Back at Heathrow

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I was back at Heathrow.


Somehow, this place felt familiar and foreign at the same time, a constant reminder of the transient nature of my existence. The bustling crowds, the cacophony of languages, the endless rows of departure gates stretching out before me like a maze.

It was like I had been here a thousand times before, each visit blending seamlessly into the next until they all blurred together in a haze of memories and emotions.

Weirdly enough, I had somehow managed to sit exactly on the same seat I had been sitting on the last time I was there.

I glanced around the bustling terminal, my eyes drawn to the sea of faces passing by. I was becoming better and better at tuning out the sounds around me. Probably because I was so used to doing it on game day.

I took a second to take in the sounds surrounding me.

An announcement was made; "Flight BA172 to Madrid is now boarding at Gate 26. Passengers are kindly requested to proceed to the gate for boarding."

Yeah. How fucking ironic, I thought, rolling my eyes.

With a bitter twist of irony, I couldn't help but scoff at the announcement, my lips curling into a wry smile as I glanced towards Gate 26. Madrid.

The simple idea of setting foot in this place had been scaring the shit out of me for weeks.

I looked down at my phone. I had no new notifications.

For a brief moment, I wondered what Leah was doing right now.

I wondered if she was thinking about me. If she was worried about me. If she regretted our fight. I wondered if she was okay, if she had eaten anything, if she had managed to get some sleep. I wondered if she missed me as much as I missed her.

But above all else, I wondered if she still loved me.

Because I did. God, did I love her.

I thought back to when I had left our house to go to Katie's. I remembered throwing up, the exact second I had closed the door.

Sure, we had talked. And sure, we felt somehow a tiny bit better than we did a few days ago. It was still agonizingly painful to be apart from her, to feel her absence like a gaping hole in my chest.

We had...Well, she. She had decided it was better I stayed at Katie's for a few more days. Even after the news. I didn't even have the strength to argue with her.

I sighed and looked up from my phone to the arrivals screen above me.

Barcelona. Tokyo. Los Angeles. Paris. Taiwan. New York. Buenos Aires. Sydney. Madrid.

One thing I knew, I was so glad I was staying in London.

"Valentina!" I looked up at the sound of my name, my heart skipping a beat as I saw a familiar figure making her way towards me through the crowd.

Charlotte, with a huge, stupid smile on her face, ran towards me with her suitcase trailing behind, almost knocking people over but having absolutely no care in the world.

I couldn't help but grin at the sight of Charlotte barreling towards me, her infectious energy lighting up the bustling terminal like a beacon of joy. Despite the heaviness in my heart, her presence never failed to lift my spirits, even if only for a moment.

"Charlotte!" I called out, my voice filled with genuine delight as I rose from my seat to greet my best friend.

As she reached me, she enveloped me in a tight hug, her arms squeezing me with all the force of a hurricane as she spun me around in a whirlwind of laughter and excitement. "Valentina, oh my god, it's been too long!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm as she finally released me from her embrace.

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now