Birthday girl pt2

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When Leah and I entered the training center, my girlfriend seemed to be frenetically looking around, as if searching for something or someone amidst the bustling activity of the training center. I could sense a hint of agitation in her demeanor, her eyes darting from one left to right as she scanned the area with a sense of urgency.

"What you looking for?" I asked her, frowning.

"McCabe. She's insufferable every time it's my birthday." She explained, without stopping her active research. I smirked at her words.

"I'd say Katie is insufferable every day." I quipped, earning a chuckle from Leah.

"True, but on my birthday, she's especially insufferable," she replied, opening the locker room and immediately scanning the room.

"Birthday girl!" Lessi immediately shouted when spotting Leah, running over to her to take her in her arms. "Happy birthday," she exclaimed, pulling away from the embrace to give Leah a quick peck on the cheek.

Leah chuckled, returning the hug with equal enthusiasm. "Thanks, Lessi," she replied, her voice warm and affectionate as she squeezed the younger girl's shoulder.

Lessi beamed up at Leah, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "So, any big plans for today?" she asked, her curiosity evident in her tone as she glanced over at Leah. "I've been told no birthday party this year." She said, pouting her lip slightly as if trying to change Leah's mind.

Leah chuckled at Alessia's playful pout, shaking her head with a smile. "Sorry, Lessi, no party today," she replied. "Just keeping it low-key. Maybe next week."

"Hey, Leah, happy birthday." Another one of the girls said, approaching Leah. Soon enough, everyone in the locker room took the time to go and wish Leah a happy birthday. I observed her interact with every single one of the players, an everlasting smile on her lips.

She loved them all so much, it was evident in the way she acted towards them. She had a very special way to speak, joke, and laugh with every single one of them, proper evidence of the strong bond they shared as teammates and friends.

Kim had to step in and cut the celebration short, not without apologizing, and ordered us all to hurry up and get to the training ground.

Leah and I changed quickly, being the only ones not in our training kits, Kim waiting for us her arms crossed and her foot tapping on the ground impatiently.

Surprisingly, Katie was still nowhere to be found. I wondered if she was already on the field. She usually, or at least I thought, waited for me to arrive in the locker room so she could start annoying me early in the morning.

I always was kinda bummed when Katie wasn't around. Not that I would ever tell her that. Would never hear the end of it if I did.

When we stepped onto the field, I scanned the area, my eyes searching for any sign of Katie McCabe among the sea of players warming up and preparing for the day's training session. Despite my best efforts, she was nowhere to be found.

"Oi. Looking for me?" I suddenly heard, Katie's face appearing between mine and Leah's.

Leah almost let out a scream of surprise, her hand flying to her chest as she turned to face Katie. "Jesus, Katie, you scared the living daylights out of me," she exclaimed before she playfully swatted at Katie's arm.

Katie grinned, then jumped on Leah's back immediately, shaking her shoulders almost violently. "Happy birthday, you fucking legend!" Katie exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement as she wrapped her arms around Leah in a tight hug, nearly knocking her off balance.

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now