Intimate haven

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"So, what do you think?" Leah asked, observing my face to see my reaction.

In front of me was Leah's living room, totally rearranged from the last time I had seen it. She had put down the blinds on her glass wall, and had put a soft orange light right behind the TV, casting a warm hue across the space. "I know we're not in a... relationship yet, and I know it's hard for you to do the simple things we do like hold hands and kiss each other's cheeks when we're outside. So I thought we'll just stay inside, together." She explained, taking my hand in hers while I still observed the setup she had made for us.

She had even put pillows on the floor, and put cut fruits in bowls on the coffee table. She knew how much I loved fruits. I understood now why she had insisted that I went back to my house for the afternoon, and that we'd spend only the evening together. She had spent her afternoon doing this. "We can just talk, or watch a movie, or just hold each other... Whatever you wanna do."

I turned around to look at her, and Leah's face showed anticipation and excitement. "I love it, Leah," I said, smiling warmly at her. "Thank you for putting so much thought into this. It means a lot."

Leah's eyes lit up at the positive reaction I had to her efforts. She took my other hand in hers too, gently tugging on them, making me step closer.

"Good, because that's all I want, Vale," Leah whispered, her voice carrying a sincerity that sent a shiver down my spine. "Just us, tonight."

I smiled again, and if there was more light, Leah would've certainly seen the soft pink my cheeks had just taken.

"Can I... can I kiss you?" I asked her, and her expression shifted, a mixture of surprise and delight painting her features. She nodded, offering me a shy smile.

I leaned in, and our lips met in a tender kiss. It felt like no matter how many times I kissed her, it only got better and better. Each kiss seemed to surpass the previous ones. They all seemed more surreal than the previous one.

When I pulled away, I saw Leah's eyes open again, and a smile reappear on her lips. She guided me to her couch, and we settled down, my body rested comfortably against hers, with my head on her shoulder, while she stroked my side gently with her thumb.

"So, what do you wanna do?" She asked me. Her question lingered in the air, inviting possibilities for the evening ahead.

Leaning back slightly to meet Leah's gaze, I offered a sincere grin. "Tell me about you. Anything you want."

Leah's eyes sparkled with a genuine warmth as she began to share snippets of her life, and the things that brought her joy. The soft glow of the orange light casts a warm ambiance, creating an intimate atmosphere within the living room.

As Leah spoke, her voice carried a comforting cadence, and her words painted vivid pictures of her experiences. From childhood memories to favorite TV shows, Leah opened up in a way that felt both casual and profound.

I listened, captivated by the authenticity of her stories. Not interrupting her once. She talked to me about her parents, about her brother, about how big of a place football had in her life. In her family.

She talked to me about Milton Keynes, and about her holidays away from it. She talked to me about her grandma, about her mother. About the first time she had met Kelly Smith. She recounted to me her first-ever goal for Arsenal, when she was just 17. She talked to me about how amazing it had felt to win the Euro with England. The pride and joy in her voice were palpable, and each word she told me made me feel closer to her.

As Leah transitioned from one story to another, I found myself drawn to her authenticity, appreciating the layers of her identity that she willingly revealed.

Leah's touch remained a constant, a gentle reassurance that spoke volumes without uttering a word.

After two whole hours of talking, we turned on the TV, only to end up kissing more than watching.

The warmth of Leah's embrace, the softness of her lips against mine, and the genuine conversations we had woven a narrative of intimacy had surpassed any external expectations.

Leah's fingers traced soothing patterns on my back as our laughter mingled with the movie soundtrack. Even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to recall a single character from that movie.

The weight of the day's earlier struggles gradually dissipated in the warmth of Leah's presence.

Leah's lips found mine in moments that felt both spontaneous and electric.

As the credits rolled on the forgotten movie, Leah turned off the TV, and asked me the same question I had a few hours earlier: "Talk to me about you. Anything you want."

So I told her about the very little I remembered from Mexico. My grandma, always sat on the same chair, every day of the year, almost never moving. My cousin Anton, who had taught me how to shoot in a ball. I spoke of the sloping streets of Taxco, the vibrant colors of the local roofs, and how much I had always loved being outside. Then, I told her about California. I spoke of the sunny beaches, the cool breeze, and the beauty of the City of Angels. I told her about the kids of my neighbors, three Brazilian boys, who had allowed me to play football with them every day growing up. I told her about my best friend Charlotte, who was living across the street. And who was very bad at football, but loved it with all her heart.

Leah listened to me attentively, her eyes showing genuine interest in everything I told her. Every single detail. Her fingers continued to trace gentle patterns on my back, creating a soothing rhythm that matched the flow of my words.

It was only around 1 in the morning that we both stopped talking, appreciative of the comforting silence in the room.

Leah's gaze met mine, a silent invitation to bask in the simplicity of the moment. With a tender smile, she leaned in, and our lips met in a slow, unhurried kiss. The warmth of the connection echoed in the quiet room, a testament to the unspoken understanding between us.

When she pulled away, Leah's hand found mine, fingers intertwining in a subtle yet profound gesture.

"I'm glad we did this," Leah whispered, her voice carrying a soft sincerity. I nodded, unable to articulate the depth of my gratitude for this tranquil refuge she had created.

Leah shifted slightly, adjusting the pillows around us, and inviting me to lay down next to her. Which I immediately did, her body spooning mine gently, her lips kissing my shoulder silently, before her forehead laid against the back of my neck.

Wrapped in the warmth of Leah's embrace, the soft orange glow creating an intimate haven, I felt a profound sense of contentment.

As I closed my eyes, the weight of the day gradually lifting, I realized how fortunate I was to have Leah by my side. The depth of our connection, and the ease with which we navigated vulnerability, showed just how authentic and powerful our relationship was. 

I had rarely ever fallen asleep as fast as I did with Leah's arms around me, my body even ignoring how uncomfortable a couch was supposed to be. Leah's soft breath against my neck, the rhythmic patterns her fingers traced on my stomach, made me feel safe and loved.

With a whispered "goodnight," Leah held me a little tighter, and we drifted into a peaceful slumber. More peaceful than I had been in maybe forever.

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora