Ch 5

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Chapter 5

   The two made their way from the castle stables, through the town, and out the main gate. The son of Adam King Ensol began to show Llyra the land he ruled. He took her to the very top of the cliff and began to point out different things.
"I am hoping by next spring to expand to the ocean." Ensol beamed at the statement.
"It is quite a feat for me being only five hundred." He chuckled.
"Humans live that long?" Llyra blurted out.
"Oh yes. Our forefather Adam is still alive and he is six hundred." He explained
"our blessings they have from a dragon that watches over their land." King Ensol dismounted his horse and helped Llyra down. The two took their horses' reins and began to walk along the path back towards the castle. He went into detail about his dragon friend.
"Dragons were said to be a class of angels sent to give wisdom to the world. In the beginning, all of the seraphim dragons were of the light that surrounded and guarded the throne of God. Although one rebelled and caused a fall. The fallen ones caused one-third of the different classes of angels in heaven to rebel as well as the darkness to slowly enter the world creating the vampires, trolls, and goblins.  It was believed the evil dragon was gathering an army to storm heaven and conquer God and his throne. There were also rumors of another race being created in a garden at the top of the world. A race called humans, in which the creator breathed his breath into it. That race was human. The others races were forbidden from going into the sacred place. These whispers reached Zinder and his plans to send spies to infiltrate and infect grew. War was brewing once more as the other races were forming their armies to protect the garden from evil. Two hundred silent years passed before Dimael The son of Zinder entered the garden. The two humans, Adam and Eve were deceived by the serpent causing the fall. The humans partook in eating the fruit causing death and sin to enter the world. Not long after the two humans were banished from the garden out into the world, Dimael was cursed to slither on his belly eating the dust of the earth. Once the garden was sealed with a flaming cherubim, The earth opened up and Zinder was freed along with Death and sin. Death spread throughout the earth causing a major disruption. Many did not understand what it was at first. Nothing had ever ceased to live and now the wicked were able to steal life from the good. Zinder and Samuel were deadly foes, but this new foe called death was what caused great fear and anxiety to set in on the world. The races of light were afraid Zinder would destroy them all and burn the world. In fear, The elves retreated into their kingdoms while the dwarves entered their great mountain halls and shut the world out. Only us, the humans and the wicked creatures roamed the world. The few races of angels and dragons help to protect us from Zinder's army, but now that he is released, war is brewing."
"I know who you are." He said sharply but kept a smile. Llyra's face dropped as she turned to face the king.
"Don't worry I am not mad. I would have hid my identity as well. My servants found your crest while cleaning your clothes and informed me you are the daughter of Oreel of the forest kingdom. Humans are not too fond of the elf kind, but this kingdom has no ill will Insure you. I have
"Why? Why do your kind not like my kind?" Llyra asked.
"Oh, now that is an interesting story."
Ensol began to tell Llyra the story of a male elf and the woman who fell in love with him. Their marriage would bring the two races together, but the elf would not stay true to the woman. His first love was the sea and he left her before they were married. The woman died not long after that from grief. The sad story caused Llyra to shed a few tears. The she-elf felt guilty because she herself was running away from her betrothed. Only difference was the two had never met face to face, so there was no love to grieve over. Llyra wouldn't mind falling in love with the one she was to marry, but  she feared being caged.
  The two reached the castle stables and king Ensol escorted Llyra back inside the castle.
"I do not wish to hold you captive, but I would like to give you a choice.I have written to your father asking for your hand in marriage. I know I should ask you first, but I did want him to know you were safe here." He explained. Llyra stopped walking and stood there, frozen.
"I'm sorry, did I upset you?" The king turned to face her. Llyra stood there silently.
"I'm sorry. I do not wish to upset you. If I have overstepped or offended you, I apologize."
"No, I am flattered at the proposal and you are indeed a noble and kind king, it is just I am already betrothed." She confessed.
"Oh?" The king raised a brow, a bit shocked at the new information.
"I am set to marry a prince elf from the desert kingdom.  my father and the king of that land are friends and set up the marriage."
"And I am guessing you do not want this?" Ensol asked.
"I want to make my father happy, but I wish more for my own happiness." She continued
"I want to see this world and meet all the different races who dwell in it. I yearn for adventure and to live a life outside of stone and wood."
"I see." The king glances away from her, a bit disappointed. He had a few choices. He could keep her in the castle until he heard word from her father, or he could let her leave. Ensol was indeed noble and could not hold her against her wishes.
"If you wish to leave, I will allow you to. Just do me the kindness of staying a week? So you can rest, replenish your supplies, and that I may know more about your kind." It was like a weight was lifted off her shoulders.

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