5. Literally a 'motherfucker'

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-after school-

(No one's POV)

Well since the accident with the shadowzone and a thing that happened with Breakdown and Bulkhead and the fact that you almost got killed a lot of times your brother agreed that outside the base you must be with Jack at all time if possible. So now you have to go with Jack at work then you often stay at Jacks home till your brother picks you up.

-at The KO drive-in-

You and Jack were walking out of the KO drive-in after his work hours finished. "Well today Kayla, youl have to ride on a bike since my mom doesn't let me ride with Arcee anymore." "Why's that?" "My mom thinks I'm messing with the wrong friend group and thinks I'll get in trouble." "Ok." As Jack sat on the bike his phone rang. "Hey, mom. O-organic tofu, awesome. Hey, uh car beats 10 speed I'll uh, I'll be home soon, love you bye." Then Jack ended the call and quickly dialed an another number. "Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up. Oh, Arcee, you wouldn't be in the garage right now?" Then Jack signaled you to hop on. You quickly hoped on the bike and Jack started going as fast as he can with it. "No, mom's on her way home, if you don't race back there right now I will be grounded for life a-and mom will make me sell you for parts." The Jack ended the call with Arcee too. "Mom problems?" "Yeah."

Then as Jack rode into the drive way you two heard a not so pleasent yell "JACK! Jack I can't believe you disobeyed me, where is the motorcycle?" You got off the bike with a little smile on your face. "Um, what do you mean? She's right where I left her." Then Jack opened the garage door to reveal the motorcycle. "Did you get one of your crew to sneak it in or did you just walk it up again." "Look, I can assure you that none of Jack's friends would break in to your house like that, though I do not believe that Jack would walk it up since we just got here." You said to the clearly angry mother. You weren't really sure if that helped or not because you only thought the she actually believed that you were one of the not so good friend group that she tought Jack was in. Well your vice does get very lower when you talk to people you don't really know. That includes Jack's mother. "Okay, mom you really wanna know? Fasten you seat belts. My motorcycle is a sentient robotic organism Drina distant planet, part of a team stationed here on Earth fighting in secret war. And I spend most of my time after school hanging with her crew." Then Jack went over to Arcee. Than Jack's mom looked at me looking for am explanation. "I can assure you that Jack has not gone crazy. Even though I  myself have lost a bit of my sanity during the more difficult times of my life. But I will not say anything more about this current situation." You said with a monotone/deep voice to her which she kinda intimidated by you. "Jack." "A-and the coolest thing, this isn't even her actual form. She's really a giant robot who can transform into a vehicle." "Enough Jack." "It's okay Arcee, show yourself." Nothing, she didn't even move a millimeter. "S-she's shy, Arcee. Really, no more hiding, no more lies. Oh, come on roll out already." "Hahah, she really left you on 'read' Jack." You said as you crossed your arms behind you back. It was really an habit now to do that. "So, um, the bad you've been hanging out with is a science fiction club? I have to get back to work, we will continue this when I get back home." Then June left for work. "Thanks for the support partner." "Don't blame me, remember-" "I know, I know you don't exist. You heard their little argue they had and smirked, then Jack went over to you. "You know that you didn't have to go full on Megatron mode on my mom." "What did I do now?!" "Well first: the deep voice, second: the choice of words, third: the arms crossed behind you back." "Dude, everyone does that. Plus the deep voice and choice of words is something I can't control, and the crossed hands behind my back has become a habit." "Fine, fine whatever you say Kayla..."

-tommorow night-

Your brother was working a night shift this week so you stayed home and were doing whatever the fuck you wanted. You were sitting on the couch when a motorcycle rew made look outside the window. "Kayla, it's urgent!"

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