or do we need to find another vessel for the vogue?" She asked.
"I happily accept the offer and return her highness home safe and sound. Again, it will be a trip that may take a week or longer. We will also need to stop along the way to gather supplies as well as other items that I wish not to speak of." Durlan leaned against the rail of the ship smiling down at Llyra.
"Many thanks to you captain. You will be well rewarded as well as compensated for your time." Llyra then turned swiftly to walk back to the captain's quarters, ignoring both Neem and Jassin. The slamming door made the little gnome jump a bit as he glared up at Jassin.
"This is your fault." He pointed a finger up towards the darker elf.
"I beg your pardon." Jassin shifted his weight as he glanced down at Neem.
"If you would have told Llyra the truth when you first arrived to aid us, she would not be in this mood" neem huffed.
"She is finally taking responsibility and returning home. She is to rule the kingdom and she can not do that running around the countryside."
"She only wished to see the world before you slapped shackles on her." Durlan put his hand together as if he was bound before laughing at the two.
"Why are you laughing? You did the same thing as a younger elf. You did cause a war and was the reason why we are no longer close friends." Neem turned to argue with Durlan.
"You can not put all the blame on me for that. You are the one who left instead of staying around and working out our problems." Durlan rolled his eyes and made his way towards the top deck of the ship. The little gnome ran along the ship's side trying to keep up with the captain's stride.
"I chose my own destiny and way through life. My father chose to go to war instead of marrying off my brother to another human in their clan. You can not blame me for everything. I already apologized for the wrongs I did to you Neem, you just need to let things go." The captain spoke as his hand reached out for the wheel of the ship and began to turn it slightly.

" The captain spoke as his hand reached out for the wheel of the ship and began to turn it slightly

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"You are a coward and you ran away." Neem growled. Durlan pointed at him as his smile faded.
"Choose your words wisely. You are in my ship Neem and I'm not above throwing you below deck. I did not love her nor did I love the fact of taking over a kingdom that bowed to everyone who came along. My father was a push over. It was my mother and the humans who started the war. All because the girl died of sorrow because I did not want to be with her. You can not force someone to be with you just because your parents demand it. You should be free to choose your life partner." Durlan looked down at his compass before glancing towards the front of the ship where Jassin stood.
"See that sap? All duty bound and a golden boy? I could never." Durlan scoffed
"No, because you are selfish. Jassin thinks of his kingdom and his land before himself." And with that Neem hopped off the rail onto the wooden planks of the ship below him. He then turned and walked back towards the prince to try and smooth things over.

//please let me know if you are enjoying the story!!!

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