10. The Satan prophecy pt 2.

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Megatron sheathed his sword and lifted it above his head ready to strike.

You saw dark energon fall from the sky like rain as it bounced off you frame. "Why is the blood of Unicron, erupting from beneath the earth?" "A question Optimus, that you shall take to your grave." Megatron finished. As he said that you saw a groundbridge open Infront of you so you quickly moved out of the way. You weren't quick enough to warn Megatron so Bulkhead lunged ou out it pushing Megatron away from Optimus. He started fighting with Megatron and you saw Arcee also come out of the groundbridge, so you lunged at her, you fighted for a bit until Ratchet threw you off into the rocks.

When you regained your composure you saw Bulkhead running to the groundbridge with Megatron chasing behind him, so instinctively you also ran after him. But you both weren't fast enough and Bulkhead entered the grounbridge as soon as it started closing. You slowed down and stood besides Megatron, you saw that you had a bunch of cuts with some dark energon leaking from them. "This is nearly the beginning. I now posses enough dark energon to reanimate Unicron himself!" He then started laughing maniacally and you couldn't help but laugh too.

-at the Autobot base-

Bumblebee opened the grounbridge for Ratchet amd Bulkhead who were holding Optimus to help him walk. "Easy Optimus, from the looks of thing you've been exposed to a massive amount of dark energon." Watched told Prime. "I am not the only one." Optimus looked at Raf. Ratchet and Bulkhead sat Optimus down on the medical berth as Optimus gave a reassuring look to Raf. "Hey." David looked down from the ground at Optimus, still mad that Megatron shot Raf with dark energon and barely survived. "He's lucky to be still alive." June intertwined with Optimus and Raf. "Megatron found more of the dark stuff?" Jack said as he was walking down some stairs. "A volcano full." Arcee answered him. "But still, who was the Decepticon with Megatron?" The humans gave a weird look at Arcee's question, while the other Autobots looked at Optimus for a explanation.

"That was Kayla." The base went silent again, some from shock, others from confusion. "B-but how?" Jack was the first to ask. Then Optimus looked at David, hoping he'd know. "Because of her necklace that our mother gave her." He was looking at the ground. "Kayla only said that it was some precious jewel, and that I couldn't tell anyone of it." He explained. "But why couldn't you tell anyone?" Arcee asked putting a hand on her hip. "She didn't tell me, but she was dead serious while saying it, which wasn't common at that time." David said while taking out a bracelet. "But why wasn't it common for her to be serious? Isn't she like that the whole time?" Miko said something for the first time. "She was... Like you, Miko. Before our parent died, after that she became like this. And now I only assume that this is normal energon. While hers was dark energon." He lifted his bracelet with a blue jewel on it.

Ratchet then leaned closer inspecting the bracelet. "Yes, that is normal energon." Ratchet said. "Okay, one mystery solved, now we have another; how did the dark energon come out of the volcano?" Bulkhead spoke up. "No, the question is what, as in what in the world is the blood of Unicron doing here on earth?" Ratchet corrected. "The cons killed an unicorn?" Miko intertwined. Every Autobot looked at her confusingly. "White horse with a horn on its head, dances around all sparky." Miko showed with her hands.

"Unicron, an ancient evil, whose fossilized blood comprises the matter which we call dark energon. As legend would have it." Ratchet gave her a small lecture. "So you're saying this Unicron is some kind of Boogeyman?" Now June made the Autobots confused. "Boogeyman?" Ratchet asked for explanation. "Make-believe creepy guy who hides in your closet." Miko explained yet again. "No, nurse Darby, Unicron is very real-was-while I do believe he once existed I just don't subscribe to the theory that his primordial life force is the substance which... Harmed Raf, and made Kayla into a Cybertronian." Ratchet said to June.

Am I the villain?  (Megatron x reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt