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I opened the door and entered, not bothering to hold it for the person behind me. I spotted Beth, Katie, and Viv sitting at a table, and immediately walked to it, before sitting down with a huff, my arms crossed, my face showing evident annoyance.

Leah walked in a few seconds later, and I didn't even have to look at her to know she had a stupid smirk plastered on her face. Which was beautiful, but equally as stupid.

Beth, Katie, and Viv exchanged knowing glances, fully aware that something had transpired.

I leaned back in my chair, still wearing a scowl, arms crossed. "You took your sweet time," I remarked, my annoyance evident in my tone.

Leah slid into the chair beside me, her smirk evolving into a mischievous grin. "Well, someone didn't bother to hold the door," she retorted, her gaze locking with mine.

Beth chuckled, breaking the tense atmosphere. "Alright, spill it. What happened?" she prodded, a gleam of curiosity in her eyes.

Katie leaned forward, her grin widening. "Trouble in paradise?" she teased, clearly enjoying the prospect of some drama.

"Ask her." I simply said, offering Leah a side-eye, while she giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Okay. You're being dramatic." She said, and I huffed. "I made fun of her taste in 'music'." She explained, and I gasped at her audacity when she made air quotes with her fingers.

"What're you listening to?" Katie asked, sipping on her drink like she was in front of a movie.

I looked over at her, hesitating for a second. "" I then admitted, before quickly explaining myself. "It's not like it's the only thing I'm listening to, but like, I like some country artists. She acts like I listen to clown songs!"

The revelation about your taste in music had the table erupting into laughter. Beth, Katie, and Viv exchanged amused glances, clearly finding the situation entertaining.

"Cowboy Valentina over here," Katie teased, her playful tone adding to the amusement.

"Shut up. Y'all only listen to-"

"Oh, you say y'all now? What's next? You're gonna ride a horse to training?" Beth said, and Viv chuckled. I had my next victim.

"Okay. Your girl here," I told Beth, pointing to Viv with my thumb. "She's laughing, but she's a fan of Taylor Swift. Tell me Taylor Swift didn't start her career by making country songs."

Beth laughed, conceding the point. "Alright, fair enough. But Taylor Swift evolved, you know? Can't say the same for some cowboy tunes."

Viv joined in, defending her music choice with a grin. "Hey, Taylor Swift is a queen. Nothing wrong with a bit of country pop."

"You're all being very bad friends right now," I said, not having any more arguments to add to the conversation. Leah giggled, draping her arm over my shoulders.

"Aww, don't worry, Val. We can still be friends even if you have questionable taste in music," Leah teased, her mischievous grin softening into a playful expression.

I mumbled profanities under my breath in response. All was forgiven though, when Leah removed her hand from my shoulder and discreetly placed it on my thigh, her fingers drawing mindless patterns against my black jeans.

"What do you wanna eat?" Leah then asked, and Katie immediately gave me a menu, clearly excited to know what I was going to choose. I don't know what is it with this girl and Nando's...

"Don't know, I've never had Nando's before," I confessed, and Katie immediately gasped in shock at my revelation.

"You've never had Nando's?!" Katie exclaimed, her disbelief escalating to a level of mock horror. Beth and Viv exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying the unfolding drama.

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now