Ch 16

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Chapter 16

As Jassin stood outside the gates of the castle. He was giving the family space in order to grieve. Partly the male elf felt responsible. He should have sent a raven and returned with the princess sooner. He knew better than to continue to let Llyra go on her adventure and he let his duty slip. The result of his failure was the death of the king. Jassin wondered why he was to marry Llyra when he had nothing in common with her. The better match would be Jalien. He wanted to break off the engagement but It was too late to turn back on his promises. A rush of wind caused the trees about him to sway and turn a few leaves loose. Jassin gripped his sword when he heard loud wings flapping. Breaking through the massive five hundred foot tall oaks a white colored dragon hovered a moment before landing on a branch that sat beside the railing of the porch Jassin stood at. The pearly shimmering dragon was eighteen feet tall and forty three feet in length towards the end of his tail. His two largest of his feathery wings spanned roughly seventy two feet long with the other four were a tad bit smaller. Two were beside his face while the other two were closer towards his rear.
"Fear not." He spoke softly towards Jassin.
"I am sabol. I come with a word from the creator. You are to protect the great oak that will be the elves' covenant with the creator. The small hallow oak in the center of the kingdom. It is a sanctified and consecrated ground. A place for all to come and honor and make covenants with the creator, much like the tree of life and the tree of good and evil in eden. You and this kingdom are to protect it from Samuel." Jassin bowed his head and kneeled down in front of the dragon.
"I will do as the creator God commands."
"Hold out your sword knight." Sabol held out one of his clawed hands. Jassin removed his sword and handed it to the dragon. Sabol took the sword in his hands and used his holy fire to purify the blade. He then handed it back to the male elf.
"You and your wife will take vows in front of the tree. There you will pledge and make a covenant with the creator." Sabol finished speaking to Jassin and extended his large wings. The dragon then hovered over the knight before flying up the large oak that held the castle.

The dragon flew upwards and paused at Llyra's balcony. A small breath was blown to open her windows. Llyra jumped a bit and glanced up from where she sat.
"Llyra." The dragon called to her. He was too big to land on the railing, so he hovered just above it awofor Llyra to come outside. The princess stood up, wiped her eyes, and made her way towards her balcony. When she exited her room, she glanced up in astonment at the shimmering pearl colored dragon. She stood in awe at his beauty as he hovered above her.
"Do what you believe to be the correct course of action. Do not fear the repercussions of your family. The creator has given your courage and wisdom to do what you need to." Sabo then gave the princess a wink before flying off into the night. She was a bit confused at his words. Did he mean for her to take the throne and go to war? Or perhaps should she gather a small army and go after samuel? Was she still to marry Jassin? Or was her destiny different from what her family had planned for her? So many questions the dragon caused her to ask herself with no straight answer.

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