7. Shut up, I like math!

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-at the Decepticon warship-

(No one's POV)

You were sitting on the armrest on Megatrons throne. He sent out Breakdown and Knockout and some troops to get a relic. It had been quite a while now since he sent them, but you heard Knockout comm Megatron, he picked you up and went to some other room in the warship.

You two enter and see Knockout and Breakdown in it. "Lord Megatron. We have the cylinder, but there is something we have to inform you." "What is it Knockout." You wondered what was the problem aswell did Megatron. "Well it's empty."

"What do you mean it's empty?" Megatron was now a little bit angry. "Lord Megatron these cylinders are not unlike batteries, the data is stored within them as a form of energy. It scanned fully charged that's how we located it to begin with, but now..." Knockout pressed something on the cylinder and it sparked on the top. "Dead battery." Breakdown said something for the first time in these past few minutes. "Did you drop it you one-eyed oaf?!" You let out a snort and held your mouth to not laugh because of what Megatron said. Megatron looked at you and seemed amused at your reaction, though no one could see that look of amusent he had luckily. "No Master. I wasn't gonna touch the thing after it put the zap on Bulkhead." Breakdown was fast to answer after you calmed down a little. "I think that that's where the data is." You said and looked at both Breakdown and Knockout, then at Megatron. "I know, and I must find out what that vessel contained. When it comes to the secrets of the ancients, knowledge can be power." You thought jokingly that those were wise words. "So, bout the data. Are we talking about mass destruction, or mass creation?" You said with a bit of a growl hidden in your voice, you really wanted it to be bout mass destruction.

"Maybe it will be both?" Knockout said uncertain about what the data could be. "Anyways, you two keep an eye on the signal if Bulkhead comes out of their base. For now we have other duties to attend to." Megatron said as you and him went out of the room and headed for the throne room.

You were sitting on Megatron's shoulder listening to music, you heard the familiar voice of Knockout and took of your headphones. "Lord Megatron, we've detected a familiar energy profile." "The data?" Megatron asked Knockout. "Bulkhead must have left the shielded radius of their base, Breakdown and I will-" "Fail me again?" Megatron said stopping Knockout to say what he was going to. "Oooooooh, you just got roasted by Lord Megatron himself." You had a wicked smile as you said that. Knockout rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.

"Soundwave, send some troops and open the groundbridge!" With that Soundwave nodded and some troops came into the room. "Wait I'm going too?" "Yes." Then you and Megatron went through the groundbridge.

When you went through Megatron quickly transformed, you screamed a little then held you mouth. "Mind warning me next time?! I could have had a heart attack!" "Fair warning, I probably won't warn you." You scoffed. "Thanks for nothing." Then you crossed your arms.

He transformed again, this time you didn't scream cause you were prepared for it. You two saw Optimus in front of you, he looked at Megatron then at you. He had a sad gaze which you tilted your head at him and gave a evil grin, your teeth-which were surprisingly very sharp- showed when you grinned at him. Prime seemed surprised then turned his gaze back at Megatron.

"Optimus, your certainly not the Autobot I expected to find here. But let me guess, you rigged a transponder to mimic the frequency of the data I seek." "Megatron I have a proposal." Then the troops pointed their guns at Optimus as he stepped forward. Megatron lifted his hand to hold their fire. You though that you wanted to have that much power too, to just lift your hand and they instantly listen to you. "I'm... Listening." "Surrender the cylinder and I will return it to you, fully restored." You were skeptical at Optimus's statement. "This trinket right here? And pray tell, what trifles did it hold that you are so anxious to give away?" "Oh, is it math?" You felt some troops look at you confused and Megatron looked at you also a bit confused, but only you saw it. "Look I like math! I got straight A's everytime. And the math teacher likes me." Megatron rolled his eyes and looked back at Optimus. "Accept my terms, and you will find out."

