Date prep

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"I hate phone calls, Villanueva," Katie told me, her voice bored, as soon as she answered my call.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. But I need your help."

Katie's sigh echoed through the phone. "Fine, shoot. What do you need?"

"Okay. Let's say that, hypothetically, I wanted to like, take someone to dinner, in London. Where should I take them?"

Katie's tone shifted from boredom to curiosity. "Is it a date?"

"Why does it matter?" I asked, and she chuckled.

"Well, if it's not a date, I'll just say Nando's. If it is, I'd suggest something a bit fancier." She said, and I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"It's a date." I then confessed, and Katie laughed at the other side of the phone.

"Well, well, well. Valentina Villanueva asking for dating advice? Now, this is a first."

I rolled my eyes, knowing Katie too well. "Just answer the question, McCabe."

Katie's laughter lingered before she composed herself. "Alright, alright. For a date in London, I'd recommend something with a view. You know, make it memorable. How about the Duck & Waffle? It's a bit fancy, great food, and you get a stunning view of the city."

I considered the idea for a second, typing the name on Google. "Think they'd take a reservation for like... tonight?"

Katie's chuckle reverberated through the phone. "Valentina, my girl, you're living life on the edge, huh? They have a website to take reservations, I think. Should be easy to know." She said, and I nodded, navigating through their website quickly.

"Oh wow, pink champagne and shit," I mumbled, seeing they had a February 14th special menu. "Ah, no, it's pink champagne truffles."

"Focus, Villanueva."

Katie's deadpan response brought me back to the task at hand. "Right, right," I replied, and after a few minutes, I had a reservation set for the very same night. I sighed in relief seeing it had all worked out. "Okay. Now how do I dress?" I asked Katie. She sighed, I assumed playfully.

"Okay, I'll just come over and help you, yeah? Text me your address."

"Thank you Maccie," I said, and she groaned. 'Don't call me that', before hanging up the phone.

I texted her my address, before anxiously waiting for her, my left foot tapping on the floor to the rhythm of The Cramps' 'A Date With Elvis' album, its anarchic lyrics and psychedelic instrumentals doing very little to ease my fuming mind.

Katie arrived in her usual boisterous fashion, barging into my apartment as if my door didn't exist.

"Oi, I'm here." She said, entering my living room. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, hard not to know you're here," I said, while she chuckled, walking to my kitchen and opening my fridge.

"You got any wine?" She asked, with the entirety of her head inside my fridge.

"No, I don't drink. I mean, when you guys aren't forcing me to," I joked, and she sighed dramatically, closing the fridge after she had grabbed a can of Diet Coke. She popped it open, then sat on the arm of my couch, eyeing me from head to toe.

"Alright, what do you usually wear when you go to the restaurant?" she asked me, and I shrugged.

"Hum, a pair of jeans and a football shirt?" I answered, and she rolled her eyes.

"No, but like, when you go to fancy places."

"Katie, I'm a daughter of two immigrant Mexicans and I lived in Boyle Heights my whole life. The fancy place I usually go to is Red Lobster."

"I thought you lived in Los Angeles," Katie mumbled, before shrugging at herself. "Alright, we'll need to upgrade your wardrobe a bit for tonight. Let's see what you got."

We raided my closet, Katie tossing aside anything she deemed too casual or too "footballer-ish." After a thorough examination, she settled on a pair of tailored black trousers and a deep blue blouse.

"There, that should do the trick," she declared, looking pleased with her choices.

I eyed the outfit skeptically. "Are you sure about this? It's not really... me."

Katie waved off my concern. "Trust me, you're going to turn heads tonight."

As I changed into the selected attire, Katie continued to provide commentary and advices. "Don't forget to do something with your hair. And makeup! Do you even own makeup?"

"Hum, I have lip balm, does that count?"

Katie's exasperated groan echoed through the room. "I'm gonna call Beth. You sit on your ass, and don't wrinkle your clothes."

As Katie consulted Beth on the best makeup strategy for me, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and amusement at the lengths my friends were going to ensure this date went smoothly. Katie came back a few minutes later, her fisted hands on her waist.

"Huh, what a weird coincidence, Beth is busy helping Leah prep for a date. How very weird, right? She has a date the exact same day as you do."

I rolled my eyes at Katie's smug grin. "Great, so now my date and Leah's date are synced up. Anything else I should know?"

"Oh for god's sake, Valentina, just say it. You're head over heels for Williamson and she's head over heels for you. 'Synced up dates' my ass. You two have been eyeing each other since day one, and neither of you is good at lying. Just accept it, go on your date, and enjoy the fact that you're falling for someone incredible."

Katie's blunt assessment left me momentarily speechless. She had a knack for cutting through the layers of denial, forcing me to confront the reality of my feelings for Leah.

"Okay, okay, you're right. I like her and she likes me. Simple as that."

"Exactly!" she said, grinning, gently patting my shoulder. "Now, know that if you hurt her, I decimate you. And if she hurts you, I obliterate her. Understood?" Katie's playful threat carried a genuine undertone of protectiveness.

I chuckled, appreciating the sincerity beneath her words. "Understood."

"And don't wear Jordans."

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