Ch 2

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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It took them at least two days to make it to the forest's edge. This part of the journey was the easiest due to the creatures and even plants being familiar with the elf princess. She had explored every part of this vast forest and even made many friends throughout it. The danger would not start until she stepped foot from the edge of the forest into the plains.

"Do you even know where you are going?" Neem asked as Lyra carried him in her arms.

"No, that is the fun of it."

"More like the stupidity of it." He snapped back.

"Are you going to be this grumpy the whole way?"

"Maybe...." He grumbled. LLyra stopped abruptly and kept her gaze in front of her. Neem's head perked up as he glanced around.

"What? What is it? Are you heading back?" He asked in hope.

"This is the farthest I have even gone. Just a few more steps and we are out of the forest and into the other lands of this world."

"We can go back, it isn't too late. I could even fetch a stag for you to ride home on." His words fell on deaf ears as she stepped out from behind the thick brush towards the open space. Neem closed his eyes, not wanting to watch as they exited the forest.

"What is the big deal neem?"

"I tell you what the big deal is...dwarves, vampires, trolls, and goblins! And dragons!! All ready to snatch up and eat us." He waved his hands as he exaggerated himself. LLyra smiled and ignored his movements as she began to walk into the tall thick grass before her. Neem gave up trying to convince her to turn around and instead pulled out a map.

"This is the outer farmland of the Gab tribe. They are a peaceful dwarf clan, for the most part. Dwarves are friendly towards us. "

"See, not everyone is out to get us." LLyra smiled as she held Neem with one hand and unsnagged her cloak that was caught on a sticker bush with the other hand.

"These people have an alliance with your father. After their borders, who knows what savages lie in wait. not to mention the pirates that run the seas and coastlines. Nasty bunch."

"Neem, will you stop?" She was a bit skeptical of his claims.

"I don't want to talk about it...but things are not nice like in your books. The world is cruel and bloody and savage."

"But it is also beautiful and full of wonder. I want to see the snow. I want to visit the lands of rolling hills. I want to swim in the oceans as well as meet other beings.Maybe even visit the other Elven tribes" LLyra placed neem on her shoulders as she made her way towards the rolling smoke up ahead.

"Don't say I didn't warn you when things get rough."

The two walked onward for a good bit until they came upon a farmhouse. Children were playing and a dwarf woman was feeding chickens in the yard. LLyra smiled as she watched the small dwarf children laugh and play. A few male dwarves exited a barn and noticed lLyra. They waved out to her in a friendly manner. The woman glanced up to see LLyra and smiled warmly. She threw the rest of the feed on the ground and approached the two.

"Greetings. We haven't seen your kind since last month. Is everything alright?" She asked

"Normally a few male elves patrol the outskirts, but you are the first lady we have seen." The dwarf woman wiped her hands on her skirt a few times. LLyra looked on curiously with a warm smile.

"Hello...I am lLyra Prin..". But Neem put a tiny hand on her mouth.

"Sorry miss...we are just two travelers from the kingdom of Ryaendell, the forest dwellers. We are just travelers passing through."

"Well, you are most welcome to have a rest here. Follow me." The woman beckons to follow as she walks towards the large house.

"Don't tell anyone you are royalty," Neem whispered in her ear.

"Not even these folk...never know what one will do to a royal. Ransom...assassination..."

"You are paranoid."

"No! I am safe. You need to learn that milady, especially if we are to survive your adventures."

The female dwarf led the two into her house. It was warm and inviting. The majority of it was made of wood with metal intertwined throughout it. A fire was roaring in the heart as a large black pot bubbled. The smell was divine and caused both Llyra's and Neem's stomach to growl.

"Please have a seat. Let me feed you. Oh, where is my manners? My name is Pim."

"It could be poison," Neem whispers

"Why are you being so nice to us?" Neem barked. Pim laughed and shook her head a bit.

"Your kind and my family are allies. We trade regularly. How else do you think you get your eggs for those cakes you enjoy? Or the flour for bread?" Pim put a hand on her hip. Neem sank back into LLyra's hair, a bit ashamed.

"I am sorry about him. Thank you for inviting us inside." LLyra took a seat at the table. Neem hopped off her shoulder and took a seat beside her. He was too short to reach the table so Pim brought him a few books and a pillow to sit on.

"Vegetable stew. It has been cooking since dawn so it should be well flavored." Pim served them each a bowl and made herself one. She sat across from them after pouring them some water.

"Thank you." LLyra smiled warmly at the lady dwarf as she picked up her spoon. She dipped it in the stew, blew off the steam, and popped it in her mouth.

"This is delicious!" She smiled down at the grumpy gnome who was still suspicious.

"Thank you. It was my mother's recipe." Pim began to eat along with the princess. After the gnome was sure the food was not poisoned, he began to eat greedily.

The dwarves were the second-ranking creatures behind the elves. They were considered brutish, but most had a gentle heart. They were half the size of elves and ranged in different sizes and colors much like the other creatures of the world. The dwarves built elaborate cities of stone and crystals that burrowed into the side of the mountains. There the Dwarves mined and hungered for metal and gems. Most were known for their blacksmith skills and often taught the Elves to make armor and swords. when they donned their metal armor and weapons, The dwarves were equal in strength to the elves in strength. Although most stayed in their mountain places, some dwarves did venture out and settled in the plain lands. They were farmers and grew crops for Their dwarf kin as well as elf allies.

"Where are you two headed?" Prim asked as she took a sip of her stew. LLyra looked up from her stew and smiled.

"We are just traveling. I would like to see the country." Neem was glaring at Llyra the whole time to make sure she didn't say too much.

"Well, you must see the new kingdom of Burid? King Ensol, a son of Adam.....a human, rules there." Llrya's eye lit up with excitement. Neem grumbles as he started to eat his stew.

"It will take you three days of walking, but my sons are delivering flour there tomorrow, so you can ride with them. You will be safe. My sons are the greatest." Prim spoke highly of them.

"I would love to go!" Llyra took another sip of her stew.

"You can stay here tonight and in the morning I will send you off with supplies!" Prim gleamed.

"Thank you so much. Let me pay you for your hospitality." Llyra went to dig in her bag but Prim stopped her.

"Heavens no. I want to bless you as my creator has blessed me."

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