From LAX to LHR

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I closed my eyes, for just a second. It felt so good, I closed them again.

I laid my hands on the ground, and smiled at the feeling of the fresh-cut grass under my fingers.

The California sun was shining bright above me, and not a single sound seemed to come from around.

And no sound did, just a football, thrown at my head by my best friend. It wasn't strong enough to hurt, but just enough to piss me off.

I opened my eyes, and Charlotte's head hung right before me, keeping the sun from hitting my pupils again.

"Fuck off, Lotte." I mumbled, though I couldn't hide my smile. Charlotte laughed loudly, before sitting on the grass next to me, as I automatically put my head on her thighs.

"Watcha thinking about?" She asked, closing her eyes, as if trying to tan from the still feverish sunshine of January.

"How I'm gonna miss the sun." I replied, sighing.

"Well, they have a newspaper called The Sun there, if that makes you feel better." She joked, and I rolled my eyes at that poor attempt to make me laugh.

"I know, yeah." I simply replied.

"I can't believe you're really leaving." She muttered, looking down at me. I shrugged, smiling.

"I worked hard for it. I'm ready."

And I was. I had enough anxiety to kill an alligator, but I was ready.

"You think they already have a song for you?" She asked, and I frowned at the question.


"The Gooners, duh." She replied, looking at me as if I was stupid.

"Oh, yeah no, I don't think so. I mean... I'm not gonna be like, a star player, you know, I'm only gonna warm up the bench." I said, and Charlotte clapped her tongue against her palate, shaking her head.

"Bullshit. Maybe they bought you as that, but it's also a WSL team who bought a high school player. That never happens. So trust me, you're gonna end up in the starting eleven. Every single week." She said confidently, and I laughed.

"Oh yeah? Who am I gonna replace, huh? All they have are top players. I sure as hell ain't gonna take Miedema's place. Or Beth's, for that matter."

Charlotte scoffed, playfully pushing my head away from her lap. "Beth's a beast, I give you that. But mark my words, you're going to surprise everyone. Just wait and see. And, by the way, you could totally give Miedema a run for her money."

I sat up, propping myself on my elbows. "You're getting too optimistic, and you're delusional, Charlotte. I'm not even half the player Vivianne is. The girl's league top scorer, in the history of the league."

"Valentina Villanueva, you are a pain in my ass. It's the last day we spend together for god knows how long. Let me butter you up for a minute, will you?" Charlotte dramatically sighed, and I giggled at her words.

With a contemplative look, I gazed into the horizon. "I appreciate the pep talk, but it's a whole different league out there."

Charlotte leaned in, her eyes serious. "Remember the time everyone thought we couldn't win that championship? And then you scored that insane goal? And two other? In the freaking finals?!"

"Yeah, but this is the Women's Super League, not our high school championship."

She smirked. "Vale, a pitch is a pitch. Soccer is soccer. Don't let the big names intimidate you. You're destined for greatness."

I rolled my eyes, smirking. "Okay, first. Soccer is not soccer. Soccer is football." I said, and Charlotte let out a frustrated groan.

"Alright, I give up. No more butter for you." Charlotte said, and I scoffed, gently shoving her shoulder.

"I'm gonna miss your big ass head, Lotte." I said, sincerely.

"And it's gonna miss you too, Vale." She laughed. "Now, you better exchange shirt with Sam Kerr and then send it to me when you guys play Chelsea."

I raised an eyebrow at her request. "You think I'm gonna swap shirts with a Chelsea player? Girl, you crazy. I dont touch anything that blue without a gas-mask on."

"Br-" Charlotte was about to reply, when my mother's voice cut her off.

"¡Valentina, vámonos!"

Charlotte stoop up before me, offering
me her hands to help me up.

I grabbed Charlotte's hands, rising from the grass with a wince. Leaving was hard. I was leaving behind so many great things for so many new things. It was as exciting as it was painful.

"Well, this it it, I guess.." Charlotte mumbled, showing a little sadness, which was extremely rare coming from her. Her hands in her pockets, she looked down at the grass, her boots tapping into the ground anxiously. I took her in my arms, my head resting against her shoulder.

"I'll come back, yeah? Maybe I'll get called for the national team, who knows?"

"Yeah, who knows." Charlotte chuckled, pressing my shoulders slightly with her hands, pulling away. "You go get them, baby." She said. I simply chuckled, then nodded.

"You know it." I said, winking. "I love you."

"Yeah, I love you too." She replied, ruffling my hair one last time before I had to leave, my mother shouting my name again.

Soon enough, I was in my mom's car, driving to LAX. I wasn't so close to my parents. Our goodbyes were brief, and soon enough I was in the plane, flying to Heathrow Airport.

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now