New phone

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"Excuse me," I said, a smirk on my lips, walking towards Leah. She let go of the phone she was looking at and turned around, raising an eyebrow at me. "I saw you from across the store, and I thought 'damn, I've never seen a woman so beautiful'. And then you turned around, and I almost had a heart attack seeing your pretty face. So... can I get your number?" I said, a grin on my lips, handing her my new phone.

Leah blushed and rolled her eyes at my words, scoffing. "You're so silly, Maria Valentina," she said, taking my phone and putting her number in. "You hadn't backed up your iPhone, had you?"

"No ma'am."

Leah chuckled softly at my response, shaking her head in mock exasperation as she finished inputting her number into my phone. "Well, lucky for you, I've got a soft spot for silly girls," she teased, handing my phone back to me with a playful smile. "I still don't know who's worse for what happened yesterday, you or McCabe."

"Hey, definitely her." I defended. "She threw my phone in a fucking river. Like, she could've just hung up and deleted my mom's number."

Leah laughed at my defense, shaking her head in amusement. "Fair point," she conceded with a chuckle. "But I think we can both agree that your mom's number is better off at the bottom of a river."

I grinned at Leah's agreement, nodding. "Definitely," I replied with a smirk, slipping my phone back into my pocket. "But hey, at least now I have an excuse to get a shiny new phone."

"Well, yours was a dinausor," she said, shrugging. "Now come on, we gotta go or we're gonna be late to training."

I nodded, proudly taking her hand in mine, and following her as we left the Apple store.

It had been difficult, and long, to finally feel proud and shameless holding Leah's hand outside. But now that I had, I didn't spend a single second walking next to her without her fingers intertwined with mine.

We walked back to my car, and I drove both of us to London Colney, while Leah put some music on and set up my new phone.

"You're doing something stupid," I said, when I saw Leah smirk, my phone in her hands. "I see it in your eyes. What are you putting in my phone, Williamson?"

Leah chuckled mischievously, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she glanced up at me from my phone. "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not doing anything," she said, feigning innocence, her grin widening as she tapped away at the screen.

I raised an eyebrow, keeping my eyes on the road, and reached out to try and grab my phone, while Leah giggled and kept it at a safe distance from my hand.

"Hey. Both hands on the wheel, baby." She ordered, and I scoffed, rolling my eyes yet reluctantly obeying her.

"Like you don't have your hand on my thigh at all times when you're the one driving."

Leah laughed at my playful jab, her cheeks flushing slightly as she shot me a playful glare. "That's different," she retorted with a smirk, her hand drifting down to rest lightly on my thigh as she leaned closer. "That's just for safety reasons."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her response, feeling a warm rush of affection wash over me at her playful banter. "Sure, sure," I replied with a grin, glancing over at her briefly before returning my focus to the road ahead. "Whatever you say, Williamson."

Leah grinned back at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she leaned in to press a quick kiss to my cheek. "You know you love it," she teased, her voice tinged with laughter as she settled back in her seat, her hand still resting comfortably on my thigh.

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now