Start from the beginning


I walk around with my book in my face because I physically cannot think of anything else when I am reading a good book.

"Book nerd." I hear the familiar voice say. I look up to see Harvey staring at me. I roll my eyes. "Thank you." I say not bothered to continue the conversation.

But of course, he follows me.

"That wasn't a compliment." He leans against the lockers as I shove my books away. "I know." I pull out my history books. His deep blue eyes look down at me confused waiting for me to snap back.

"Harvey I can't be bothered to deal with you right now I am not gonna play along." I continue to walk.

He immediately catches up to me. "You can't get rid of me that easily. See you in history." He shoots me one of his smiles and turns left.

"Hey Mads." Olivia come up to me. "Hey, we got that project due today." "Yep, I kinda forgot to do it." She quickly says. "But don't worry I will get her to give us another day."

"Are you serious?" I laugh. "I promise, I have just been really busy." She gives me an apologetic smile. "It's okay." I grin.

Ms Whitlock comes over and waits for me to hand in my assignment. "Oh, um." I look at Liv who is trying to find an excuse.

"The thing is Ms, I tripped over today, right? And you know how it was raining? Well, my beloved project I was holding, fell into a puddle, and got soaked." She puts a hand over her heart. "It was so sad." She slowly nods her head and gives Ms Whitlock a sad smile.

I could hear someone in the background laugh and Liv turns and gives Nate a smirk.

Ms Whitlock didn't even bother to Listen. "Just bring it tomorrow or detention girls." She sighs and goes to the next table.

"She did not believe that." I giggle.

"Well, I got us another day, right?" She flicks her brown wavy hair out the way.

"Thanks." I look up at her, but her direction is headed a different way. I follow her eyes and she is staring right at Nate. Who is staring right back?

His hand goes through is brown hair and he breaks the contact.

She turns right back at me. Her cheeks a light pink. "Yeah, so how's your day been?" she says.

"Yeah, fine I guess." A smile appears on my face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She looks away and opens her book.

"No reason." I turn around and flick through the textbook.


"Hi guys." Avery comes and sits down at the table. She shoves her strawberry blonde hair into a bun. "Oh gosh I am so exhausted." She lays down on the table.

"No same, and we have freaking volleyball after school." Olivia sighs. "Oh god." I pick up my bag of chips and shove a few in my mouth.

"I have so much homework it's not even funny." Bella storms over. This woman has made me laugh too many times.

"Did you get yelled at again?" Liv asks. "Yes, and I didn't even do anything bad." She groans.

"What happened?" Avery hands her some fruit.

She picks up a strawberry. "All I did was throw a pen across the classroom." She takes a bite of her strawberry. "But it was an accident." She defends herself.

"Oh bell." Avery chuckles. "It was just a pen." She shrugs.

"Okay let's just try not to do it again." Avery passes her another strawberry. "You sound like my mother." She grunts.

"I take that as a compliment." She beams.


Liv and I get into partners and have a hit with the ball.

She spikes it to me, and the ball goes above my head and all the way to the other side of the stadium.

Where the basketball players are training. I give her a look and she snickers.

My school doesn't have two gyms, so we must share. Normally we go outside but it's pouring with rain.

I walk over and of course Harvey comes walking over. "What do you want." I pick up the ball and look up at him. His brunette hair was sweaty, and his eyes scatter all over me.

He doesn't reply. "Oh, you're just that obsessed with me aren't you." I laugh.

His eyes come back to me, and an annoying smirk appears on his face. "You wish." He smacks the ball out of my hand and walks away.

That little shit.

"Beckett!" I yell his name and I can see him chuckle.

I hit the ball to Olivia but once again her eyes are staring right behind me. I turn around and see Nate bouncing the ball.

"Liv is there something you need to tell me?"

"Huh, no?"

"Olivia Hansley."

"Okay so I may like someone." I drop the ball and come running over. "Oh my god tell me."

"You know Nate?" 

"Yes, the one you are nonstop staring at." I tease.

"I am not!" She fights.

"I'm sorry okay, keep going."

"Well in Chem we both didn't have partners, so we went together." She plays with the rings on her fingers. "Then we kinda just started talking more and he asked me out this morning." She looks up and her cheeks turn rosy.

"Olivia! I am so happy for you." A huge smile spreads across my face.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't think he liked me back."

"Don't worry about it. You're going on that date, right?"

"Of course." She giggles.

I squeal. "Congrats Liv." I pull her into a hug.

"Girls back to work now." Miss Laurier says. "Sorry." I turn to her.

"Alright girls get into two teams, and we are gonna start a match. "Miss Laurier claps her hands together. 


First chapter is done, this is my first book i have written so I am terrified. But I appreciate every single one of you who have read this. I can't wait to write more and I hope you all have an amazing day!

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