1. Introduction

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-At Kayla's home-

(No one's POV)

She was fast to get ready for school, though she was still a little late. Of course it was Wednesday so everything in school is gonna be shit. But the only good side was that she had art class first so she knew the teacher was gonna be at least three minutes late for class.

As she was running down the stairs she almost tripped and fell to her death two times.
"Holy shit I'm gonna die because of these stairs once."

She quickly makes a sandwich and heads to school.
On the way she feels a little cold so she puts on her black leather jacket over her dark purple oversized shirt. She also usually wore black sweat pants and black marine boots so she literally looked like she was going to war. She also had a black and purple necklace that her mother gave to her.

After some walking she got to school. She never liked school, all the weird stares and gossiping and the bullies. We can't forget obout Vince, even if he's a year younger than you. He always chooses the ones that seem the most.... Depressed? I don't know how to put it. You can just say that he has a big ego.

Nonetheless you're not very popular in your group. But you are know to be the most quiet and violent as others put it. Heck even the boys in your class get intimidated. But we can't forget the girls in the class, there is always a group of mean girls ( yet they are the most stupid), the one that fakes being depressed and likes heavy metal, the girly girl, and oh GOD do you hate her, you wanna cut open her guts till she screams for mercy and we'll see if she will like to try and be friends with you ( yes she tries to be friends with you), the actually normal one, the Tom boy aaaand the quiet one (and that's you of course).

-Time skip to recess-

When it was recess you found a table at the cafeteria and sat with all of your classmates. Soon you finished eating the small sandwich you had but otherwise you weren't even hungry. You got up and went to walk oround the school a little then you saw Vince talking, more like trash-talking to some boy the same age over some girl which you though was Sierra.
And since you don't like Vince and you were feeling generous today you went over there.

"The fuck are you doing again Vince?" You said with venom in your voice, and oh boy did he hear that hatred when you said his name.
"N-nothing, just telling Jack that that's my girl.." He stood there scared as you looked at him like he was your prey. 
"Well, first, did you even ask her does she even want to be your girlfriend. Socond of all, run from this place before I stick a dagger through your heart, not that you even have one." "Did you just-!" You looked at him even more threatening than before and actually looked like you were going to stab him. "You know what, I'll just g-go..." With that Vince disappeared in a blink of an eye.

When you turned to Jack as Vince called him you noticed that the girl was gone. "Yeah, Sierra said that she thanked you... And I thank you too for that. What is your name? By the way." He said in a rather friendly tone. "Kayla and no need to thank me. I was just feeling generous today. And don't do that friendly shit with me." I said while staring at him coldly. "Okay... So were you actually going to stab him or...?" "Yes, I was debating on if I want to stab him-" "Whoa Jack that was so cool what she did!" Some girl that had black hair with some pink parts screamed at us. "Who is that vermin?" I asked confusingly at Jack. "That is Miko." Jack looked rather annoyed at her. "First of all, I'm not a vermin. Second do you like Metal? How old are you, because you look Jack's age. Do you like monster trucks?" She asked so many questions that you kinda felt overwhelmed.

"Whoa, Miko slow down. You just met her and her name is Kayla." Jack said to the hyper energetic girl whick saved you from answering all of those questions. "Too bad that Raf didn't see this all happen." "Who on god's green earth is Raf now?!" You said fairly annoyed which now made you regret saving Jack from Vince. "Rafael is the boy with the glasses and laptop at the table in the cafeteria." Jack then showed you which direction you should look at. "You mean that 12 year old which is also a nerd that is studying to be a hacker and a doctor?" You said emotionlessly. "That was the best description of Raf I've EVER heard!" Miko said screaming which probably broke everyones earbuds. It even cought 'Raf's' attention when he was almost across the school. "Well not quite Miko..." Jack reassured us. "Yeah... I'm just gonna go to my class the bell is obout to ring and you all should too." With that you left the two and went to your class. "What have I missed?" As soon as Rafael said that the bell rang and they had to go to they're own classes.

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