11. Now we kill Satan, right? pt 1.

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He smirked before he spoke, "Come, we have matters to attend to." He jumped and transformed, so you followed suite with him and started flying somewhere.

You two flew for some time before you spotted some thing that looked like Unicron. "Holy shit..." Megatron started shooting at it which was a que for you to shoot at it too. You saw it start to crumble and fall to the ground. Then you both transformed and leaned on the debris. "We happened." You saw that everyone was staring at you two and smirked. You both jumped down from the debris onto the ground. You saw him getting closer to where Optimus was stuck under the rocks.

Megatron approached him and held pit a arm for Optimus, you assumed the others thought that he aimed his cannon at him so they drew their weapons. Megatron helped him up, "It's is rather ironic, considering our last encounter. If memory serves you were desperately trying to extinguish my spark." "That option remains very much in play." Optimus got closer to you two.

"Don't make the intertwine again." You stood besides them while glaring at Optimus. "However, I have a proposal; join me in defeating our shared enemy, Unicron the chaos bringer."

"Ha! Ubsurd! Unicron is evil incarnate, if Megatron wants to take any side, why would it be ours?" You heard Ratchet say from the comm link. "Because Megatron's pride would never allow anyone other than himself to rule this planet." "You know me all t well, Optimus." You listened to the back and forth conversation between them both.

"You lead an army of cons, why come to us?" You heard bulkhead. "Becase this particular endeavor requires something beyond the realm of my command, the power of a prime." Megatron pointed to Optimus. "Ha, but I guess we don't need you." You were starting to get sick of Bulkhead.

"Better question is why would we need you three?" You got closer to them almost threatening. "Nightraven." You turned to Megatron and returned to his side. "On the contrary, Optimus may be the only one that can defeat Unicron, but we remain the only ones that can guide you to him. Unicorn's life blood runs through us, only we can hear his thoughts and anticipate his movements. Optimus, pir past alliances; Autobot/Decepticon, no longer matter, not while Unicron lives."

(Kayla/Nightraven's POV)

"The past always matters!" I heard Ratchet yell. "Well not anymore." I said as I walked closer to both Megatron and Optimus. "A truce between Autobot and Decepticon, how long do you expect us to believe that will last?" "As long as it's beneficial after that we will take our separate ways." I answered Optimus. "And I will conquer this Earth, my way." I heard Megatron say beside me.

"And you Kayla, you're just gonna stand there with him while he enslaves your world?" I looked at Arcee. "Oh, Arcee. I will stand besides my Lord, plus I'd find a way to conquer this world with or without him. And also call me Nightraven, I won't be this nice next time." I saw everyone's shocked faces while Megatron only seemed proud.

"Aligning yourself with the lesser of two evil is still sighting with evil." Ratchet changed the theme. "Do you think you've witnessed teh full power of Unicron? Those foot soldiers were nothing more than a taste, Unicron has yet to fully awaken. With each passing moment the bringer of chairs evolves, mutating the Earth from the inside out. What we have witnessed until now has been a prelude of the utter detestation his rising will wreak upon your world." I spaced out a little bit from the conversation.

"Like your quest for power destroyed?" Arcee cought you off guard a little. "Make no mistake, this time there will be a planet left for me to rule!" "Well that hit a nerve..." I muttered to myself at Megatron.

"Even if we agree. Unicorn's all the way the way down at the center of the Earth, how are we supposed to get there, drive?" I was starting to get sick Bulkhead's stupid questions. "There is only one way." "Groundbridging." You finished Optimus

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