Toast and fascism

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I woke up the next morning to a strong smell of coffee invading my nostrils, accompanied by soft rays of light gently hitting my face.

As I opened my eyes, the soft rays painted a warm glow across the room, revealing the familiar surroundings of Leah's living room.

With a stretch and a yawn, I sat up, blinking away the remnants of sleep. The source of the inviting scent became evident as I spotted Leah in the kitchen, focused on preparing breakfast.

"Good morning," she greeted with a warm smile, glancing over her shoulder as she poured coffee into a mug. "Sleep well?"

I smiled, and walked up to her, nodding softly. "Yeah, slept surprisingly well," I said, as she offered me a cup of coffee. I took it in my hands, thanking her, the hot beverage warming up both the mug and my fingers. "You're up early." I noticed, taking note of her wet hair and fresh clothes.

"Yeah, I have interviews to do this morning." She explained, leaning against her counter, and putting her cup away.

I saw it as an opportunity, and immediately walked over to her, placing my own coffee on the counter and then draping my arms around her neck. Leah instantly smiled at the contact, her hands resting on my hips.

"Hi." I giggled slightly, and she did the same, her nose scrunching slightly, in the most adorable way possible.

"Hi," She whispered back, our noses brushing against each other. "I would so kiss you right now if I had brushed my teeth." 

I chuckled at her comment. "I can wait," I teased, and a soft laugh escaped her lips.

"Yesterday was nice." Leah then commented, her blue-grey eyes never leaving my brown ones.

"It was more than nice," I replied, my fingers gently playing with the baby hair on the back of her neck. "It was exactly what I needed. Thank you for everything."

Leah's smile widened, a genuine warmth lighting up her eyes. "Anytime." With a lingering smile, she pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. "Breakfast together before I have to leave?" she suggested, gently disentangling herself from our embrace.

I nodded in agreement, my body suddenly cold without hers glued to it.

"Can I borrow a hoodie?" I asked her, and she turned around, both frowning and smirking.

"You mean a jumper?"

I rolled my eyes at her words, playfully poking her shoulder. "Yes, a jumper, whatever. Can I?"

Leah laughed at my playful jab, the sound filling the room with a contagious warmth. "Of course, you can," she said, heading towards a closet in the hallway. She returned with a grey oversized hoodie, which she handed to me. "Here you go."

I slipped into the comfortable hoodie, relishing the warmth it provided. "Thanks," I said, giving Leah a grateful smile. It carried a faint trace of Leah's scent, and I subtly took a second to smell it, my eyes closing at the sensation.

Leah went back to preparing breakfast, and I watched her operate, silently sipping on my coffee, sitting at the bar overlooking the kitchen, observing her every move.

I couldn't help but admire the grace with which she navigated the space, her every action reflecting how comfortable she was in her own body. And how could she not?

She was athletic, strong, tall, toned, and utterly beautiful.

As I continued to watch her, a thought occurred to me. "Do you cook often?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Leah grinned, glancing over her shoulder as she put a piece of bread in the toaster. "Well, I mostly cook to survive. I'm not much of a... domestic kind of person."

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now