8. Don't do steroids kids

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-on the Decepticon warship-

(No one's POV)

You were sitting on the armrest on Megatron's throne waiting for Knockout and Breakdown to come back. Megatron's sent them to taunt the Autobots so that they run out of energon. "Do you ever wear something different?"you looked up at him. "What do you mean, Megatron?" "You always wear big clothes." "Oh, so you want me to wear a crop top like yesterday?" You looked at him up and down in a teasing gaze. "Maybe, at least for a change." "Look, Megatron, I haven't been able to get off the ship in days. And you expect me to wear something different, while I haven't even went shopping?" "So when can we go shopping, as you say it." He leaned closer to you. "Whenever you let me." You said with a cross look. "Fine, well go later." "YES!" You lifted your hands in the air as you said that, Megatron only rolled his eyes.

Then he got up and went to Soundwave. Megatron activated his 'holoform' as Knockout calls it. When he turned into a human again-which freaks you out everytime- you two go through the groundbridge.

When you got out, you realized that Soundwave bridged you to Jasper Nevada. Great. "Did Soundwave really had to bridge us here?!" You said glaring at Megatron. "I didn't choose it." Then Megatron started walking in the direction of a big mall. You stayed silent as you two were walking. Some people gave confused looks at you two, Megatron had grey hair, brown eyes some black pants a light grey shirt and a grey jacket with some purple and he was very, I mean VERY masculine. Not a thing to see everyday, and he was like 6.5 or something while you were 5.6.

You entered the mall and went into the first clothing store you saw. "Look, um... Mark. Yeah, you can choose clothes for me too." You realized as you said that Megatron will probably choose some clothes that you probably won't like, but it's too late to say anything because he already went searching for clothes. You rolled your eyes and went the other direction.

After like 30-40 minutes you two went to go and pay for the clothes. You saw that Megatron bought some for himself but you didn't pay much attention. Megatron paid then you both went back to the warship.

When you got back you immediately went to your room, Megatron said to you that his clothes can stay in your closet. You go into the bathroom and put all of the clothes in the washing machine. After some time you put them in the dryer and changed.

You were just laying in bed bored out of your mind. Then Megatron came in. "Heeeey, Megs." From your voice he could tell that you were tired.

"Don't call me 'Megs'." When he looked back at you you were already asleep. He sighed and turned into his human form, he turned off the lights in your room then went back into his Cybertronian form with a smirk.

It was already dark so he went to sleep aswell.

-the next day-

(Kayla's POV)

I woke up and went to the bathroom. I realized I slept almost through the entire day. Damn. So I quickly got out of the bathroom and saw some clothes on the chair. As I got close there was also a note. I picked it up and read it 'Enjoy' with a smiley face at the end. I looked at the clothes and realized that Megatron set this all up. 'That little prick' I mentally cursed then I went to ge bathroom to put it on since I didn't really have a choice, he would be mad if I didn't listen to him.

I looked myself in the mirror and realized that the outfit wasn't bad for a change. I had a black shirt with cutouts where the my waist is, the sleeves were long with thumbholes, and I really liked those. There also were black shorts which were... Revealing? To say at least, I also wore black fishnets which were kinda cute but gave goth yet mafia vibes. I really liked the shoes which were heels but also boots. (Idk how to explain lolll) They were sturdy so I liked that. I looked myself one last time in the mirror then fixed my hair which was in a bun with some strands loose. I put on some blood red lipstick and left out of Megatron's/my room.

Am I the villain?  (Megatron x reader )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن