Ch 10

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Chapter 10

Llyra followed the creatures in defeat. Her sadness was overwhelming as she clutched her unconscious friend. She felt guilty for his injuries. If she would have just stayed home as he wanted, Neem would not be hurt and possibly dying in her hands. Jassin on the other hand had no time for sadness or fear. The whole time he was plotting and playing out scenarios on how to get them out of this situation. He was a true warrior and knew where to keep his focus and energy. That opportunity would come sooner than he expected. They reached the top of the cliffs and the beach could be seen in the short distance. It was a small village along the beach with large docks patruding into the wayer. At one of those docks held a large ship.That would be their escape. Jassin only needed to figure out how to take out the large troll, he was the biggest threat. The weakness of the troll was its greed. Due to their hunger for not only gold or jewelry, the large species had a food problem. This caused them to be very obese and out of shape. The climb up the cliff drained the creature causing him to pause to catch his breath. Jassin gave Llyra a passing glance and he ran full force towards the troll. Jassin jumped high and used his two feet to push on the troll's back. This caused the thing to stumble and go falling back down the large cliff he had just climbed. Llyra gripped Neem close to her bosom as she gave one of the goblins beside her a swift kick. Jassin was able to manipulate his hands from his back towards his front. He then kicked an advancing Goblin with his right foot as he held out his bonds to block the sword from the other goblin. The sword cut through the ropes freeing jassin. The male elf then punches the goblin, takes his sword and throws it at the other goblin who was beside Llyra. The sword penetrated the creature and Llyra used the tip to cut her own ropes free.
Jassin then ran towards Llyra and pointed to the ship.
"Let's go!" He called out. The two elves were much swifter than the remaining goblins. The two ran like gazelles down the small hill and towards the small village. A few human guards noticed the elves being chased by the goblins and removed their sword to aid them. Llyra and Jassin ran past the humans and towards the docks. They were about half way down the dock when a large dwarf held his hands up to stop them.
"Where do you think you two are going?!" He grumbled.
"Sir, we need sanctuary and safe passage." Llyra spoke out of breath as she clutched her dear friend. The dwarf eyes them both.
"I don't think the captain wants the trouble you are bringing." He huffed.
"I can pay." Jassin interrupted.
"Money is not worth that trouble ." He grumbled.
"Please, he needs help." Llyra showed the dwarf Neem's unconscious body. The dwarf lifted a brow at the sight. A loud whistle drew his attention and he glanced back at the boat.
"Let them on." A male bellowed and motioned for them to hurry.
"You are lucky. Here! Help me finish loading up." The dwarf shoved a wooden box into Jassin's hands as Llyra ran towards the ship. As she climbed aboard she passed the man who whistled and allowed them to come aboard. He was taller than her with tan skin and dark brown eyes. He wore a devilish smirk along with black stubble accompanied by short black hair. His pointed ears poked out from his wisps of black hair that blew in the wind and Llyra wondered if he was one of the island elves. He wore all black attire with a long black leather coat. The coat had silver leaf decorations accompanied by jewels. The designs were not of her forest realm and if she had to guess he was from the mountain elves. The island elves were not as established with jewelry like this, they wore more beads and shells that were found along the shore, or that was what Llyra read in her books. The mountain elves were allies with the dwarves and dug into the mountains for jewels like those. She pushed the questions she had aside and just focused on Neem at the moment.

Jassin and the dwarf followed Llyra on board and the man kicked the ladder away.
"Set sail men!" He ordered and Llyra figured he must have been the captain.
The ship was large and in well maintained shape. It was wooden with metal intertwined throughout it. The decor was a mix of all the races, this was due to the crew being a mixture of Elf, dwarf, and human. To her recollection the island elves of wai were strictly just elves and didn't mingle with other races.
"Welcome to captain Durlan's ship, the broken soul. I am Elton, the first mate." The dwarf proclaimed.
"Can you please get Neem to a doctor?" She asked frantically.
"Yes, the doctor is this way." The dwarf leads Llyra towards the stairs that lead down into the ship. The ship was well maintained and even had a pleasant increase mixed with cypress type of smell. The darkness of the hallway envelops the three as they continue onward. The last door at the end of the hall is where the dwarf stopped. He knocked a few times before turning the decorative handle. The warm lantern light room welcomed Llyra as she entered behind Elton. The doctor's office was crowded, but in a neat way. Bottles, herbs, and books were all neatly in their place as the elder elf sat behind a desk. He was wearing magnifying glasses on top of his head as his long graying red hair was tied neatly behind his back.
"Can I help you?" He asked, a bit startled.
"My friend." Llyra held out Neem in her palms.
"The troll tossed him and he hit a rock." She explained. The doctor quickly stood up and motioned for her to lay him on the bed that was hanging from the wall. Elton, seeing the doctor getting to his practice, turned to leave quietly. Llyra laid her friend on the bed and slowly backed away so that the Doctor could examine Neem. The whole time she muttered silent prayers hoping he would be alright.

Above deck, Jassin made his way towards the side of the boat. He watched as the shore disappeared over the horizon, grateful he was able to get them aboard safely. The close call made the prince rethink his promise he made to the princess. It was getting dangerous and he needed to bring her home before any else happened. Today was a close call and the three could have been held captive by the enemy or worse, killed.

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