Megatron seemed to think about the offer. "Do you accept my proposal?" As soon as OP said that Knockout conned Megatron. "Give me a moment." Then Megatron went somewhere that Optimus couldn't hear the conversation. You scooted closer to Megatron head to hear better. "Did you find what you were looking for?" You wondered what Knockout wanted now. "It's complicated." "Well not really Megs, Optimus just wants to make a deal about the trinket." "Okay... Well Breakdown and I may have located the bogey, fully charged." "Oooooooh, are you going to kill him?!" Megatron growled a little at you, you took that as a que to 'shut the fuck up'. "Proceed." "Just one hitch, we don't have the cylinder." "Then bring me the head of Bulkhead." You turned your head to the other direction to try and not laugh.

"Lord Megatron, were good." "Optimus upon careful consideration, if you want the cylinder. You'll have to take it." Then all of the troops started shooting at Optimus and the others. Soon they killed all of the troops. "Well in that case, no one gets it." 'Thats hot, shit NO!' Then Megatron crushed the cylinder with his bare hands and dropped it. You were surprised at his strength. You wondered what can't he do. Then he turned and transformed. "Damn Megatron, what can't you do?" He chuckled a little then asked for a groundbridge.

When we were back at the ship Knockout and Breakdown came back. You were sitting on the armrest on Megatron's throne while Megatron stood up. "Did you get the data?" "No, Lord Megatron." Megatron growled at them as they took a step back. "You incompetent fools! The next time something like this happens I'll make sure that you'll be punished. You are dismissed." They turned and swiftly got out of the room. Megatron turned to you then. "As for you." "Wha- whoa-!" Megatron picked you up rather harshly and started to walk out of the room.

Ho got into your shared quarters and dropped you onto his desk. You almost landed on your face but luckyly you didn't, but you did land on your back. "Owww, even if I did do something really bad I do not deserve to have any broken bones." You said as you sat up and rubbed your back. "I think it's time you know about some rules if you're going to be one of my comrades." "Fine." You back still hurt. "First, no arguing with me, nor question the decisions I make." "Okay." "Second, you must obey my commands." "Okay..." "Third, do not interupt me while I'm talking to someone." "Okay..." "Three strikes and you'll be punished." "In what way?" "In the way of my choosing~" Megatron said almost menacingly, which definitely surprised you but also thought that it was hot. "Oh..." "Now go to your room, I have work to do." "Ok." You went to your room and layed down on your bed.

After a little while you changed your clothes to something comfortable, since it was kinda hot in there, you put on a crop top and very short shorts. You were laying on you back now still reading the book, you got to the good part and we're very focused on it. Actually too focused that you didn't hear Megatron return to his room and get into your room. "Kayla." "Yes- what the FUCK!" You jumped a little when you saw Megatron but in a human form? "The thing that you wanted Knockout to make. He finished." "Yeah, yeah..." When you looked at Megatron more he looked very, I mean VERY hot. "Like what you see?" "Wha- dude, shut up." You saw that you dropped your book on the floor. "Goddamn it." You bent down to pick it up, you put it on the night stand and went to grab some clothes that were on the floor, you then put it in the closet. Megatron just leaned on the wall and watched you. "What the fuck are you staring at?" "Nothing." Then he went and picked up the book that you were reading. "Give that back!" You ran to him but you couldn't even get close to the book. Then he put the book back and picked you up and threw you on the bed. "Dude, are you going insane?!" He just stood there with his arms crossed while you were still laying on the bed. "No, and that is one naughty book." "How the fuck do you know about that?!" "I researched." "Why?!" "If I have a human on board I need to know about them." "You don't need to know about sexual shit!" With that Megatron rolled his eyes. And got out of your room, he went back into his Cybertronian form and sat down on his bed.

After all of that you went and took a shower then went to sleep. You realized that... You kinda got turned on. Though you didn't except that, you did. You knew that he was hot, handsome... Ah shit. No, you don't except that. He will only make you sad. Shit, you stopped thinking about that and fell asleep.

Try to stay alive :))))

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